Queen Elizabeth attended the Sunday service at Canongate Kirk

Britain's Queen Elizabeth II attended the Sunday Church service at Canongate Kirk in Edinburgh's Old Town. Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. During 'Holyrood Week' (or 'Royal Week 2019'), The Queen lives at the Palace of Holyroodhouse while attending meetings and visiting Scottish regions. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is the official residence of the Monarchy in Scotland.
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week
Queen Elizabeth came to Holyrood Palace for "Holyrood Week 2019" on Friday. Holyrood Week or Royal Week

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  1. Toujours aussi pimpante, la reine porte une bien jolie robe à fleurs ; on remarquera que des fleurs dans le même style agrémentent son chapeau avec élégance !!!

  2. Anonymous30/6/19 23:57

    Who is the lady wearing navy blue suit behind Queen?

    1. Anonymous1/7/19 11:56

      Her lady-in-waiting

  3. Anonymous30/6/19 23:57

    Very lovely coat and dress,I also like the hat. The Q. looks lovely. I do miss seeing the DOE on her side.

  4. Anonymous1/7/19 01:11

    She seems so happy to be there! She is an amazing person; always interested in whatever or whomever is presented to her. This particular ensemble may be my favorite of her day wear. The flowers on her hat match exactly the floral print of her dress. Lovely.

  5. Anonymous1/7/19 02:01

    Beautiful outfit, looks lovely as ever. She has the stamina most people her age (or younger) only wish they had!

    1. Anonymous1/7/19 03:39

      Well it helps being catered to all your life and having the best care since she's royalty and loaded.

    2. 👍🏽

  6. Anonymous1/7/19 07:51

    The Queen almost skips out of the car in the first photo. No doubt the bagpipes will be playing well for Her Majesty at Holyrood Palace. Lovely dress and hat.

  7. I just wonder whether Her Majesty wears the same clothes more than once? It is not an anti-monarch comment! I am just simply curious. So thanks if anyone can answer me.

    1. Anonymous1/7/19 12:14

      ofcourse she does. The yellow outfit she wore at prince William's wedding was a redo and she has worn it and other many times again

    2. She very often repeats outfits, including hats, or has them sometimes remodelled.

    3. Thank you 🙂

  8. Man sieht ihr an, dass sie Mode liebt - und wie sie aus dem Auto hüpft...phänomenal!

  9. Anonymous1/7/19 18:17

    I also wonder if she sleeps with those pearls! Certainly not but one rarely can see her without them.

    1. Anonymous1/7/19 21:16

      I could be mistaken (and I'm sure someone will correct me if I am) but, I believe those are the pearls her father gave her many, many, years ago. They are very functional in that white/cream pearls can go with just about any outfit (even the Queen’s version of “casual wear”) but more importantly they have sentimental value as Her Maj was very close and very, very fond of her father.

      Interesting thing about pearls; the more you wear them – even sleep in them – the better they look. For most jewelry the opposite is true; the more you wear it the more dirty and dinged up it becomes with gold and silver often losing it shine. But pearls just become more and more luminous. It needs contact with human skin and it’s natural oils, etc.

    2. A pearl necklace was presented as a gift from P. Philip upon the birth of their first child. Most likely this one.

  10. The Queen`s attitude is doing the job excellent, I guess.

  11. Yumiko Kokuryu2/7/19 08:35

    Queen ElizabethⅡ in very beautiful floral dress looks fabulous.


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