Spanish Royals attended the annual summer photo session at the Marivent Palace

On August 4, 2019, Spanish royal family held a photo session at the Marivent Palace in Palma de Mallorca. King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Crown Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia attended the 2019 summer photo session. The Spanish royal family spends their traditionally summer holidays at the Marivent Palace in Palma de Mallorca. (Queen Letizia wore a floral midi dress by Adolfo Dominguez.)
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Princess Leonor wore Mango floral print top and trousers, Queen Letizia wore a pink floral print v-neck summer dress
Queen Letizia wore Adolfo Dominguez floral dress
Adolfo Dominguez Floral Midi Dress
Queen Letizia wore Mint & Rose Sardinia Suede Shoes
Mint & Rose Sardinia Suede Shoes

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  1. Anonymous4/8/19 23:33

    Love Letizia’s dress. The print is beautiful and it fits her perfectly. The espadrilles are the right shoe for the season and location. I have the same pair and I’m a little jealous mine never stay that perfectly tied. Felipe looks handsome. Both girls look nice in their outfits. With their hair braided back you can see how sun streaked it has gotten this summer.

  2. Those girls are so beautiful!

  3. They all look great. Beautiful girls sand very appropriately dressed. It bothers me that Felipe and his mother are always holding Leonor's hand. She's 13 years old and very capable of walking by herself, like her sister. Enough hand holding already.

    1. I couldn’t agree more, it borders on weird. Only royal family that does this.

    2. Anonymous5/8/19 07:15

      Agree, they don't come across autonom.

    3. They are just a lovely touchy, feely family. What is weird of being affectionate with your children or grandchildren. Because of news stories of inappropriate behaviour and child abuse now all families are being scrutinised and set upon for just being "normal". There is nothing weird about them.

    4. Anonymous5/8/19 14:40

      Was für ein dummer Kommentar. Jetzt lasst mal die Kirche im Dorf. Was hat denn das Alter mit Händchen halten zu tun? Man kann selbst noch mit 40 die Hand der Eltern halten und umkehrt. Das sind nur ein paar Sekunden/Minuten Zuneigung zwischen Eltern und Kind. Ein liebevolles Zeichen.

    5. Weiß ich nicht, Elisabeth. Mir jedenfalls war es in diesem Alter furchtbar peinlich, wenn mich Omma an die Hand nehmen wollte. So eine Geste kann auch besitzergreifend sein, und wie schon jemand schrieb: es ist auffallend, wie unterschiedlich die emeritierte Königin die Enkelkinder behandelt. Warum soll man sich dazu nicht äußern?

    6. Southernbelle: eso es falso. En la Familia Real Belga van con frecuencia cogidos de la mano y hay miembros de igual y mayor edad que Leo y Sofi.

    7. Anonymous5/8/19 19:42

      Leo 😄

    8. I don't see the constant hand-holding between Felipe and Leonor in other photos (as with the two in this group) but I do notice the constant smothering hand-holding between the former queen and these two particular granddaughters. She can't leave them alone. I loved my father to pieces and perhaps Leonor is extremely close to her dad (and no, I don't mean in a weird way). The four of them are a very close family. More power to them.

    9. Have you ever thought that maybe is Leonor who likes to hold hands?
      When I was her age, I loved to hold hands with my father. And I still do it sometimes when we are together. There is nothing wrong with that.

  4. Anonymous5/8/19 00:42

    De cintura para arriba el vestido luce anticuado, no me gusta el corte y confección del escote.
    Pero muchísimo mejor este vestido que las usuales camisetillas.
    Las niñas mejor con este pelo recogido, no con toda la melena en la cara, en pleno verano.
    El pijama de Leonor no me gusta en absoluto. La niña Sofía parece tener mejor gusto y ser más resuelta...sin ser maleducada.

    1. Estas niñas van siempre perfectamente peinadas y jamás tienen la melena en la cara, esas son las de tu compatriota, de cuyas greñas nunca has dicho ni pío, qué raro...
      Debería darte vergüenza hablar así de una niñas de 13 años, vaya elementa.

    2. Anonymous5/8/19 18:26

      Que clase hablar de “greñas”

    3. Anonymous5/8/19 18:32

      Elles sont belles la princesses !

    4. Anonymous5/8/19 19:44

      Excuse-moi, il faut lure: elles sont belles les princesses !

    5. Anonymous6/8/19 00:39

      No sé de qué hablas, Angie.
      Además, no entiendo tu exquisito vocabulario.

