Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle watched the football match played between Sweden v Thailand in Nice

Yesterday, Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice, France to support Swedish women football team and to watch the game played between Sweden and Thailand. Sweden beat Tailand 5-1 in Group F at the FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019.
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice
Prince Daniel and Princess Estelle attended FIFA Women’s World Cup France 2019 at Allianz Riviera Stadium in Nice

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  1. Anonymous17/6/19 10:28

    Adorable, lively, curious little girl. I love that Daniel takes her (and a little friend of hers) to watch this football game.

    1. I totally agree, Anonymous 12:28. The photo of daughter and father is too cute! Also the picture of Estelle with the football-team, everybody with a happy smile! And I like how Daniel and the swedish royal family support the female players.

    2. Fully agree with both of you! It's lovely.

  2. They are so adorable!! Great Father-daughter time!

  3. Anonymous17/6/19 11:59

    Estelle has grandma the queen's smile

  4. Anonymous17/6/19 13:19

    Adorable beautiful lively little girl. Indeed , she has her grandma the queen smile.

  5. The most "adorable" is when her parents is talking about the planets situation an then go by airplain for entertainment.Love it

    1. Anonymous17/6/19 15:55

      Her Mum is a global player, one, who can change things. Where will you go on holiday? Do you have a car? Why are on on the internet. You are using electricity for this blog?! Really!!!

    2. I usually like to fly on vacation. I‘m aware that I could walk but then my holyday would be over half way. May be the royal family is planning a hike to the next football world championships soon.

    3. Anonymous17/6/19 17:19

      Really, Mina, considering all the thousands of flights per day on this Earth, the royals are a small part of it. Should they walk? hitchhike? bike? take scooters? Lots of people take trips, but when Charles or Harry or now Daniel & Estelle take a trip, all of a sudden it's terrible. Or criticizing Victoria for her helicopter ride to get to Carl Philip's birthday bash.

      Lots of people fly for lots of unnecessary reasons. And how many products do we use that come from the oil & gas industry? Maybe give up some of your everyday products instead of criticizing people who fly. Or walk instead of drive (like I do). You don't like that, do you.

      (I assume Hellen/Helen won't post this, but that's okay - I have vented. Thanks.)

    4. Anonymous17/6/19 17:32

      Reading your name and knowing what is about to come. Your intention is pretty obvious.
      Get a life

      Adorable pictures from Estelle and her Dad. Hope they had fun together!
      Lovely family

    5. Well,I do not tell other people what to do unless I do it myself.
      I do not fly all around the world to get amused just like that and I really think we all need to think twice before acting.Victorias PR and speaches about taking care of the planet and then do something else,tells us all what kind of moral you really have.
      By all comments here I guess the planets health is not prio 1.

    6. Anonymous17/6/19 22:57

      Please stop criticising in an unreflected way. Royals have to work - and that worldwide - like many other people too. Therefore they have to get from a to b one or the other way. Maybe it's also part of the work to support the swedish team and even if not....
      Royals are role models and have, like for example politicians or scientists, a responsibility to focus and hint on issues, that are important for them and all of us. We should appreciate this. Think of Prince Charles with his engagement for ecological agriculture as an example. Everybody should look at the man or woman in the mirror to start and make a change and look what he or she can do.
      I wish you all a nice and peaceful day.

    7. Dear Mina,
      While it's agreed that this blog is primarily fashion but inevitably strays into other areas, it's really disappointing to get this sort of politically correct criticism. I have no idea what your situation is, nor indeed, that of any of the other people who visit here regularly (personally I like to see the regulars as there are some I generally agree with and others I don't. I enjoy seeing if our views match up for particular events). I do not think any of us should be pontificating to others about our views.
      I think the photos of Daniel and Estelle and Estelle and the Swedish team are great. That seems much more relevant.

  6. Anonymous17/6/19 16:37

    Their hand holding picture is precious. I hope Estelle will remember that moment with fondness in the years to come.

  7. Anonymous17/6/19 18:11

    Very cute little Pss. The time she spent with her dad alone is a memorable moment for both. Sweden all the way. Who won?

    1. Anonymous18/6/19 09:21

      Sweden 5-1 :-) Maybe we should place bets for Sweden-USA? I am Swedish, and I fear that the girls will loose against a very strong US-team. ;-) Go girls!

    2. Anonymous18/6/19 12:25

      Well, nobody will be able to stop the German Team ;-) They'll go for their third World Champion Title for sure! Sorry Sweden

  8. Anonymous18/6/19 08:03

    Nothing is more attractive on a man than a light, traces of a beard. Daniel looks good here.

    1. I have a lot of sympathy for Daniel and admire the way he is fulfilling his position, however I prefer a shaved man.

  9. Anonymous18/6/19 17:37

    Lovely photos. Daniel is such a wonderful person, it seems.
    (He didn´t need that jacket, would have been better without.)
    - Vanessa


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