Queen Letizia presented 'The Reina Letizia 2018 Awards'

On July 9, 2019, Queen Letizia attended a meeting of the Council of the Royal Board on Disability and presented the "Queen Letizia 2018 Awards" at Corral de Comedias Theatre in Ciudad Real. This year's awardees were AMÁS Social Foundation, Almagro Classic International Theater Festival Foundation and director Javier Fesser with the film Champions (Campeones). The film tells the story of a basketball coach who is sentenced to community service and is forced to work with a team of mentally disabled players. The film is inspired by Aderes team in Burjassot (Valencia), a team consisting of people with mental disabilities that won twelve championships in Spain between 1999 and 2014. (Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera.)
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore a fuchsia-pink bespoke dress by Carolina Herrera and the Queen wore Coolook Sila earrings.
Queen Letizia wore Coolook Sila Earrings
Coolook Sila Earrings

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  1. And again: what a gorgeous look!

    1. Anonymous9/7/19 22:54

      Agree! The 5th picture is my favorite.
      So lovely!

    2. Anonymous9/7/19 22:55

      Agree! The 5th picture is my favorite.
      So lovely!

  2. The fit of this dress is immaculate. I love the simple details, which are in keeping with Letizia's style. The pleating in the skirt is simple and very effective, giving it just enough volume. It even appears to have hidden pockets in the seams. Again, simple detail in the bodice with a row of covered buttons. The color is yummy, and she has chosen a nice nude shoe and purse to disappear and give the dress center stage. Beautiful!

    1. Absolutely agree again. A beautiful summer dress and another fantastic look for the Queen

  3. Anonymous9/7/19 14:27

    Lovely, as usual. This must be pink week for her, and who can blame her? Pink is her color.

  4. Lovely dress again! She can really have this colour, it's great on her. Love the tight bodice and the full skirt. Like a flower!

  5. Ein weiteres wunderbares Kleid in einem schönen satten Pink. Was mir am meisten gefällt, ist die exzellente Passform. Königin Letizia weiß, was ihr steht. Sie hat Modeverstand und ist natürlich auch eine sehr schöne Frau. Aber auch solche können modisch ein Desaster sein. Queen L. jedoch nicht. Ich mag auch ihre Experimentierfreude. Das bleibt dann spannend für mich. Wie sie in den hohen Schuhen laufen kann ist auch eine Wonne. Toll!

  6. Anonymous9/7/19 15:32

    This is a great dress and fits perfectly. While some do not like any nude look to a shoe and I am not a fan of a total nude shoe, I do like just the nude strap. It is sexy, feminine and goes with everything.

  7. Anonymous9/7/19 15:43

    She looks soooo good, perfect!

  8. Anonymous9/7/19 16:06

    You have to wonder about her fitness regime, getting as toned and sculpted as she is requires a rigorous exercise routine and a strict diet. Beautiful dress and fun shoes!

    1. Anonymous9/7/19 18:57

      Not too much, Mediterranean diet, yoga and dancing. I am older than her and I am similar.
      Obviously, I hate fast food, processed food, sugar, salt...

  9. This color suits her as a glove, vibrant and fresh!
    It's the second time she wear this dress but it still have one doubt, have this dress pockets? With them or without the dress it's really very nice.

    1. Hi *Kristhy, I don't have eagle eyes, but to me it seems this dress has no pockets. But I can be wrong of course ;-)
      And yes, the dress is very nice indeed!

    2. Thank you @Rosalyn, really I'm not sure, I just have that doubt because in some images it's seems to have, for example image 7 and 8.
      But in almost all the others images it not seems to have, so probably you are completely right ;)
      Thank you once again and have a nice day :)

    3. Hi *Kristhy, you are welcome!
      Indeed, it's very difficult to see. I've the same struggle; sometimes I think it has pockets indeed, and with other pictures I'm like: Nope, no pockets. It seems it will remain a mystery ;-) Perhaps we can ask her secretary or stylist? Or I should have my glasses checked? 😁
      Thank you too for your nice response and I wish you a nice day too!

    4. Yeah lets write an email to her secretary or stylist just asking about her dress pockets. :) :) :) :)
      You made me laugh, thank you very much for that Rosalyn! ;)
      Just a Note: This is a fashion blog and lots of time people just fight between each other...I think it's normal to have different point of view, we all are different, specially in blogs like this that most of us are in different countries with different languages, cultures, societies and so on!
      So, it's very nice when people are friendly, with the same opinion or not that doesn't even matter, so for me it's important to say because, maybe who knows, people that sometimes are aggressive go way if everyone else are friendly and polite. ;)

    5. Yes *Kristhy, let's join the secretary and her stylist and stay friendly and polite, even if we are going to be kicked out 😁
      Thanks for your nice and inspiring message, let's hope it'll reach more people!
      With love!

  10. What a lovely dress. Colour and shape are phantastic.

  11. Anonymous9/7/19 18:31

    Don’t y’all think her hair is a bit too long?

    1. Anonymous9/7/19 20:28

      I actually like it shoulder-length. I never liked it as a bob. When she was younger, her long hair was beautiful, but I think it is a nice length now.

    2. Well, I don't think so, Anon 8:31. I like her hair in this length. Especially with the soft wave in it. It softens her face.

  12. Anonymous9/7/19 18:59

    Yes lovely is the right word

  13. Anonymous9/7/19 19:13

    Esta guapisima !

  14. Anonymous9/7/19 19:22

    I love the dress's color, also great fit. another wonderful look.

  15. Very lovely from head to toes.

  16. Anonymous9/7/19 20:12

    Again a very nice look.This dress is just right for this event. Lovely earrings.

  17. Anonymous9/7/19 21:45

    She is a perfection. I can't believe it - spanish royal couple is working so hard - an engagement every day.

    1. Anonymous10/7/19 03:27

      Yes, very busy and involved in so many organizations all while looking great from head to toe.

    2. Anonymous11/7/19 00:27

      Angie, qué preocupada estás insistiendo en 'cuánto' trabaja Leticia. ¿Por qué será?

    3. Ay chica, yo preocupación O. ¿Me ves preocupada? :))
      Lo único que he hecho es contestar a las Anónimas 11:45 y 5:27.
      He dicho una verdad demostrable en este mismo Blog. Cuando yo diga una mentira, vienes a meterme el dedo en el ojo. Mientras tanto, ajo y agua y comerte la envidia.

  18. Anonymous10/7/19 00:30

    De Barbie a los 50

    1. Déjalo estar, hazte ese favor. Los comentarios mezquinos dicen más (y nada bueno) del que los hace que de la persona contra la que van dirigidos. S.M. la reina Letizia tiene una figura estupenda a la que prácticamente todo le sienta bien- Qué le vamos a hacer.

  19. Anonymous10/7/19 00:41

    Another stunning outfit. Whoever her stylist is, he/she is doing a wonderful job. She’s another extremely busy Queen, and pulling together the variety of clothes for her, from ordinary brands to couture, must be a daunting task. Not to mention the impeccable tailoring for everything. (V.M.)

    1. Reina Letizia repite la ropa y complementos muchas veces. Este vestido lo estrenó el año pasado en Nueva Orleans. Aún así, su estilista hace un buen trabajo, tienes razón.
      Yo la encuentro muy bella, femenina y luminosa con este alegre vestido.

  20. Anonymous10/7/19 04:27

    Victoria and Maxima should clone Letizia's stylist! They both need help.

  21. Anonymous10/7/19 08:10

    She's worn this dress last year in New Orleans for the first time. It is a repeat.

  22. She looks fabulous- love everything from the colour to the style to the fit.


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