    6. Sí que lo sabes, te tengo calada. Mi vocabulario lo elijo expresamente para alguien tan hater como tú, que no mereces otra cosa.

    7. Anonymous6/8/19 23:38

      Te estàs equivocando...¿mi compatriota? Soy española. No sé de qué hablas,
      Y no veo que haya nada de malo en decir que las niñas llevan la melena en la cara, hay miles de fotos donde se ve, aquí sacan cuatro fotos muy muy escogidas.
      Vamos, que estás negando lo evidente y eso pone en evidencia lo que intentas negar.

    8. Anonymous7/8/19 03:12

      Angie, absolutamente ordinaria tu manera de expresarte, hables con quien hables.

    9. Si dices el vestido "luce" anticuado... no pensarás que nadie crea que eres española jajajajaja. Si es que destrozais el idioma

  5. Anonymous5/8/19 01:16

    Just beautiful! Everyone looks great, and it is another fabulous dress for Letizia.

  6. Anonymous5/8/19 02:29

    Yo los encuentro muy guapos y adecuadamente vestidos a todos. Se nota que la reina se esfuerza en hacer un buen papel.

  7. It's not just that the girls are beautiful, but the way they are being raised that is highly commendable. And an extra challenge in the glare of the public eye and high public expectations. You can just tell what a good job the parents are doing.

    1. I 100% agree. It's lovely how highly both princesses are being raised with the overwhelming press expectation in Spain. I praise Letizia specially. Only a few days ago she was heard praising to her daughters a young girl working at the beach club by telling them "she works and studies at the same time. That's effort". Coming from a middle class background where she had to work in order to get her Masters, no one better than Letizia to know how important it is to work hard.....and if you come from a privileged background even more so.

      I love how the family looks, specially the girls. It's so refreshing to see young teen girls dressed like girls and not mature adults as so often these days. I'm also totally in love with Letizia's espadrilles. All of them :)

    2. I fully agree with Alunda.

  8. Anonymous5/8/19 03:50

    Las niñas son adorables !

  9. Letizia looks radiant, what a pretty dress, love the back and the flare of the skirt, the espadrilles are perfect for this outfit. The girls looks as beautiful as ever. Beverly24, I agree with your comment above, these 2 are always appropriately dressed, no rush to look older. I read with dismay how some of the usual trolls in some Spanish blogs criticize Letizia, for not parading her daughters on every occasion, I think that there will be plenty of photos once the become of age and the paparazzi start harassing them.
    Now, about Felipe, those pants, belt ,and shoes are just awful, notwithstanding that he is a very attractive man.

    1. Cherry Blossom, in german we say: "Schöne Männer kann nichts entstellen!" (I think in english it is: Beautiful men cannot disfigure anything)

    2. What´s wrong with Felipe´s trousers, belt and shoes? I think they look just fine, in fact, he´s one of the few royal men that generally wear well-fitting trousers. I wonder why you find them awful?

    3. Well Vanessa, wonder no more, I find the pants excessively long, I believe they are jeans, and they could be adjusted so they don't fold over, the belt is just ugly, and so are the shoes, the whole ensemble is just not flattering, he looks like my father, ( no offense, my dad is super-duper handsome) and that is just my personal taste, obviously you like it, so be it... that is why they make vanilla and chocolate 😀

    4. Well Vanessa, wonder no more, I find the pants excessively long, I believe they are jeans, and they could be adjusted so they don't fold over, the belt is just ugly, and so are the shoes, the whole ensemble is just not flattering, he looks like my father, ( no offense, my dad is super-duper handsome) and that is just my personal taste, obviously you like it, so be it... that is why they make vanilla and chocolate 😀

  10. Anonymous5/8/19 06:42

    Love all the outfits. Such a beautiful family 💛

  11. Anonymous5/8/19 06:47

    La niña Leonor, de la mano del padre.

    1. Qué extraña forma de expresarse...Aquí nadie dice el "hombre" Felipe o la "mujer Letizia y mucho menos "la niña" Leonor jajajaj

  12. It strikes me every time again how beautiful Leonor becomes. From a little kid to a teenager, she gets more and more beautiful!

    1. Anonymous5/8/19 16:59

      That first and 8th pic of Leonor...what a stunningly beautiful girl ❤

    2. Yes, I especially meant picture no. 8! She is not only pretty and beautiful, but she also looks so... serene. I think that's the word that suits her attitude and behaviour.

