Queen Elizabeth and The Prince of Wales attend the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings in Portsmouth

On June 5, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II and The Prince of Wales attended a National Commemorative Event to mark the 75th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings. The event took place on Southsea Common in Portsmouth, where much of the landing force left for Normandy. The Queen made a speech thanking all those who had taken part in the landings as the commemorations drew to a close. Whilst most events take place in France, remembrance services and other events occur in the UK, US and Canada.
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump, Theresa May, Justin Trudeau, Xavier Bettel. Meghan Markle


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  1. British Prime is dresses for a wedding!
    The Queen should have chosen a neutral color too

    1. A part le 11 novembre en noir, la reine ne porte jamais de couleurs neutres,beige ou gris .

    2. Anonymous5/6/19 20:04

      I thought that myself and was initially surprised by the bright and cheerful colours present at this event. And now, upon further thinking, I actually like this approach. It is much better than the ever-somber outfits at such events. The tribute is paid by everyone´s presence; the message should be a positive outlook.
      - Vanessa

    3. Her Majesty the Queen is to be seen everywhere, from far and near, it's a rule, she almost always wears bright colors.

    4. I agree with Winnie. This is a unique event where the emphasis should not be on the queen and others. Mrs Merkel made a wiser choice, even the white of Melania is fitting better than the pink. There have been some recent occasions where she had softer colours.

    5. Anonymous7/6/19 01:40

      I don't belive ther is any "rule" that says the queen has to wear bright colors for any occasion. I believe it is her choice. I think this was the wrong time for bright pink given the blood shed by all the allied soldiers on this date.

    6. D-Day was a day, to many, that represents the beginning of the end of the war. Of course there was a huge loss of life, and those lives were just honored in the US on Memorial Day. This is a day to remember history. The cause of the war, and why it needed to be fought. I would consider this an all inclusive day of reflection. I would also not question the Queen's color of dress and coat. If anyone knows how to dress for this day, it is the Queen.

  2. Her Majesty looks radiant and deep pink is a very good color for her. She really did seem proud to pay tribute to her generation. Once again, Melania looks great. Overall, she has been very impressive on this trip. She has her own sleek and elegant style and did not try to compete with the British royal family in the jewelry area. No one would win over the British royal jewels. Very smart to bypass.

    1. Anonymous5/6/19 20:36

      Well said, I agree.

    2. Anonymous5/6/19 20:38

      Well done all of them, work on its very best, thank you.

  3. I like the way Melania leaves her hands uncumbered by unnecessary bags, clutches or purses enabling her to greet, shake hands and manage high flights of aircraft stairways. Love this coat - it is crisp and elegant as was the beige coat she wore in London yesterday.

  4. Queen Elisabeth est tout simplement merveilleuse à son âge

  5. Melania has chosen a great wardrobe for her travels to the UK. She looks wonderful.

  6. Anonymous5/6/19 19:54

    Every one looks splendid, the outfits look fantastic. But today and tomorrow there should be less focus on fashions, but more on the sacrifice of young scared men who went to HELL and BACK for GOD and COUNTRY. The ones who did not return their Names are on small white Crosses. The ones who did return felt guilt for their survival. They are a Reminder and a Warning to Men kind,not to repeat the same horror again. This GIFT of FREEDOM is PRICELESS, it was given to US all freely by a Generation,almost gone. Cherish it with every breath you take. We shall never forget. This is from me and my three War Veterans to you all. God Bless us all.

  7. Anonymous5/6/19 19:54

    It’s a serious reminder of where stupid nationalism, abhorrent racism and ANY kind of discrimination can take entire nations, otherwise proud of their history and smarts. Then, like now, human decency and kindness will prevail (but at what cost!). Her Majesty’s pink ensemble appropriately symbolizes the victory of human spirit. Lest we forget.

    1. Anonymous5/6/19 23:07

      Very well said, we must never forget how many young people sacrificed their lives for our freedom and the peace we live in. We need sensible and wise men and women with visions to protect this precious good.

    2. đź‘Źđź‘Źđź‘Ź

  8. HM customarily wears bright, vivid colors for a reason, unless she has determined it is a formal, solumn event.

    She needs to stand out for people to be able to say 'I saw the Queen,'
    (From the Countess of Wessex)

    "Don't forget that when she turns up somewhere, the crowds are two, three, four, ten, 15 deep, and someone wants to be able to say they saw a bit of the Queen's hat as she went past."

    Robert Hardman, the Queen's biographer, even quoted her once as saying, "I can never wear beige because nobody will know who I am."

    1. I know that too and that's why I don't mind the bright colour.

  9. Queen Elisabeth und First Lady Melania mit Abstand die Eleganz in Person !!

  10. Anonymous5/6/19 22:48

    I wonder if Queen Elizabeth realizes that the image on her brooch looks like an "alien" face. Well, it does to me anyway. Nice photo of the world leaders who paid their respects to the Allied Forces from 75 years ago.

  11. The queen’s pink ensemble is beautiful and she looks marvelous . I’m sorry but I don’t like Melania ‘s hat . Both of the hats on this trip were strange . I think that she could have worn hats that didn’t look like she wanted attention. But at least it wasn’t as bad as her step daughter’s . On a good note she will now disappear for months .

    1. Agree. The hat looks as if a UFO landed on her head IMO.

    2. I thought she looked wonderful and loved her hats. She has a beautiful style.

    3. American's don't wear hats, much less fascinators, as a rule. (Just casual hats.) I would have a difficult time wearing most of the hats and all of the fascinators I see the royals wear. If I found myself in the position of having to wear a hat in the UK, I would wear something as simple as I could get away with, so no criticism here.

  12. Anonymous5/6/19 23:11

    Very sad I have made a post,it was not political! but a tribute to D Day. This one was ignored, by who ever takes care of this site, why?? Please do not discriminate.I will find out very shortly if this one will be posted and if the Anonymous will stay or it will be taken away again. In this case cancel the site all together, because this make it bias. In a free Society not what should be done. Thank you. All the ladies look classy.

  13. The Queen fabulous in pink as usual!! Ms. may looks totally out of her element, the coat is nice, but the hat and her posture are just not great. Same for Melania, the coat is fabulous, the belt too tight to look elegant and the hat looks like a flying saucer

  14. Anonymous6/6/19 00:26

    Thank you for posting my comment from june 5 9:54 PM .

  15. Agree with Anon 9 54 that the focus should be primarily on the sacrifices made by those who fought at D day. The event today was not a memorial service but a celebration of those who fought, hence the dancing and singing so dark colours not necessary. The Queen looked stunning and her speech was impressive. I'm not sure why Melania is a fan of the trench coat for formal occasions but she looked very smart today. While agreeing that MRs May's posture is not great (she and I are of a similar age and I am automatically pulling back my shoulders as I type! I also wish my legs were as good as hers.) I think this was a lovely outfit on her, one of the nicest she's worn and perfectly appropriate for the event.

    1. Agree with you too. Well said!


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