Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the Atlantida Film Fest in Palma

On July 2, 2019, Queen Letizia of Spain presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlantida Film Fest at Bellver Castle in Palma de Mallorca, organized by the Filmin platform and directed by Jaume Ripoll. Queen Letizia were present at the opening ceremony to show her support and appreciation not only towards the event but also towards the value and richness of European cinema.
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps at the opening ceremony of the Atlàntida Film Fest in Palma
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps at the opening ceremony of the Atlàntida Film Fest in Palma
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps at the opening ceremony of the Atlàntida Film Fest in Palma
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps at the opening ceremony of the Atlàntida Film Fest in Palma
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia presided over the opening ceremony of the ninth edition of the Atlàntida Film Fest
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps at the opening ceremony of the Atlàntida Film Fest in Palma
Queen Letizia wore Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps
Manolo Blahnik Slingback Pumps

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  1. Anonymous3/7/19 04:53

    Wow. She is so stylish! I look to her as my fashion inspiration more than anyone else. Really like her style.

    1. Anonymous4/7/19 09:07

      Absolutely, her fashion choices are spectacular, her makeup fabulous and everything.

  2. Simply beautiful and very fit!

  3. Anonymous3/7/19 05:56

    Hair and make up flawless. The purse and shoes fabulous. Those eyes!! Would wear this entire outfit. Looks like her week has got off to a great start. Good to see her in high spirits. Who is the lady in red? She looks like Eva Longoria.

  4. This is not my favorite outfit for her, too casual.

    1. Anonymous3/7/19 15:29

      Not really!! indie movies online in Mallorca island. I think that many people do not understand the events.

  5. Anonymous3/7/19 09:43


  6. I think this outfit looks great on her, IMO it's simple but very elegant.

    1. I totally agree! I wish I could wear such white pants...

    2. I understand... it's also my secret desire (Well, not so secret) Ha ha ha

  7. Anonymous3/7/19 11:04

    Simpel und elegant. Schwarz-Weiß ist immer eine perfekte Kombination. Obwohl ich sie lieber in einem schönen Kleid gesehen hätte.
    Auf Foto Nr.12 kann man übrigens sehr schön sehen, warum es besser sein kann, sich bei den Royals die perfekte Position der Beine abzuschauen: nicht überkreuzen.

    1. Ha ha ha, Elisabeth! Genau das habe ich auch gedacht, wollte es aber nicht schreiben. Hier wird man schnell von der Gedanken-Polizei angegriffen.

    2. Anonymous3/7/19 22:20

      Zum Glück verstehen hier nicht alle unsere Sprache, Coralie ;-)
      Auf der anderen Seite kann uns das aber auch egal sein. Jeder hat seine Meinung. Punkt.

    3. Anonymous at 12.20 AM: What on earth does that mean? Very professional comment.

    4. Anon at 12.20 AM, ich verstehe sehr gut Deutsch, das habe ich genug gelernt hahah :)). Aber es wurde ja nichts böses geschrieben. Diese Beine habe auch ich bemerkt. Letizia sieht wunderschön aus.

  8. Anonymous3/7/19 13:46

    I like her style "less is more".

  9. Anonymous3/7/19 14:19

    Terrific outfit on Letizia. Her arms are everything.

  10. Nice outfit which looks cool and comfortable. However, is it not too casual for this event? The men are mostly in formal suits and the ladies in dresses so it seems a little out of place to me.

    1. Anonymous3/7/19 15:33

      The ladies dresses are very casual. It is Mallorca island and indie films online festival. Many men do not wear tie, in fact the awarded has declared himself as a republican.

    2. No está fuera de lugar en absoluto ni es demasiado casual. Aunque se haga en el patio de un castillo, es un festival de cine indie, todo es muy informal. Había señoras con vestidos formales, casuales y pantalones.
      Hacía muchísimo calor, así que la reina va perfecta, cómoda y relajada.

  11. Very few women can get a very sophisticated result, with this simple combination, she looks fabulous, I don't think is too casual for a film festival, particularly in the islands where the attire is generally very relaxed, of course the men wear suits and ties (most of them) because they aren't many other alternatives. The hair is fabulous, this is how you wear a perfect updo, modern and very polished.

  12. She looks fabulous - simple but elegant, great for a summer event.

  13. Anonymous3/7/19 20:00

    She looks great !

  14. Anonymous3/7/19 20:38

    Now, these trousers are wow! Perfect cut, right length, combined well with top and shoes.
    She looks wonderful.
    - Vanessa

  15. Anonymous4/7/19 00:09

    Very nice and well fitting.Letizia has a great posture.

