Queen Margrethe arrived at her summer residence Marselisborg

On June 25, 2019, Danish Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour with the Royal Yacht Dannebrog to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle. Upon arrival, The Queen was welcomed by Deputy Mayor Camilla Fabricius. Marselisborg Castle is the royal residence of the Danish Royal Family, which is located in Aarhus. It has been the summer residence of Queen Margrethe II since 1967.
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle
Queen Margrethe II arrived at Aarhus Harbour to stay at her summer residence Marselisborg Castle

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  1. Once again, Queen Margrethe looks fantastic. She really has been stepping up her game, imo!

  2. Anonymous25/6/19 18:01

    She looks good! I like this outfit and even the shoes.

  3. Anonymous25/6/19 18:50

    The Queen looks good from head to toe.

  4. Anonymous25/6/19 21:53

    Queen Margrethe looks wonderful. The way the colors are alternated from head to toe makes this one of my favorites of her casual outfits.

  5. Belle harmonie entre la couleur saumonée et le bleu marine... Très chic !!!


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