The Duchess of Cornwall hosted a reception for Ebony Horse Club

On July 9, The Duchess of Cornwall hosted a reception at Clarence House for Ebony Horse Club. The Duchess met young people who have participated in programmes run by the charity. The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre, which aims to help children learn new skills, develop aspiration and take on new responsibilities.
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre
The Duchess of Cornwall has been president since 2009 of the Ebony Horse Club in Brixton. Ebony Horse Club is a community-riding centre

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  1. Rather like this. It’s just a bit different from her usual pattern and style and fits and suits the Duchess very well. One complaint...the shoes. Black or white would have gone well with this dress but can’t see why she would choose this non descript beige.

  2. Anonymous9/7/19 23:55

    It's good to see the Duchess wearing something different from her usual conservative choices. I like it!

  3. Anonymous9/7/19 23:55

    Love the print. Nice to see the Duchess in something other than a solid color. Very becoming and a nice change of pace!

  4. Anonymous10/7/19 00:22

    I like this dress on her. It’s an interesting pattern, something different for D. Camilla. Same old nude shoes though... (V.M.)

  5. Anonymous10/7/19 00:48

    Nice dress, Camilla has'nt woren in a while. She loves animals.Busy lady.

  6. Anonymous10/7/19 02:47

    Great dress and fabric print. Photos 1 and 8 shows-off both these elements the best to me.
    I may be in the minority who likes Camilla's choice of shoe colour; it allows focus on the dress without the distraction of 'matchy-matchy'.
    Anon 9:13

  7. Anonymous10/7/19 03:08

    The dress looks amazing on her. She looks so so good here. Very charming

  8. Camilla is altijd mooi gekleed, voor haar figuur en voor haar leeftijd. Dit kleedje is anders maar ook mooi, ze heeft smaak

  9. Camilla hat ihren Stil gefunden und bleibt dabei - das ist klug und elegant! Die Sachen stehen ihr perfekt und passen wunderbar. Dadurch kann sie unbeschwert ihre Arbeit machen. Auch ein Vorbild.

  10. Very flattering and a bit different. I don't mind the shoes, they kind of just blend with her legs.

  11. Anonymous10/7/19 19:40

    I like the dress a lot. Beautiful cut, print and it fits Camilla well. Shoes, I cannot say quite the same, I understand she didn’t want to wear white shoes given the outdoor environment and in particular grass (white shoes would have taken the whole outfit to a different level), but grey would have worked also much better than these nude ones (she must have several pairs of the same shoes, there’s no way they are the same she wore 10 years ago; that’s how long she has been wearing this model). Still very nice overall, showing some serious variety here.



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