Queen Maxima visited United Nations headquarters in New York

On July 16, 2019, Queen Maxima of The Netherlands attended a meeting with United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres to mark 10th anniversary of UN Secretary-General's Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) at United Nations headquarters in New York. Queen Maxima has served as the UN Secretary-General’s Special Advocate for Inclusive Finance for Development (UNSGSA) since 2009. (Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris.)
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Akris Punto krupp printed dress. Queen Maxima wore a print dress by Akris at Holiday photo session in Tavernelle
Queen Maxima wore Akris Punto krupp printed dress
AKRIS PUNTO Printed Dress

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  1. Anonymous17/7/19 16:30

    While her hair is the normal stringy, unhealthy look, the shoes and dress are cute. I think the dress would be better if it were a few inches longer.

  2. Hope Baker17/7/19 16:56

    OMG! Ces cheveux...

    1. Anonymous17/7/19 20:07

      No translation needed. LOL!

    2. Anonymous18/7/19 00:30

      @Anonymous 10:07pm LOL! Even me with my poor French understood that one. Horror at the state of Queen Maxima's hiar transcends language.

    3. And by the looks of it, her awful hair stylist has just highlighting her full head in thick strands. The Queen is in desperate need of a hair stylist that focuses on improving her hair. Cute dress, otherwise.

  3. Anonymous17/7/19 17:11

    I really love the print - it’s very interesting. Unfortunately the dress is too short on Q. Maxima. And her hair is unkempt again. Too bad. (V.M.)

  4. Anonymous17/7/19 17:12

    Busy Queen. but that looks more like a holiday dress than a working outfit to meet dignitaries at the united nations

    1. Anonymous18/7/19 18:23

      she is always on vacation ja!

  5. Anonymous17/7/19 17:19

    Meine Güte, die ist ja nur unterwegs. Ich frage mich, wie oft sie ihre Kinder sieht.
    Zum Outfit: das Kleid würde ich zu vielen anderen Gelegenheiten tragen, aber bestimmt nicht, wenn ich das UN-Hauptquartier besuche-dann noch als Königin. Ich mag bei solch wichtigen, förmlichen Treffen auch keine ärmellosen Kleidungsstücke. Auch gefällt mir die Länge des Kleides nicht. Die knieumspielende italienische Länge steht ihr, wie auch Königin Mathilde viel besser.

    1. Anonymous19/7/19 06:44

      Typisch deutsch - sobald eine Mutter Etwas arbeitet wird sie als Rabenmutter beschimpft. OMG - in welchem JAHRHUNDERT leben Sie?
      In meinem Bekanntenkreis sind es die Hausfrauen, deren Kinder das Abitur nicht schaffen, da ihre Mütter leider langweilig, dumm und faul sind!

  6. Das Kleid ist irgendwie niedlich und sie hat es schon länger, was man an der Länge sieht und an ihren Kindern. Als sie es gekauft hat, waren die längeren Kleider noch nicht Mode und man hatte nur die kurzen. Es gibt nicht viele Frauen, die Beine für kürzere Längen haben. Das hat auch nichts mit dick oder dünn zu tun, es liegt an der Beinform und am Knie. Es ist nicht immer das hübscheste Körperteil und fühlt sich bedeckt wohler. Diese Länge geht bei Maxima so gerade noch, obwohl man hier wunderbar sehen kann, dass auch Knie altern. Die Farbe steht ihr jedenfalls prima und der Schmuck ist mal wieder zum Niederknien.

  7. Very nice and becoming dress. A bit longer would be better. Why Queen Máxima doesn't bother her greasy hair is a mistery for me. Any woman feels uncomfortable with dirty hair.

  8. Anonymous17/7/19 18:02

    I see nobody wearing printed no-sleeve resort dress around her …

  9. Anonymous17/7/19 18:22

    Not a bad looking dress, it looks OK on her.Her hair needs work. Her personality outshines a bad hair day any time. She is the most traveled Royal. She deserves a rest.

    1. Anonymous17/7/19 19:49

      Bad hair *day*? LOL. You're right in that she travels and works a lot but the bad hair thing has been happening for more than just a day here and there. Just saying.

    2. The worst hair day so far, considering the occasion. Next, she'll show up on a beach with her hair in a nice chignon, enormous earrings, a hat and high heels. !!!

  10. Royalty fan

    Oh no, this is a big NO, no, again, the hair, the dress, looks like it miss a few buttons,at the top, the seem would've looked much better, if it was lowered, beneath her knees. The other ladies, the one walking behind Maxima, with the suit case, and the lady also sitting down at the table, actually looks much better. Sorry to say

  11. Something's wrong, no hat! Just joking....

  12. Anonymous17/7/19 19:45

    The weather is very hot and humid in NYC right now and Max's hair is illustrating it. Here's my question; why not just pull it back in a nice bun or chignon? Heck, even a ponytail with nice piece of ribbon would be more attractive than looking like you just stepped out the shower.

