Spanish Royal family watched Swan Lake Ballet in Palma

On the evening of August 3, 2019, Spanish Queen Letizia, Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and former Queen Sofia watched Swan Lake (El Lago de los Cisnes) Ballet performed at the Auditorium of Palma de Mallorca.
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor
Queen Letizia wore a new pleated dress  by Carolina Herrera. Zara Knit black white pleated midi dress. Princess Leonor

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  1. Anonymous3/8/19 12:15

    Everyone looks great! I particularly like the younger Sofia’s dress- love the eyelet for summer!

  2. Anonymous3/8/19 12:41

    Letizia over dressed for the movies.

    1. No van al cine sino al Auditorio a ver el ballet "El Lago de los cisnes". Hay que leer mejor.
      Precioso y original vestido, zapatos y aros de Letizia. Las chicas están tan bonitas y bien vestidas como siempre. Niñas adorables.

    2. Anonymous3/8/19 18:31

      Estoy de acuerdo que esta bien vestida por que no es cine sino Auditorio. Pero no es necesario corregir asi, con esos comentarios peyorativos.

    3. No sé dónde ves lo peyorativo. Díselo a la Anónima, que es la que suelta la memez.

    4. Anonymous4/8/19 00:24

      Todas van de algodón, con tejidos más frescos. Leticia va de vedette.

    5. Anonymous4/8/19 09:03

      Not movies, it was ballet.

    6. ¿Eres la misma que lo vuelve a intentar con otro argumento? jejeje
      Da igual lo que se ponga. Letizia será siempre la estrella -hasta que sus hijas crezcan- porque es la Reina.

    7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Anonymous3/8/19 13:15

    Q. Letitia wears that dress beautifully. Wow! You need a flawless shape to carry this off, and she has it. I also like Q. Sofia’s outfit. The long tunic and trousers looks very stylish and comfortable for a hot evening. Mind you she still has on her usual jumble of accessories lol. (V.M.)

  4. All looking good. Another dress of Letizia's that I just love. It is so elegant and the shoes are gorgeous as well. Great outfits again for everyone else. Leonore and Sofia are becoming very lovely young ladies.

  5. Sofia looks elegant; I wonder if the top sometimes doubles as a dress. Letizia is perfectly dressed to attend a performance of the ballet, summery but not too casual.

    1. I doubt very much Sofia would wear that top as a dress, owing to the slit on the sides. It's not her style of dress.

  6. La reine Sofia est bien pimpante dans cette longue et jolie tunique très estivale !!!

  7. What a great dress, casual for a summer evening, and elegant enough for a ballet performance, if fits her like a glove, and the shoes are to die for. Queen Sofia looks very lively and this sort of boho style agrees with her.
    The kids, lovely as usual.

    1. Anonymous3/8/19 18:44

      Totally agree with you Cherry Blossom.

    2. Anonymous4/8/19 03:23

      I agree also!

  8. Lovely looks for all of them.

  9. Anonymous3/8/19 16:05

    Letizia is stunning as usual

  10. They are adorable stylish, happy and lovely.

  11. Anonymous3/8/19 18:28

    Lovely family outing.Q Letizia looks stunning in this dress. I really like Pss Sofia's dress also the blouse of Leonore. Q Sofia stands out with her blue tunic.

  12. Anonymous3/8/19 18:59

    Une remarque : Sofia doit comprendre que Leonor et Sofia ses petites-filles elles ont grandi, le tenir par la main à cet âge-là en genéral les enfants n'aiment pas.

    1. Anonymous4/8/19 15:46

      Je le pense également car l'aînée aura bientôt 14 ans et la seconde en a 12. Mais elles font encore petites filles, encore plus l'aînée que la cadette.

  13. C'est pour les photos, je suppose.

  14. Anonymous4/8/19 00:01

    J’aime beaucoup la robe à Leti mais je trouve que le style la fait paraître trop musclée

    1. Not at all. She is precisely who should be wearing sleeveless dresses. Her arms are beautifully toned. There is nothing masculine about Letizia.

    2. totally agree with chardonn8r

    3. Anonymous4/8/19 12:12

      Attention, je n'ai pa dit "masculine", j'ai dit musclée

    4. Anonymous4/8/19 15:14

      She has worked hard, a few years ago people criticised her thin arms.

  15. Anonymous4/8/19 07:37

    Tiene un vestido casi igual de CH, blanco y negro, y con las mismas rayas abriéndose en la falda. También de punto.
    Más veraniego este vestido con unas sandalias, no me gusta nada ese zapato y menos tan cerrado para verano.
    Las demás van más casual, como todo el mundo en el evento.

    1. Anonymous4/8/19 15:15

      Ese vestido es de Hugo Boss y se lo ha puesto 4 veces ya. Le han criticado llevar sandalias y enseñar los pies, por eso ya no lleva.

  16. The 4 of them look good. I like the way the girls are dressed much more than the dutch princesses. But the greek grandmother holding hands with the grandchildren is too much . They are able to walk alone at their age.

    1. Anonymous4/8/19 18:02

      You said it! Agree.

    2. Anonymous5/8/19 00:34

      Leticia siempre va "empujando" a Leonor también.

  17. Just two words: Lovely ladies!


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