Spanish Royal Family Visited King Juan Carlos At Hospital

On August 25, 2019, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia visited Spain's former King Juan Carlos at Quiron Salud Hospital in Pozuelo de Alarcon, outside Madrid. Former Queen Sofía of Spain has arrived at the hospital accompanied by her sister, Princess Irene of Greece, her cousin Tatiana Radziwill and her husband, the cardiologist Jean Henri Fruchaud. According to the lastest medical bulletin, the health of the monarch is 'evolving satisfactorily' after the triple bypass surgery.
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse. Queen Sofía and her sister, Princess Irene of Greece
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse
Carolina Herrera navy ecru polka dot silk blouse

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  1. Anonymous25/8/19 23:05

    Her white blazer looks like a lab coat.
    —Texas Princess

    1. No, it doesn't. What she wears is an oversized double-rowed blazer with a ninety's approach which is very much en vogue in fall/winter 2019. The colour white is still summery. It fits perfectly as you can see in shoulders, waist and arm length. The way she styled it - narrow blue trousers, flat shoes, polka dot blouse and blue leather belt is spot on.

      P.S. In some of the photos you can see hospital staff actually wearing a lab coat - definitely not the same.

    2. It looks like a lab coat to me too but now that you mention 90s blazer, I see that too. Oh, the 80s & 90s were not good fashion years IMO. I would rather not see those styles come back

    3. Honestly I am chocked that Letizia's blazer can be compared to a lab coat. Pictures can be misleading, sure if we had both pieces next to each other, many differences would appear regarding fabrics etc. The blazr is long but fits perfectly at the level of shoulders.

    4. Anonymous26/8/19 16:03

      Lab coat.

    5. Anonymous26/8/19 21:09

      Sorry, reminds me as well of a Lab coat.

    6. Anonymous27/8/19 02:41

      No lab coat here, just a classic blazer!

    7. Anonymous27/8/19 02:50

      @ MaryT. It takes some life experiences and the ability to be observant to recognize the difference between a six button, double breasted, padded at the shoulders, (which fit perfectly), buttons at the cuff, and falling at mid thigh blazer, with the average loose fitting, unlined, monogrammed, lab coat that usually falls just above the knee with a breast pocket for stethoscopes and deep open top pockets for other instruments. M.

    8. I suggest you go back to pic1 on 25/08 (first visit King, Queen Sofia and a hospital staff member) and you will see how a lab coat looks like, and don't miss the embroidered emblem on her pocket.

  2. Anonymous26/8/19 00:37

    Muy bonita combinacion, los dos coordinados se ven muy bien. Todo un acierto ! Sabiendo como es la prensa me parece un poco ariesgado de ir q visitar al rey emerito con la misma blusa o una parecida a la que uso en Palma en Pascua 2018. Todos cometemos errores o deslizes y hay que olvidar. Lamentablemente los envidiosos y los haters no olvidan. Maria Antonieta

  3. Anonymous26/8/19 00:57

    Very smart look on Letizia and Queen Sofia looks relaxed and good. But the real winner ? King Felipe. He looks like a bloody model straight out of gq.

    1. Felipe is a very handsome man, and only getting better with age. I like his outfit a lot too, but I wonder what´s wrong with socks? His trousers are a bit shorter than his usual as well, as if to showcase the no-sock-situation.
      Not having socks visible makes sense with shorts and I know it´s trendy in general, but smart long trousers will always require socks and shoes in my world. Of course, the trousers need to be properly long for that, so no gap.
      For ladies, gaps are ok, though I don´t like them, but with any cropped trousers, sandals or sneakers are the only way to go.
      Personally, I don´t like to be barefooted in closed shoes, it´s majorly uncomfortable (canvas shoes being the only exception).

    2. In these days, men can do without socks, even with long trousders. Just like women.

    3. @Vanessa, I share your aversion about the new fashion of men nowadays going sockless even with leather shoes like Oxford shoes, even on formal occasions or even on a wedding as we recently saw in Monaco. It hurts my eyes.

      But Felipe is wearing slippers. And slippers like boatschoes or Monks have to be worn without socks. In fact it would look ridiculous with socks. He is pairing them with chinos in the perfect length. Only showing two inches of the ankle when walking. He got it all right! And the rest of his outfit is also perfect for a summery semi-casual look. Felipe is a handsome man and has probably got some fashion sense on his own. But I am sure he does not have the time to do his own shopping, he has some very good men's outfitters, stylists and tailors on hand. Like Prince Henri from Luxembourg. Both gentlemen are always well-groomed and rarely get it wrong.

    4. Anonymous26/8/19 12:12

      The king's look is indeed trendy, and worn by many men when they are not working. They look cute in their matchy matchy casual outfits. The object is to keep the old king's spirits up at this time. Waving the book of fashion rules at every turn is a downer. MB

    5. Anonymous26/8/19 13:40

      I believe that Felipe is wearing low socks which are invisible with shoes. Just like women are having invisible little socks in court shoes in the summer. Felipe looks very good here.

