Spanish royal family attended the 'Order of the Civil Merit' ceremony

On June 19, 2019, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia of Spain attended the "Order of the Civil Merit" ceremony held at the Royal Palace in Madrid. The Order of Civil Merit (Orden del Mérito Civil) was established by King Alfonso XIII of Spain in 1926. This Order was created to reward civic virtues of the functionaries in service for the State, the Provinces and Municipalities.
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings
King Felipe, Princess Leonor and Infanta Sofia. Queen Letizia, blue dress, diamond bracelet, and diamond earrings

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  1. Wow! Both Leonor and Sofia are getting more and more beautiful!

  2. Anonymous19/6/19 18:01

    Thank god Letizia is back on the track. She looks great again.

  3. Anonymous19/6/19 18:13

    Queen Letizia looks fantastic. Love her dress, jewellery and hairstyle.
    Leonor and Sofia have grown so much. Two beauties.

  4. Anonymous19/6/19 18:14

    Great color, simple and elegant for Letizia also the earrings and bracelet are stunning. Pss. Leonore and Infanta Sofia are dressed very smart. I do like the white dress of Sofia a little better, then that of her sister. Nice to see the Infanta's at an event with their parents.

    1. Anonymous19/6/19 20:40

      Totally agree with you .

  5. This is not my favourite hair style for Laetizia. The girls are so nice.

  6. Anonymous19/6/19 18:46

    Great and elegant look for Q Letizia. The girls look very nice too.

  7. I wonder who is the designer? This is a fantastic dress, the color is most flattering. The length and cut impecable. I love the jewel buttons on the belt, not excessive, just the righ amount of bling to elevate the otherwise simple style.
    The Bvulgari earring are some of my favorites, and she is wearing a bracelet, that's rare!!
    I never talk about children's style, just a mention of how grown up and adorable these two are.

    1. Anonymous19/6/19 21:16

      Varela, Cherry..

    2. Anonymous19/6/19 21:45

      Ja, fantastisch. Absolut.
      Schließe mich Cherry Blossom an.

    3. @11:16, thanks, wow I would've bet on CH. I love it!!!

    4. El autor no se conoce. Puede ser Varela, Carolina Herrera o cualquier otro.

    5. Anonymous20/6/19 10:35

      Cherry..In the end nobody knows the designer, I have heard it might be something Sofía's.

    6. I like it very much as well. On you will find many pictures of his design. Letizia wears it quite often.

  8. The Queen looks lovely - really like this shade of blue on her and clean lines of the outfit.

    Both girls look lovely - but I think Leonor looks younger than Sofia, and younger than she actually is. I think it's a mix of her height, her demeanour and her dress, which seems more "childish" than Sofia's.

    1. Anonymous19/6/19 20:42

      Indeed , I agree with you Franny.

    2. Anonymous19/6/19 21:39

      Leonor hat ein richtiges Puppengesicht. Ganz zart irgendwie. Aber ich persönlich mag Sofia lieber, wenn ich die Anmerkung machen darf.

    3. I agree as well. Nature decides... on those things; it will change as time goes. They both look so friendly.

  9. Voici pourquoi ils n’étaient pas à Ascot .

  10. Anonymous19/6/19 19:05

    Could've put sleeves in that light blue dress and worn it to Ascot. Another time perhaps, when the royal ladies' dress code blue again.

  11. Leonor and Sofía are the most beautiful princess in the world. Queen Letizia is stunning. I love them

    1. Beauty is something we shouldn’t compare except in fashions and accessories. All the princesses are lovely.
      The Spanish royal ladies are perfectly dressed today.

    2. Anonymous20/6/19 00:15

      Beauty can vanish in an instant. Compassion, itelligence and following the example of today's honourees are much better values for the little ones to aspire to.

    3. Anonymous20/6/19 00:22

      As always, Letizia beautiful and elegant. The soft blue gives her look of serenity. The makeup just the right touch. The princesses poised, and seem to be a credit to their parents.