  16. Anonymous4/7/19 00:29

    Fabulous! Simple elegance with flawless fit. (V.M.)

  17. Women wearing rather short dresses should definitely not cross their legs when seated.

    1. Anonymous4/7/19 12:18

      In Spain that comment would be percieved as,"sexist" nowadays and you would have very diplomatic problems. Women are free.

    2. Anonymous 2:18, with no word has Lizzie said that women should not be free. Who are you to accuse her of being a sexist and to wish her "very diplomatic problems"? Your comment is the reason why I answered another post in german.

    3. Anonymous4/7/19 20:50

      Coralie, I did not accuse, I said that in SPAIN, that comnent would not be well seen. One person said that once and all the media was against. Read the comnent properly!!

    4. Anonymous5/7/19 07:59

      Agree with Anon 2:18 PM. Spain and USA are really up to date.

    5. Anonymous5/7/19 13:25

      Anonymous 2:18, 10:50
      Aha, so media said something. On one occasion. That´s quite different from your first statement where you made it sound as if the whole country would react that way and the issue would bring about a diplomatic crisis. I don´t care about media reactions as they are known to push certain narratives. You´ve actually done the same now and indirectly accused someone of being sexist. Why would you add that "women are free" when that was not even in question?

      I often think that feminism doesn´t do women any favours. (And I´m a woman myself.)
      - Vanessa

    6. Anonymous6/7/19 07:23

      Vanessa, the feminist DOES women many favours and in Spain we all are very feminist, and yes!! All women reacted!! I did not accuse, I said what in Spain we think....and I am speakig about what in this country all women do, that is wearing short dresses and crosses the legs.
      Also that woman is the President of the Balearic Goverment, Francina Armengol and a socialist elected by votes...,

    7. Anonymous6/7/19 07:26

      I also think it is sexist that comment, and I am a Spaniard also, maybe in your countries no. In other countries she could be even arrested. Basta ya!! Women against women is sexiest than men!!
      And we are very feminist here!! I can't understand the "regresion"....

    8. Anonymous6/7/19 07:36

      Vanessa, your comment about "feminist does not do women any favours" would be terrible for all the country, and this time I am accusing. Here ALL of us are feminist and admire all the women who fight for our rights, nobody could understand that here, and would be terrible. You only need to go to the Arabian Countries, obviously the feminism has done nothing there. You always can follow their example and not to show anything...

    9. Anonymous6/7/19 07:55

      It is very easy, the President of the Balearic Govermment (a woman) is showing that she agrees. It was not a casualty. Many women are doing the same around the country.

  18. Anonymous4/7/19 16:08

    Anon. 2:18
    Why is that sexist? That doesn´t even make sense as it doesn´t favour one sex over the other (which is the meaning of "sexist"). Women wearing short skirts are of course free to cross their legs, but the fact that you can doesn´t mean that you should. It is a perfectly reasonable thing to say that with a rather short dress you shouldn´t cross your legs (as it exposes more than you might be willing to show). The photos illustrate that perfectly. It´s not an indecent photo or posture, but it´s not flattering or elegant either.
    - Vanessa

    1. Anonymous4/7/19 20:53

      I repeat, in Spain there was a problem with a comnent like that and the person who said something similar. Read the comment. "In Spain that would be perceived as sexist", maybe in your country not.

    2. Anonymous6/7/19 07:31

      In Spain we say that women could be more "sexist" than men, they educate men..., and the in puritan society there were not only men.

    3. Anonymous6/7/19 07:48

      Francina Armengol, the President of the Balearic Govermment is doing it on purpose to show that the women are free, it is not a "mistake"...

  19. Anonymous6/7/19 08:19

    Because of the "feminist" we can decide if we like to sit down like that or not. And we can vote, and work a have an bank account, many of them eve died. I can understand how someone can say that the "feminist" did not do something for women. So many should be at hone cooking, taking care of children, wearing long dresses,etcc

    Some women really doesn't do anything for women....and they are "sexist" too,because they are agreed with some men, fortunately nowadays some men are not "sexist".
    today it us the "orgullo gay" parade in Madrid. Spain supports feminism, homosexuals, etc....

    PS: I bet if you have said that in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, it would have been even worse.