    6. Was soll man sagen? Wie wäre es, sich alte Fotos anzuschauen oder den Film "To Catch A Thief". Marcello und Cary zeigen, was Mann in den südlichen und wärmeren Ländern trägt und dabei smashing aussieht. Herr Gucci hat sich so viel Mühe gegeben, die entsprechende Fußbekleidung zu kreieren. Später kamen noch die berühmten Noppenschuhe hinzu. Diese mit Socken getragen ist ein Sakrileg. Also, in meiner Welt, die zudem auch immer wärmer wird, ist das eine edle Lösung, die Füße zu verhüllen. Was allerdings gar nicht geht, und zum Glück habe ich das hier noch nie gesehen, sind Männerfüße in Sandalen und Socken. Das geht wirklich nur in Japan mit traditionellem Schuhwerk.

    7. His good fashion & looks can probably be attributed partially to his wife. She obviously had a say in the matching shoes. Her impeccable style sense must lead her to want her husband dressed nicely as well. I know they have help but when my husband goes out & speaks it's me who has given final approval & ironed his clothes. (Not that I like ironing but we share the load- if he is working hard preparing his speech & I'm not working that day, I iron for him. But makes me realize the next day that I had a lot to do with him looking polished.) Of course, I don't know Letizia & Felipe personally, I'm just making probable guesses. In any case, they look lovely & coordinated.

    8. All I keep thinking is: shoes with no socks end up very stinky!

    9. Anonymous27/8/19 02:43

      Shoes without socks do not stink when one uses powders or sprays.

  4. Again, I am liking this outfit on Queen Sofia--nice colour and nice blouse. I feel there's something not quite right about Queen Lerizia's outfit but can't quite put my finger on it. Is the jacket too loose or too long? Or is it just that without her usual heels she looks so tiny next to the King?

    1. Anonymous27/8/19 13:42

      Agree AnnieM. Letizia's look is off-balance. Although the blazer is nice and trendy the overall look shows a lack of proportion. fabiana

  5. Anonymous26/8/19 02:21

    Letizia in a perfect, classy summer outfit. Love the shoes!

  6. Ava Pittman26/8/19 03:44

    I like the outfit Queen Letizia is wearing, its appropriate. But I really liked the casual gear King Felipe was wearing. He is getting more handsome with every passing year.

  7. Anonymous26/8/19 05:04

    Letizia can do no wrong! Perfect end of summer look. MMB

  8. Anonymous26/8/19 07:12

    Muy grande la chaqueta de Letizia, ocupa la mitad de ella,que como no lleva los taconazos, queda más bajita.
    El rey, bien, pero envejecido.


  9. Anonymous26/8/19 07:13

    Muy bien la reina Sofía, siempre elegante y distinguida.

  10. Tenue chic idéale pour Letizia ; j'aime ses chaussures qui paraissent bien confortables !!!

  11. Anonymous26/8/19 09:21

    Is the King and the Queen shoe-twinning??!!

  12. Anonymous26/8/19 11:06

    Fashion coordination down to the shoes

  13. King Felipe and Queen Letizia look fabulous, socks or no socks. It's not often we see the Queen in flats. I like the colors of Queen Sofia's pant suit and blouse, but the jacket seems too long and, perhaps, the pants could be a bit shorter too.

  14. Letitia looks fabulous - love this outfit. Felipe also looks great. I like Sofia's suit but I'm not keen on the blouse she has paired it with.

  15. Anonymous26/8/19 18:06

    Everyone looks good. This is a stress full time for the family. I am glad the King will be OK.

  16. yestarday was too hot in Madrid to wear that,the look was not appropiete for augost. the Quen Sofia also wear pant and jacket but the long sleeve of the blouse for my opinion is too much
    even for the a/C

    1. Anonymous27/8/19 22:41

      Yesterday there were awful storms and rain for your information and not heat at all.

    2. Anonymous27/8/19 22:42

      In August men and women have to wear suits and ties to work, the heat in Spain is nlt a excuse to wear a blazer to a hospita

  17. Not a labcoat, and I say this with much awareness, since I have worn many :-) this jacket is perfection, great fit on shoulders, sleeves, and length totally on trend , I like the combination with skinny pants, and flats.
    The king looks do yummy, and absolutely socks should never peek with this type of shoes.

    1. Anonymous27/8/19 02:44

      Spot on and well said, Cherry Blossom.

  18. Anonymous27/8/19 19:51

    Other sites say they’re both wearing Gucci horsebit loafers (and some mocking them for their ‘his and hers’ look). They have identified their footwear correctly, as far as I can tell. These shoes can be worn both with and without socks, I suppose. I would suggest that most people wear theirs without. To my eyes, that looks perfectly fine, in fact I prefer that to the alternative given their overall outfits and the hot weather. Nothing that takes away their ‘royal’ look.

    Lily A

  19. La pareja perfecta, tan elegantes y relajados por no estar trabajando. Me encantan sus zapatos coordinados que, por cierto, se llevan sin calcetines porque son para verano, blandos y flexibles. Solo a paletorros se les ocurriría llevarlos con calcetines.


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