Reception - 2019 Luxembourg National Day Celebrations

On the evening of June 23, 2019, Grand Duke Henry and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa held a reception at Grand Ducal Palace as part of celebrations of the National Day, and the reception was attended by Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume, Hereditary Grand Duchess Stéphanie, Prince Louis, Princess Alexandra and Prince Sebastien.
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara
Maria Teresa's Scroll Tiara, Princess Stephanie's butterfly tiara, Princess Alexandra's Charlotte’s Pearl and Diamond Choker tiara

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  1. Where is Felix?

  2. Anonymous24/6/19 02:07

    Not a fan of any of the ladies looks nor their hairstyles. Both Alexandra and Stephanie's updos look very severe to me and could benefit from having some hair framing their faces.

    1. Anonymous24/6/19 08:23


    2. Anonymous24/6/19 11:51

      Agree. And tiaras does not look good with their hairs.

    3. Agree ...oh my just no on it all

    4. Anonymous25/6/19 14:38

      Do not agree at all. Maria Teresa is pretty in the black and pink and Stephanie is beautiful in the red!

  3. Anonymous24/6/19 03:03

    D.Stephanie is such a beauty;her dress looks very striking.G.D Marie Teresa looks a little frumpy

  4. Anonymous24/6/19 03:15

    Where is Claire and Felix?? I don't think their undos are severe, they look like updos other goals have worn.

    1. Anonymous24/6/19 12:14

      Yes their updos are similar but everyone has different face and facial structure and what works for one doesn't work for all.

    2. Royalty fan

      Agree Anon 5:15, where is Claire and Felix?

  5. It doesn’t look like they hire professional hairdressers and stylists for the female members of the court. The HGD and the princess look so severe and their dresses look like something out of the 70’s. Very odd.

    1. My thoughts exactly; Stephanie could use some help in both areas. Nothing is put together.

    2. Anonymous24/6/19 19:51

      Agree with Southernbelle and Millie, though Princess Stephanie is such a beautiful Lady.

  6. Alexandra is wearing a vintage dress of het mothers.

    1. Anonymous24/6/19 14:01

      Ah, that explains why it´s so short on her. I like the dress, but it needs to be floor length, and on her mother it probably was.

      Maria-Teresa looks wonderful, I think. And so does Stephanie in her red gown. Hairstyles could be a bit softer, but they are tidy, so I don´t mind.

  7. Alexandra is a charming and pretty young lady! Stephanie looks a bit tired, I think - but then it's hard to tell from just a few photos.

  8. Well, I actually like Stephanie here. The colour is great on her and I also like her jewelry. I don't think the updo is that severe, in my opinion.
    Alexandra's updo is more tight and I don't like the combination of her dress and her jewelry.
    Maria Teresa is modest; I would've left the scarf/ cardigan thing. Nice tiara though!
    And yes, I missed Felix and Claire too, she often shows a nice style!

    1. Agree, Rosalyn. Stephanie is the winner for me too--by miles. Grand Duchess Maria Theresa is a rare miss for me--I think it's the shawl thin that does the damage and Princess Alexandra's dress does nothing at all for her. Personally, I'll go for the tight updos rather than the straggles favoured by some others at times.

  9. Anonymous24/6/19 11:38

    Unfortunately none of the looks really work for me.

  10. Anonymous24/6/19 11:54

    OK, I know we shouldn’t speculate and shouldn’t start rumors mill running but...... doesn’t Stephanie look rounded in her midsection?? Especially in the photo in profile. There is no waist either (another tell tale sign). I thought the same looking at the morning fotos from the church service, in the sitting position you could undoubtedly see a bulge.... her face seems also fuller... on the other hand, these physical changes appear only past a certain stage in pregnancy (definitely after the 12 weeks milestone!) so if they were really what they seem to be, why wouldn’t they announce such a happy and long awaited news? I am puzzled... Hoping for the good news to arrive soon

    1. Anonymous24/6/19 16:34

      She was drinking alcohol so I doubt she is pregnant. Her clothes just don't fit and are often not even ironed which make them worse

    2. Perhaps she was holding the cup
      only for the toasts and only made the gesture of sipping without taking a drop of alcohol.