    1. Anonymous6/7/19 21:27

      Ok, let me explain what I think:
      Feminism today is not about equal rights, because women are already granted equal rights. There´s nothing to fight for. You, as women, have all the options, all the freedoms, all the opportunities. If someone took away your right to vote, or to drive, or to go to uni, I´d understand any outrage, but there was no issue here that was even remotely relating to women´s rights, yet a discussion about skirts and crossed legs immediately got some feminists triggered ("sexist", "women are free") although the remark by Lizzie ("Women wearing rather short dresses should definitely not cross their legs when seated") was merely meant in an aestetic sense, not questioning anyone´s rights or freedoms.

      Next: There´s some major generalisation going on here, and I´m critical of that. Lizzie has only expressed her opinion, and so have I when I said that "I often think that feminism doesn´t do women any favours." Some others here speak on behalf of their whole country:"in Spain we all are very feminist". This is neither true nor is it justified to argue like that. Please speak for yourself.

      Next: I think there´s nothing more sexist than to say that women "educate men", or that all men used to be sexist, and the majority of them still is. Again - this is a blanket accusation. And women who don´t do anything for women are sexist too? I think that you´re using that word as a universal accusation, and I find it aggressive. This is the exact reason why I wrote that feminism isn´t doing women any favours.

      If you´d fight for women´s rights in muslim countries, I´d totally get behind that but in the Western world, there´s no need to fight. Also, since you already have all the rights, it doesn´t make any sense to take about regression. Questioning this aggressive modern feminism doesn´t mean that I advocate for women to stay at home and cook or that I don´t appreciate the real feminists 100 years ago who pushed through the rights that women enjoy today.
      - Vanessa

    2. Anonymous7/7/19 09:35

      Vanessa, women still earn less money than men doing the same job, women still need to share job and maternity, women still are not good perceived when playing a "men's sport" as rugby or football. Women still need to create a moviment as "me too" and in USA which it is supposed the most powerful country in the world..

      I do not know in what world you live but women Still do not have the same "rights"...

      Would you say that a man should not cross his legs?? Men are not still criticised because of their clothes....think about it....

    3. Anonymous7/7/19 14:26

      Thanks for your reply, but I don´t agree with any of your points.

      Women do not earn less money doing the same job, the gender pay gap is a false narrative. If women earned less for doing the same job, employers would preferably choose women since women would be cheaper to employ. Logically then employers would pick men only when there are no more women available, but that is not the case. There´s no full employment for women, in fact, percentage-wise fewer women than men are working. And that is by choice! Women generally CHOOSE to stay at home with their kids, at least initially, which is logical and has to do with pregancy, birth and breastfeeding. Women are also more likely to stay home when kids are sick etc. Because of these natural things, women are less desirable employees, and I want to stress that this is not because of qualifications, but because of availability to the labour market.

      Men´s sports are not called men´s sports for no reason. They are called that because they are rough and are played mainly by men. Again, this is by choice as most women are not interested in playing those sports. But even these men´s sports are open to women, and there are women´s teams in both rugby and football. No need to fight. If you want to play rugby, go straight ahead.

      The me too movement was a Hollywood-based hype initiated by actresses who accept invitations to job interviews held in hotel rooms. I mean come on! This billion-dollar industry can afford proper offices, so accepting a job interview in a hotel room doesn´t make you a victim of male supremacy, it makes you a sl*t willing to sell your body for career advancement. The me too campaign did not change anything in the world, it did not address the outrageous crimes committed against women and girls in most parts of the world, it didn´t mention human trafficking, sex slavery, FGM or gang rapes. It served two purposes: it was a publicity scam, and it was an instrument for divide-et-impera, dividing the population and causing conflict between the sexes.

      The USA is not the most powerful country in the world. It is the most aggressive country in the world trying to uphold its position by military force and unjust economic tactics (threats, blackmail, sanctions etc) in order to address its astronomical debt. I for one won´t take moral advice from any US institution, and least so from Hollywood. (Please not that I´m talking about the immoral elites here, not the general population which often are fine people.)

      I live in the same world as you, and in most countries, including yours and mine, women do have the same rights as men, granted to them by law.

      Men and women are free to cross their legs. Doesn´t mean it always looks good. It´s much like a bad posture - you´re free to slouch all you want but it´s not advisable for a confident, elegant and graceful appearance.
      And men are also critizised for their clothes, including on this very forum. Men are less critizised for what they wear because they almost always wear suits. They could complain and say that they don´t enjoy the same freedoms as women who are free to choose between so many more garments, styles, designs, patterns, colours and accessories. They could argue that fashion is oppressing them. They could become "musculinists" and expose lots more skin thinking that would secure them their rights. Maybe men are just more sensible and stick to tested conventions.

      Think about it.
      - Vanessa


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