Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary took part in Denmark's Flag Day 2019

On September 5, 2019, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary of Denmark took part in a respect ceremony held in connection with Denmark's Flag Day. The respect ceremony took place at 'The Citadel' (Kastellet) in Copenhagen. The objective of the ceremony was to honor soldiers and officials who are or have been deployed abroad by Denmark. A church service was also held at Holmen's Church. Concerning celebrations took place at Christiansborg Palace Square, Copenhagen. September 5 is an official day aiming to pay respect to Denmark's deployed soldiers and celebrated with various ceremonies and events across the country.
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata flower print midi skirt, double breasted pink coat, she carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana clutch
Crown Princess Mary wore Andiata Flower Print Midi Skirt
Andiata Flower Print Midi Skirt
Crown Princess Mary carried Naledi Copenhagen Allana Latte Ostrich ClutchCrown Princess Mary in Gianvito Rossi Gianvito Patent Leather Pumps
Naledi Copenhagen Allana Clutch          Gianvito Rossi Leather Pumps

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  1. Anonymous5/9/19 21:21

    Mary looks lovely, and I really like her hat, with the variation front and back brim shapes.
    Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous6/9/19 22:13

      Overall nice, but a big too big for her tinny frame. Was it borrowed from Maxima. :)

  2. A handsome, elegant couple... 10 of 10 for Mary's outfit!

  3. As always CP Mary so elegant!

  4. They both look super elegant. Mary managed to include a floral midi skirt into a very formal outfit - a daring endeavour but turned out so well. And somehow the very neutral colours and the dreary weather seems to match this solemn occasion.

  5. Anonymous5/9/19 23:33

    Absolutely fantastic. Both look like on a cover page of Vogue.Great look for both.

  6. Anonymous6/9/19 01:51

    The hat makes this outfit. Snappy,snazzy, pizzazy.

  7. Mary always looks so stunning. I love this site!! I check it every single day from the US.

  8. Anonymous6/9/19 03:46

    Love the hat and the skirt. Hate the jacket. Too much padding on the shoulder and pretty bulky.

    1. Anonymous6/9/19 14:40

      I'm not a big fan of that jacket either. The colour is nice though. But I like the hat and skirt as well. - Siri

    2. I am another with reservations about the jacket. I know it’s autumn but this looks quite wintry to me. On the other hand, it certainly provides appropriate formality. Just love the hat

  9. Oh dear, another Maxima!

    1. Ik denk dat u een grote fan bent van Maxima.....

  10. What a beautiful and sophisticated outfit, fantastic structured jacket with a bit of shoulder pads, looks like the are coming back. The hat is just splendid.

  11. A very good choice of outfit for a solemn occasion in late summer /early autumn. Floral skirt with olive tones and a jacket with a military touch but still feminine with the light colour and small peplum.

    I don't think that the hat fits well with the look. It is too big in my eyes - her face is almost swallowed by the hat, which seems to be some kind of strawhat that with its playful curved rim I would rather see suitable for a summery garden party.

    1. Anonymous6/9/19 20:42

      Beth, you are right. The hat is a fail. A big one! Frieda

  12. Anonymous6/9/19 06:41

    Mary looks like she is drowning under the hat ;)

  13. Quel superbe couple... J'aime beaucoup le look de Mary avec cette veste au joli boutonnage… Par contre, je suis moins fan de son chapeau qui semble un peu trop grand !!!

  14. Such an elegant look, she looks great!
    I would prefer to see a smaller hat on her, but she looks amazing.

    Just a note: I just not realised that is already cold and raining on Denmark!

  15. Verspieltes trifft auf Strenge. Im Spiel der Mode ein sehr guter Schachzug. Eine Jacke im Uniformstil zu wählen zeigt planvolles Verhalten. Die Schulterform der Jacke zeugt von Modeverstand und ist eine subtiler und eleganter Hinweis auf die 80er. Die gedeckten Farben passen sich gut dem Anlass an. Ein wunderbares Beispiel, dass man unterschiedliche Stile und Texturen kombinieren kann und sollte. Viel besser, die schon vorhandenen Kleidungsstücke neu zu stylen als sich immer wieder neue Sachen zu kaufen. Also: nicht nur ein schönes sondern auch eine achtsames Outfit um den Dannebrog zu ehren.

    1. Sehr schön gesagt, @Hedy, ich lese deine Ausführungen gerne, da spricht viel Modesachvestand heraus, und ja, manche werden es nicht mögen, aber die 80er sind zurück :-)) Wenn die Schulterpolster so dezent sind wie hier und mit einem femininen Rock kombiniert, habe ich nichts dagegen. Ich bin in den 1980er Jahren aufgewachsen und es war eine tolle Zeit.

    2. @Beth Vielen Dank für diese lieben Worte. Ich lese deine Ausführungen genauso gerne, denn sie verfügen ebenfalls über sehr viel Sachverstand und noch mehr zeugen sie von einer Lebenserfahrung, die man nur bekommt, wenn man das Leben in all seinen Facetten erfahren konnte und kann. Und ich mag es auch, wenn du zu "vorwitzigen" Kommentatoren die Meinung geigst. Das ist Courage!

    3. Anonymous7/9/19 06:16

      How old are you both? The way you are talking about fashion let guess that you must be both born at the beginning of the 20st century. There is a lot of Fräulein Rottenmaier in it. Or german is just not your mother language. Don't get me wrong: I'm guessing for quiete a while because your use of language is so artifical.

  16. Anonymous6/9/19 20:40

    A big no! Mary drowns under this massive hat. Kind of ridiculous. She has to twist her head just to be able to look out of the depth of her hat. No. Cheers, Frieda

  17. Die Jacke ist sehr elegant , so wie der Hut auch der Blumenrock ist für so einen Anlass eher unpassend !!


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