    3. Anonymous6/8/19 07:24

      Serene...yes, that she is. This enchances her beauty even more.

  13. Anonymous5/8/19 07:37

    J'adore cette famille, très unie, ils posent de manière très naturelle,
    les filles se comportent comme correspond à cet âge là. Bravo.

    1. Anonymous5/8/19 09:40

      No están unidos en absoluto. Poasn para la foto.
      Por qué Leonor va siempre de la mano de alguien?

    2. Anonymous5/8/19 16:27

      Por que os molesta tanto ver eso ?

    3. Anonymous5/8/19 16:29

      Je suis d’accord avec toi, une belle famille !

    4. Busca ayuda. Estás fatal, anon 11:40

  14. Anonymous5/8/19 10:34

    Magnifique famille !

  15. Such lovely photos, they all look great, fresh, summery and relax.

  16. Anonymous5/8/19 12:04

    Vestido perfecto, perfecta reina guapísima , perfectas princesas. Cada día son más bellas y dulces. Las dos. Es un orgullo verlas comportarse tan bien. Gracias a dios son niñas que no quieren crecer antes de tiempo y eso se lo debemos a su padre y a su madre

    1. Anonymous6/8/19 01:21

      Estoy de acuerdo contigo !

  17. They all look great. Love Letizia's dress both style and colours. The girls also look great - I particularly like Leonor's jumpsuit.

  18. Anonymous5/8/19 16:49

    Leonor and Sofia look so lovely with their hair off their faces, but why the same hairstyle. At least they're wearing different outfits and shoes. Beautiful photos of the FOUR of them (hint-hint).

    1. Anonymous6/8/19 13:05

      They may not mind having the same hairstyle. My sister and I are about the same age apart as Leonor & Sofia and in middle and high school,I cannot tell you how many times we would buy the same clothes but in different colors. This something that still happens today and I’m 28, she’s 29. We also had similar haircuts even though she is blonde and I’m
      brunette. We just have similar taste in clothes even though our personalities are different.

  19. Anonymous5/8/19 17:00

    And Felipe just gets better and better with age. Hubba-hubba.

  20. Anonymous5/8/19 18:08

    Letizia looks great,very well fitted dress.These are two beautiful girl, Leonor has blue eyes and Sofia's eyes are hazel, don't care so much for the jumper but the top of Sofia looks lovely.

  21. Anonymous5/8/19 18:30

    Solo veo cosas lindas y positivas de estas fotos, padres contentos, las niñas impecables, muy educaditas se las ve. La reina muy linda y en muy buena forma fisica, me gusta mucho su vestido y las alpargatas. Espero que tengan unos dias de descanzo solos, lejos de tanto foco de atencion

  22. Anonymous5/8/19 19:00

    OMG people... As a mother of soon-to-bee-teenager I enjoy and cherish every moment when my child wants to hold hands with me. EVERY SINGLE MOMENT. Because you understand it won't last and it might be the last time. They simply enjoying it as the parents.

    1. Anonymous6/8/19 07:22

      I also don't understand the fuss about handholding.
      Besides perhaps she's nervous in front of so many strange people and this helps her to deal with this situation better.
      Also its good to see 13-year-old who do not try to look like a 20-year -old. Leonor and Sofia with their fresh, makeup-free faces look so beautiful.

  23. Anonymous5/8/19 20:20

    Would anyone please recognize the designer of Queen Leticia's O ring in the 10th photo? It's lovely!

    1. It is a ring from Karen Hallam. Look into this link:

    2. Anonymous6/8/19 07:15

      Karen Hallam gold-plated ring (89.00€) and butterfly earrings by Gold & Roses (659.00€).

    3. Anonymous6/8/19 19:40

      merci ! :)

  24. Anonymous5/8/19 23:14

    I wish the paps would leave them alone on vacation. Have a photo shoot at the beginning and at the end of the holiday's. The day's in between should be theirs.OMO.

    1. Anonymous6/8/19 03:02

      Maybe they don't mind having their pictures taken. We're not seeing every minute of their vacation. If it's an intrusion, I'm sure that as Head of State Felipe would have put a stop to it. That's my exalted opinion.

    2. Apparently Queen thinks of it more as a working holiday rather than a relaxing time off vacation.

  25. It is von Karen Hallam....look at this Link:

  26. Anonymous6/8/19 12:36 has published a very nice video clip of the Royal family's photo session at Marivent Palace.


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