    4. Anonymous20/6/19 01:14

      Los más guapos, los hijos de Madeleine de Suecia.

    5. Anonymous20/6/19 04:39

      @ 3:14 The topic relates to everyday people helping others without asking for anything in return. simple... and yes the fashion today was on point.

    6. Hero: What is so unpleasant to say that they are beautiful? Objectively they are the most beautiful princesses of royalty and even if they were not, your comment is unpleasant because you want to make something wrong that I do not understand.
      Anonymous, beauty goes away with time, but here we only praise or criticize the clothes or looks worn by mothers ... I do not see that we talk a lot about how wonderful it is to be queen and supportive.
      Girls are beautiful and it seems that bothers many people. But that is inevitable. THEY ARE BEAUTIFUL.

    7. Anonymous21/6/19 18:07

      No, la mayoría de las veces leo sobre la moda, no sobre el acto, y si las niñas son preciosas , lo son. Las más bellas princesas del mundo. No es fundamental pero es objetivo. Hay mucha gente a la que molesta que sean tan bellas... y no lo entiendo.

  12. Queen Letizia looks very nice with this dress, beautiful color and the style that really works for her. About the princesses, they look cute but my favorite is infanta Sofia's dress. King Felipe very handsome.

  13. Agree, Letizia is such a beautiful Queen and the girls certainly missed their parents.

  14. Anonymous19/6/19 20:01

    They all look great !

  15. Anonymous19/6/19 20:24

    Letizia looks great in this dress and her daughters look quite pretty in theirs too. Each of the girls have such pretty hair and styled nicely, wish Letizia's hair was the same. I do not care for this unkempt, messy updo.

  16. Anonymous19/6/19 20:45

    Impeccable look on Leticia today. The girls both look charming. Their clothing is more mature than before but retains a lovely innocent youthful flair.

  17. Maravillosa familia. Da gusto verlos

  18. Just one thing to add: today was the 5th anniversary of His Majesty' Proclamation as King of Spain. This ceremony is the way KIng Felipe wanted to celebrate the anniversary. And that is why the Girls attended the evento.

    1. Anonymous20/6/19 16:27

      Thank you Maria, that is nice to know.

  19. What a beautifully simple but ultra elegant dress. The Queen looks great. My only complaint is the straggly hair. The Princess and Infanta are both lovely girls. Along with Ingrid Alexandra, I think they are the best looking girls in the next generation. It is nice that they are always dressed age appropriately and not as mini adults. Both look lovely here. I

    1. Anonymous20/6/19 20:55

      ...and not to forget beautiful Princess Isabella of Danmark who is the same age as Infanta Sofia.

    2. Anonymous21/6/19 18:08

      Annie, ok. They are the most beautiful princesses in the world

  20. Letizia looks stunning. Her dress is perfection. I love the classic lines, and the two buttons to give it just the right amount of interest. Her jewelry is beautiful, and a nice surprise. The girls are lovely, and have so much poise!

  21. Anonymous20/6/19 08:55

    I LOVE Letizia's dress. Its very simple style but its color looks fantastic, its cut is very flattering and elegant. Love those buttons at her waist. I wonder if it was custome-made dress for her or who's dress it is?

  22. De momento, no se conoce el autor/es del vestido de la Reina, de la Princesa ni de la Infanta. Letizia tiene unas modistas asturianas a las que a veces ha encargado los vestidos de sus hijas. De cualquier forma, las tres van maravillosamente vestidas y peinadas y se ven bellísimas. Me gusta mucho su pulsera nueva de zafiros; es perfecta para acompañar a ese vestido tan sencillo, depurado y chic. El Rey puede estar orgulloso de sus chicas y de esos ciudadanos anónimos que se esfuerzan cada día por hacer más fácil la vida de los demás. Enhorabuena a todos.


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