Norwegian Queen Sonja celebrates her 82nd birthday

Today is Queen Sonja's birthday, and now she is 82 years old. Queen Sonja was born in Oslo on July 4, 1937 as the daughter of Dagny and Karl August Haraldsen. Sonja got married to Crown Prince Harald with a wedding held in Oslo Cathedral on 29 August 1968, and Miss Sonja Haraldsen became the Crown Princess of Norway. When King Harald ascended to the throne after the death of King Olav, Queen Sonja became Norway's queen. Happy birthday to you, Queen Sonja.
Sonja got married to Crown Prince Harald with a wedding held in Oslo Cathedral

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  1. Tolle Frau mit einem grandiosen Geschmack. Sie ist für mich die Mutter aller bürgerlichen Prinzessinnen, die dann nach ihr kamen. Für ihre Liebe haben König Harald und sie sogar noch etwas länger gekämpft als Victoria und Daniel von Schweden. Auf dem Foto sieht sie doch einfach nur klasse aus. Besonders schön finde ich ihre Haare. Ach was, einfach die ganze Person, die nicht nur äußerlich sondern auch innerlich schön ist. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Majestät!

    1. Anonymous4/7/19 21:45

      Dem schlieĂźe ich mich an.

  2. Beaucoup de classe chez la reine Sonja à qui je souhaite un très bon et heureux anniversaire ; qu'il soit suivi par beaucoup d'autres !!!

  3. What a lovely portrait. Queen Sonja is definitely "82 years young" :-). Wishing her a beautiful birthday!

  4. Anonymous4/7/19 17:40

    One of my favourite Royals for so many reason.s
    Always elegant and well dressed, always kind and caring.
    Happy Birthday Queen Sonja.

  5. Anonymous4/7/19 18:37

    Happy 82nd Birthday to a very hard working Queen. Q Sonja looks wonderful.

  6. Happy birthday to a lovely and beautiful Queen! Looking so much younger than her age.

  7. Happy birthday, Queen Sonja. Hope I look as good if I live to be 82.

  8. Anonymous4/7/19 22:34

    She is so beautiful. Happy birthday, Queen Sonja!

  9. Anonymous4/7/19 23:01

    I'm so lucky to be Norwegian, to have such a wonderful queen. Happy bday!

  10. Yumiko Kokuryu5/7/19 02:21

    May 82nd Birthday of Queen Sonja of Norway be blessed with peace and love

  11. Anonymous5/7/19 04:24

    In photos shown in another part of this blog, her grand daughter appears to have her facial structure and looks a lot like her grandmother! Beautiful Queen and grand daughter!

  12. Wow, a very elegant Lady at the age of 82. Encouraging!

  13. Anonymous6/7/19 06:46

    Happy Birthday and blessings to the Queen of Norway.

  14. Wonderful, elegant and smart person! Happy anniversary!

  15. I hope indeed that you will still be blessed with many happy returns!


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