Queen Letizia received representatives of Salud Mental España and FEDER

Today, Queen Letizia had two events at Madrid Zarzuela Palace. The Queen first received representatives of the committee of experts who advise the Spanish Federation of Rare Diseases (FEDER). The Queen then received representatives of "National Women's Health Network" of Salud Mantal España (The Spanish Mental Health Association). Queen Letizia wore a v-neck print midi dress by Carolina Herrera.
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore a v-neck zig-zag print midi dress by Carolina Herrera and Lodi burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
Queen Letizia wore LODI burgundy suede ankle strap pumps
LODI Burgundy Suede Ankle Strap Pumps

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. And very nice again. Great outfit. Letizia is rockin' it!

  2. WOW ... love the look from head to toe ... gorgeous ...

  3. Anonymous19/7/19 15:45

    Sehr schick. Gefällt mir gut.

  4. Anonymous19/7/19 16:41

    The. Perfect except maybe for the length of the dress. Shortening it a bit would have been really great.
    Also, her make up is always picture perfect but this time, she might have dozed off a bit while contouring her face with bronzer...
    Nonetheless, so nice to look at..!


  5. Ich bin so glücklich, dass wir zurzeit die Midilänge haben (und auch Maxi). Denn, im Gegensatz zur spanischen Königin, die auch kürzer gut tragen kann, möchte ich meine Knie bedecken. Und auch bei ihr sieht es einfach angezogener und edler aus. Ein hübsches Kleid mit einer grandiosen Passform! Königin L. hat ja gar nicht so wenig Busen und da passt ein V-Ausschnitt sehr gut. Die Farbe ist auch schön.

    1. Liebe Hedy, Deine Kommentare lese ich sehr gerne. Trage was Dir steht und worin Du Dich wohlfühlst. Eine Modesklavin ist keine selbstbewusste und starke Frau. Auch ich mag lieber Röcke knapp unter dem Knie und länger. Wenn die Modediktatoren keine anbieten, lasse ich mir welche schneidern oder trage Hosen. Liebe Grüße Romy B.

    2. Liebe Romy B, vielen Dank! Du hast ja so recht! Ich kaufe jetzt auf Vorrat:-) Salut

  6. Otro precioso vestido veraniego para Letizia. Este es de CH. Fantástico ajuste, color, escote y longitud. También fue usado en su última visita a USA. La ropa buena y bonita debe ser utilizada varias veces, seas Royal o no. ¡Bien Letizia!

  7. Anonymous19/7/19 18:28

    This dress looked nice the last time she wore it and it is great again.

  8. Anonymous19/7/19 18:38

    Ravissant look qui me plaît particulièrement ; superbes les escarpins à bride !!!

  9. Another super outfit. Disagree that it should be shorter. The length seems perfect to me. Even getting to like the darker hair. Just love her summer dresses 💕

  10. Letizia looks very nice here. I really like the pleating in the skirt. It is a very simple detail that makes this look like so much more than a plain dress. As usual, she has accessorized with the perfect shoe to bring out the color in the understated print.

  11. Anonymous19/7/19 20:38

    Is she wearing her enagagement and wedding ring??

    1. Anonymous20/7/19 00:31

      Hace mucho que no lo lleva.
      Este es de bisutería, lo llaman el abrebotellas.

    2. Anonymous20/7/19 07:24

      Thanks for your answer. I like sound of Spanish language but unfortuately i don't understand.

    3. Anonymous20/7/19 07:41

      The wedding ring in Spain is worn in the right hand, so it is not.
      Also in any case we only wear a band, the engagement ring is a foreign tradition, almost nobody has it, and nobody wears it.

    4. Anonymous20/7/19 10:33

      Yes but Queen Letizia receive engagement ring from her future husband before wedding. I think that she don't even wedfing band.

