Empress Masako attended the Florence Nightingale Medal ceremony

On August 7, 2019, Empress Masako, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako attended the Florence Nightingale Medal awarding ceremony held at Tokyo Prince Hotel in Minato City. The Empress presided over the delivery ceremony of the 47th Florence Nightingale Medal, and presented the medals to their winners. The medal is awarded to nurses with outstanding achievements around the world. Empress Masako is Honorary President of the Japanese Red Cross Society.
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako
Empress Masako of Japan, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako, Princess Nobuko and Princess Hisako

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  1. Masako looks very good here, lovely! The embroidery on the coat and hat is beautiful; subtle but very elegant.
    Nice engagement too, Florence Nightingale was a wonderful nurse.

  2. The Empress looks beautiful. I love the design on the suit. Not crazy about the white shoes and clutch. Another red color highlight would look great!

  3. Masako et les princesses portent toujours le mĂŞme genre de chapeau ; un peu trop classique !!!

  4. Anonymous7/8/19 19:10

    It’s a pretty suit, in a flattering colour for the Empress, but I’m not wowed by the style. There’s something a bit dated about the collar of the jacket. I’d also like her to try some different hat styles. She certainly looks happy to be there though. (V.M.)

  5. Anonymous7/8/19 19:53

    She is doing very well in her new role

  6. Anonymous7/8/19 20:42

    Mándalo me cae muy bien pero su ropa es anticuada.

  7. Anonymous7/8/19 22:56

    Quise decir Masako.

  8. Anonymous7/8/19 23:00

    Masako is always attended by these three women. One of them I know is her sister-in-law (and now Crown Princess), but who are the other two?
    Masako looks lovely by the way.
    Anon 9:13

    1. Anonymous8/8/19 13:03

      From right to left, Princess Kiko Akishino, Hanako Hitachi, Nobuko Mikasa and Hisako Takamado.
      Hanako's husband is the brother of the former Emperor.
      Nobuko and Hisuko's husbands are cousins ​​of the former Emperor.

  9. Anonymous7/8/19 23:49

    Empress Masako elegant as ever. lovely to see the other Pss's too. Everyone looks great.

  10. What a difference a few months can make...

    1. I was thinking the same. She looks much more relaxed in her new role. She must feel she has finally something useful to do!

  11. I wonder if a hat designer somewhere in the world could plan a pretty head covering that wouldn't make the wearer look like a squashed pancake? I realize that they don't want to look taller than their husbands, but these are just so boring and not pretty. And the empress's hats hide much of her face.

    1. In picture 7, the lady with the black hat looks so much better. Her face can be seen and her hat is more of a compliment to her coat. I always think of little mushroom caps when I see the royal women in their hats. It makes me think that they are not quite allowed to shine, but must be kept in their place, which is one of less-than to men. No matter what the case, they are certainly unattractive.

    2. Wouldn't you know, I found a site with photos of the former Empress in a wide array of VERY interesting hats! Have a look:

    3. Great find, KH. Maybe the ladies should shop her closet. Empress Michiko certainly showed some individualism and personality. It makes it even more confusing why the younger women look like this.

  12. I'd love to see Masako wear a kimono now and then; I'm sure we will see that eventually, but kimonos seem only to be worn on very specific occasions.

  13. Anonymous8/8/19 03:28

    I have never liked any of her suits, hats. I can not believe that she did not learned anything from her mother in law, she really had great sense of fashion, traditional and she appropriated, but these ladies look just out of time

    1. I agree, her mother-in-law has exquisite style and imagination with her wardrobe. It was always fun to see what she had planned to wear and it was always, always beautiful. As I recall it seemed to be a flowing feeling and mystical.

  14. they are in uniform, like always,no imagination no fantasie

  15. Don't love this. The skirt length is a bit dowdy paired with the shoes and the hat and the gloves. In fact, she looks a bit like a nurse from the 1950s in this outfit. I think if it hadn't been unrelieved white it would be improved - it needs some contrast.

    Outfit apart, she does seem much happier and more relaxed these days.

  16. I agree that the all-white ensemble of the Empress looks a bit too sterile to be fashionable, but I believe she makes an effort to be modest. However, I think her lovely suit and kind demeanor more than compensate for the lack of color.


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