The Duchess of Cambridge attended the Beating Retreat Ceremony

On June 6, 2019, The Duchess of Cambridge attended the Household Division’s Beating Retreat at Horse Guards Parade in London. (The Duchess was wearing a Catherine Walker coat she has previously worn in Canada). The ceremony is a colourful pageant of military music and precision drill carried out by the Mounted Bands of the Household Cavalry and the Massed Bands of the Household Division. The salute is taken by a member of the Royal Family.
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton, Catherine Walker coat, Gianvito Rossi pumps, Cassandra Goad cavolfiore pearl earrings, Mulberry clutch
Kate Middleton carried Mulberry Amberley ClutchKate Middleton wore GIANVITO ROSSI Suede Paraline pumps
MULBERRY Amberley Clutch           GIANVITO ROSSI Paraline Pumps
Kate Middleton wore Cassandra Goad Cavolfiore Pearl Earrings
Cassandra Goad Cavolfiore Pearl Earrings

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  1. Anonymous7/6/19 03:27

    Devastatingly elagant, restrained and regal look from Kate. She stand out in her dcream coat among all the black and red in a quiet, serene way. Love it.

    1. Anonymous7/6/19 16:05

      Totally agree.

    2. Me too, well said!

  2. Purrrrrrfect!! It doesn't get any better than this, such well tailored coat, fantastic hair, polished and elegant, the right amount of jewelry, this how a modern future queen looks like.

    1. Anonymous7/6/19 12:59

      Well, not very modern though. She is still on QEII's fashion footsteps. But I like this coat better than many others she has had...

    2. Hope Baker7/6/19 13:43

      Bien d'accord avec vous. Tout est parfait.

    3. Anonymous7/6/19 16:06

      Indeed. Totally agree with you Cherry Blossom.

  3. Anonymous7/6/19 07:16

    Sehr, sehr schick. Wunderbar von Kopf bis FuĂź. Alles perfekt aufeinander abgestimmt.

  4. Anonymous7/6/19 07:24

    Was hier vielleicht noch fehlt, ist ein Hut, oder?

    1. Anonymous7/6/19 16:58

      Agreed. I also think this occasion warrants a hat.

    2. Anonymous7/6/19 21:58

      In the evening hats are not worn, only until 6pm

  5. Beautiful outfit, a polished complete look

  6. Classy and elegant - love this outfit of the Duchess of Cambridge.

  7. Chic, elegant and stylish. The coat is very well tailored.
    Love the updo and earrings!

  8. Anonymous7/6/19 09:40

    Wow, she looks great. Love her hair, jewellery and coat very much.

  9. she has the same coat in mid blue. its a warm summer day in london, why the winter coat!

    1. Anonymous7/6/19 10:39

      „Warm! summer day in London?? Yesterday??????

    2. Anonymous7/6/19 18:13

      Agree. In June... early evening in the open, it can be cool if not ouright cold. This is London after all. Luckily there was no sprinkling as in raindrops!

    3. Anonymous8/6/19 08:03

      It was freezing cold throughout June 6th in whole Europe. We only had 14 degrees during the day and about 11 in the evening. Combined with strong wind. I would have worn a coat, too.

    4. It wasn't a warm summer's day in my part of London.

  10. Anonymous7/6/19 15:41

    She looks fantastic! The thing about being in the public eye and being photographed so much is that eventually, as does happen now with the Queen, pictures will come back around quite often from 20, 30, 40 years ago. The trick is for them to always look somewhat timeless. No big trends or items that will come and go. The clothes don't command the wearer. The wearer must stand out. Always. The Duchess does. She will. These outfits she is wearing stand up to the test of time and will look polished, professional, and elegant 40 years from now. There will be some things that are trendy and able to be dated.

  11. Anonymous7/6/19 17:19

    Der Mantel ist ok, aber immer dasselbe und dann wird es langweilig.

    1. I do agree. We always know what to expect. Then again, Anon 5:41 does make a good point as well. I think I would rather see her dress younger and take a few risks than worry about how photos will look decades from now. She is always immaculately put together, and her clothes are always beautifully tailored. Her personality and personal style can get lost in the formality.

  12. Anonymous7/6/19 17:43

    Very very nice.She wears timeless clothing,right for every occasion. Dss. Kate is a Pro she knows the do's and don'ts. Great look.

  13. Somehow hair and make-up are to harsh, she looks older than usual. The coat: "impecable", elegant and not a tiny fail, but a bit boring. Very disciplined.

  14. Anonymous8/6/19 11:28

    Could she look any better? I don't thinks so!! I love the ENTIRE look. Everything works well together!! She always looks so good!!

  15. Wie immer elegant und wunderschön : Eine Augenweide die Herzogin , bezaubernd !!💙


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