    5. Anonymous20/7/19 10:36

      On the left hand:


    6. Anonymous20/7/19 19:52

      Anon 12:33, that has not got any meaning in Spain. When she got married she received a gold band on the right hand. I do not understand why is so difficult to understand that our culture and traditions are different. We are Spaniards, and she is a Spaniard, nobody here wonder or worry about it. Wearing that foreign tradition would be criticised, probably he did it because his mum is "germanic"
      Infanta Elena, his sister received a bracelet and her groom a watch, our tradition..

    7. Anonymous20/7/19 21:33

      I'm not from Spain and it's something new for me. Thank for your patient answer and que tengas a buon dia;)

  12. Anonymous19/7/19 22:37

    Queen Letizia is beautiful. Her dress is perfect, and her hair (which looks a bit shorter) is very nicely done. Her shoes are nice too, although I can't imagine walking in them for any length of time.

  13. Anonymous20/7/19 01:12

    This dress and the pink one earlier this week are the same silhouette. The fit is perfect. It also demonstrates the difference in fit at different prices. These two dresses 'hang' perfectly. They were said to be bespoke and seem to have shapewear built/sewn into them based on the fit at the torso and the back view...an advantage of having things made or tailored to your size. Makeup perfectly matches her coloring and the dress. An excellent outing for a cause that she has championed with great success. @10:38 Jaaaa. Here.we.go.again.

  14. Anonymous20/7/19 16:22

    Best dressed Royal.

  15. Anonymous20/7/19 18:13

    El anillo de boda no lo pone pues tiene que dar la mano muchas veces al dia.
    El anillo barato que trae últimamente pienso yo que se lo regalaron sus hijas por eso lo debe poner. Si fuera así me parece genial.

  16. Anonymous21/7/19 08:02

    El anillo puede ser un regalo de sus hijas. El de compromiso no lo pone, porque tiene que dar la mano continuamente y con anillo es doloroso
    El vestido es precioso y la sienta genial.

    1. Anonymous21/7/19 13:45

      El rey sí lo lleva, y tiene más trabajo que ella

    2. Pues estaría bueno que el rey tuviera menos trabajo que su mujer. Y, posiblemente, tendrá los dedos mucho más fuertes.
      Y digo yo, ¿a quién diablos le importa los anillos que Letizia se pone o se deja de poner? ¿Cómo puede haber gente tan cotilla y tan pesada? Buscaos una vida, plastas.

    3. Angie, eres insufrible. Tú puedes opinar y las demás no???
      De eso va este foro, de opinar. A ver si lo captas.

    4. Anonymous22/7/19 00:02

      Angie, siempre insultando, tan desagradable. Luego te borran.

    5. Anonymous22/7/19 10:28

      The ring has been seen for weeks. The *roll at 10:38 has achieved its goal of stirring the pot. What is more important, is that RL took the time to have a sit-down/listen and learn conversation with the mental health workers. These ladies look like everyday people who volunteer to help others in distress and their organization will probably benefit from the exposure. Angie, tranquilo. Your posts are usually informative.

    6. ¿Llamáis opinión a estar un día y otro durante años preguntando por los anillos?
      A ver si captas que yo opino como cualquiera y muchísimo menos que tú.
      No hay nadie más desagradable e insultón que los anónimos. Por eso se ocultan.

    7. Anonymous22/7/19 12:52

      El rey dónde lo lleva? En la mano izquierda como los catalanes? En la mano derecha no, desde luego...

      Por lo visto nadie sabe q Letizia está casada y tiene q ponérselo cuando la mayor parte de las mujeres no lo llevan.


    8. Anonymous22/7/19 17:47

      ¿el rey lleva el anillo de compromiso? Q es por el q preguntan..., está claro q en España ni entendemos la pregunta.

  17. Anonymous22/7/19 07:10

    Estos vestidos que lleva a mí me parecen batas.

    1. Anonymous22/7/19 10:07

      A true fashion opinion. :(

    2. Anonymous22/7/19 12:54

      Será q en tu pueblo no han visto un buen vestido aún, ya salieron las paletas anónimas..


  18. Anonymous22/7/19 09:37

    Yo pienso que el anillo es un regalo de sus hijas. El vestido me encanta, la sienta muy bien.


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