    3. I for one don't think she is pregnant. We've seen this 'swollen belly' way earlier and it meant nothing. Perhaps hormones or something.
      But, to be honest, I would love to see her pregnant. Before they got married, they already said they wanted a big family and I wish them all the best and joy! I really grant it to them.

    4. Vous prenez vos rêves pour la réalité !

    5. A few sips of alcohol is not going to make any difference to any potential pregnanacy--it's not poison.

    6. Royalty fan

      Agree with Anon 1:54, very much hope there's an announcement soon, I mean, are they not married for 10 years now?

    7. Anonymous25/6/19 11:25

      A few trops of alcohol do acutally matter when pregnant, it is not encouraged at all and most doctors say that even one glass is one glass too much. Plus she had her rolls over her spanx when sitting during the official ceremony, so it is more likely a dress that didn't fit than anything else.

    8. @ Royalty fan
      This year October they are married for seven years.

    9. Royalty fan

      Many thanks for the information, Ylle

    10. Anonymous26/6/19 02:49

      To Royalty fan and others: Has it ever occurred to you that perhaps not having children might not be of their choice? Do you know how cruel and unkind it is for you to make such wilful and rampant comments to a woman who might yearn to have a child and can't?
      But most of all, it's absolutely none of your business.

  11. Anonymous24/6/19 12:09

    Not a fan of Princess Alexandra's dress, but Grand Duchess Maria Teresa and (surprisingly) Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie look very elegant.

  12. Anonymous24/6/19 13:32

    I agree with who says that their hairdressers are not professional because the royal ladies can look better . D Stephanie red long dress is beautiful as well as her jewelries .

  13. Sinds "De Cubaanse" is ingetrouwd binnen de Luxemburgse Groothertogelijke Familie zijn ze er niet op vooruit gegaan! Frequenteren de dames tegenwoordig de kringloop?

    1. Anonymous25/6/19 08:33

      En weer zo'n neerbuigende opmerking. Kent u de uitdrukking: spreken is zilver, zwijgen is goud? U moest uw nare opmerkingen maar voor zich houden. Zoals onlangs iemand over u schreef: laat dat heer maar weg.

    2. Als je anoniem reageert ben in mijn ogen een lafbek.
      Iemand die doet alsof. Iemand die het achter z'n ellebogen heeft. Iemand die iets te verbergen heeft.
      En wat mijn opmerkingen betreft: die zijn gewoon waar.
      Een monarchie die met z'n tijd meegaat, bestaat niet. Of je houdt je aan de spelregels, of je schaft de boel af.

    3. Helaas voor u moeten dan ALLE monarchieën afgeschaft worden. Er bestaat er geen meer waar geen burger ingetrouwd is.

  14. Anonymous24/6/19 16:35

    Maria Teresa for the win. She looks the most elegant.

  15. I think Maria Teresa and Stephanie look good but don't love Alexandra's dress and I think her hair is too flat and the tiara placed much too far back on her head.

  16. Anonymous24/6/19 18:25

    Creo que no saben escoger su ropa y complementos, no entiendo , no será por falta de dinero.

  17. Anonymous24/6/19 19:23

    The Royal ladies look fantastic and so is the jewelry.Men in Uniform and tux always look very handsome. I did miss Prince Felix and Pss. Claire.

  18. Anonymous24/6/19 20:15

    Creo que no saben escoger su ropa y complementos, no entiendo , no será por falta de dinero.

  19. Gee, I think all three ladies look superb! Stephanie is stunning in her perfectly-fitted column of red with coordinating earrings. Maria-Teresa's gossamer pink scarf is visually dramatic with her black gown, as well as flatteringly slimming. Alexandra's gown is exquisite -- it's a pity that the skirt is a bit too short for her, but imo she looks beautiful in spite of that.

    1. Anonymous25/6/19 04:28

      I agree

    2. Anonymous25/6/19 14:40


    3. Anonymous26/6/19 02:50

      Add me to the list of agreers. Well said, Jane.


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