  13. Anonymous17/7/19 20:38

    I love her smile and work ethic (perhaps she should even cut back a bit) but otherwise she is making me weary. The dress is a big no for an occasion like this - fine for a day out shopping or on a casual holiday appearance, but not for a visit to the United Nations. As for her hair, I give up. She has problems but so do many average women who wouldn't dream of going outside without doing something with their hair.

  14. Noch drei solcher Bilder und ich schicke der armen Frau höchstpersönlich eine Bürste und ein paar Haargummis in den Palast.
    Ich mag Maxima unheimlich gerne, sie ist eine so herzliche Frau, die ungeheuer viel arbeitet - aber bittebitte, 3 Minuten für einen simplen Pferdeschwanz müßte sie morgens doch finden können...

  15. The other women at that meeting have got a fracture of her budget but arrive to look polished, appropriate and professional. Sorry, but there is absolutely no excuse for Maxima's almost trashy appearance. And her exaggerated grin doesn't save her either. What is wrong with that woman?

    1. She simply doesn't care...

    2. Anonymous18/7/19 04:02


    3. Anonymous18/7/19 18:18

      Anonymous 6.02 I think your comment is inappropriate.

  16. Love the dress, though I agree it could be a little longer. In the 2011 photo she is wearing it with flat sandals so the length is less apparent. Given the occasion, perhaps a light jacket would have looked better with it. Everyone seems to be more formally dressed. Looking at the 2011 photo I am struck by how much better her hair looks and wonder if there is a major problem with it, rather than it being unkempt. Even the least vain woman normally wants her hair to look good. Being the trouper she is, I imagine that, if there is a problem, Maxima will just shrug it off and get on with her every day life.

    1. Good point about Maxima's hair. I think it is just fried after too much bleach, dye, processing, styling but you could be right and there may be a hormonal or vitamin deficiency. She really should just cut it. I think MAxima would look fab with a chic bob.

  17. Anonymous17/7/19 22:34

    I hate to say it but she looks awful. That dress was a terrible choice for an official visit to the UN. A business outfit was in order, instead she looks like she's at a holiday resort. Her hair is starting to become a real problem, to a point that its unkempt condition is offensive to the people receiving her.
    - Vanessa

    1. In her defense, I spent a week in NYC two weeks ago and it’s hot, sticky and smelly. We bathed twice a day!

    2. Anonymous18/7/19 22:27

      That may well be but one should still dress for the occasion. Also, I'm sure that the UN headquaters are fully airconditioned, so her exposure to heat and humidity was likely minimal.

    3. Royalty fan

      Anon 12:27, and Southernbelle, never mind the buildings, with air conditions, sure surely, she must've had a suite, all for herself, in one of the many hotels, where she could've bathed, showered, freshened up. And even with or without a hairdresser, at least tied her hair in a pony tail, like Anon 9:45 said

  18. Anonymous18/7/19 00:08

    Other news outlets are showing pics of Maxima and Willem shopping just like "normal" people with Gap and Old Navy bags. I like how they went about their shopping regardless of the cameras. One interesting piece of information...she was seen in Sephora looking at hair products...we can hope!

  19. I don't dislike this dress, that being said , I continue to be puzzled by some of her choices, she would dress to the hilts to go to a farmers market, hat, gloves & spectacular jewelry, but she shows to the UN, with a summery every day dress, and informal sandals, I am not suggesting that she wears the whole regalia for this trip, but maybe something with more substance? Not to mention the hair....

    1. Cherry, i love your comments and been trying to reach out to you, would like to ask for some advise for myself. Would that be possible? Thanks

  20. In this age of sustainability for fashion, can we also give her credit for rewearing a dress from 2011? Not in the Princess Anne category yet, but still

    1. Royalty fan

      With all do respect, other European princesses, also "recycle" their clothes. Look at Victoria, and Kate. And Mary, smart woman that she is, had a few ball gowns, altered, and definitely, got her money's worth out of it

  21. Anonymous18/7/19 02:29

    I have crappy thin hair just like Maxima and I sympathize but that’s why I haven’t worn it long for 10 years. A shorter (chin length) shaped cut would look much better. Maxima is vibrant and beautiful even with stringy hair.

  22. une robe vieille de 8 ans ! Et elle lui va toujours !

  23. Maxima has chosen an odd time to underdress. She needs to keep her dresses and skirts to knee length and longer since she is so tall. I don't think the belt is necessary and the dress would probably look better on her without it. She should have let the dress just glide over her midsection. If she does choose to wear this dress again, she needs to stick with flats like she did in 2011, and avoid official events. There are some top salons in New York. Hopefully she found time to visit one and get some expert advice on her hair.

  24. She looks ridiculous for a meeting at the UN. Ugly hair as usual, too casual too short dress. She dresses inappropriately most of the times.

  25. Anonymous18/7/19 08:41

    I do like the dress,Maybe a bit informal foe the occasion being...Oh,desea,I think Máxima's hair is an X-file...


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