King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia attended the meeting of RAE

On June 13, 2019, King Felipe VI and Queen Letizia of Spain presided the Board Meeting of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE - Real Academia Española), at Real Academia in Madrid, Spain. The Royal Spanish Academy is the official institution responsible for regulating Spanish Language, in order to keep its unity up in the Spanish territories. The King and Queen of Spain is the honorary presidents of RAE. (Queen Letizia wore a new high waisted pencil skirt by Hugo Boss.)
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore Hugo Boss high waisted pencil skirt same worn Crown Princess Mary,, and Carolina Herrera navy shirt, and Magrit pumps
Queen Letizia wore HUGO BOSS High Waisted Pencil Skirt
HUGO BOSS High Waisted Pencil Skirt

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  1. You can't go wrong with a midi, pencil skirt, specially if it has this lovely subtle blue color, I like the combination and love the shoes and earrings. BTW we have seen the same skirt worn by Mary and Sophia as well. I rather not say who wore it best, as all of them looked great.

  2. Anonymous14/6/19 06:29

    Esta falda la han llevado ya Mary de Dinamarca y Sofía de Suecia!
    Letizia, con el dobladillo mal cosido, as usual...

    1. Anonymous14/6/19 12:59

      Vamos que la se lo han hecho a posta en Hugo Boss a ella,seguro q entiendes mucho de costura, ¿Por qué no te vas a trollear a otro sitio?

    2. @8:29 Nope!! The hem on the skirt it's not badly sewn.

    3. Anon @ 2:59, parece que los trolls quieren convertir este foro en otro de esos sitios cutres donde la envidia y amargura prevalece. Después de examinar con lupa cada detalle y no encontrar nada, se inventan lo del dobladillo, porque cuando repiten sus frases malintencionadas ( aquí inserta el termostato, los brazos, las cirugías, etc,.) los tontainas corren con tales palabras y las repiten por todas partes, hasta que para ellos se convierten en verdades. Mi castellano está un poquito oxidado, pero creo que me explico.:-)

    4. Qué mala baba...las hay realmente tontas

    5. Anonymous14/6/19 21:18

      Cherry, your castellano is perfect, probably better than my English. "Se puede decir más alto, pero no mejor" that you have said.

      Anon 2:59

  3. Simple, but classy and elegant.

  4. Anonymous14/6/19 15:19

    King Felipe seems like the nicest man ever!

  5. Anonymous14/6/19 16:24

    White boutons makes the outfit looks cheap. Je ne se qua mais j’adore pas.

    1. Anonymous14/6/19 19:48

      Where are the white buttons? Dou you need glasses?

    2. Anonymous14/6/19 23:54

      Anonymus 9:48pm, do you need glasses?
      Sí señora, los botones blancos hacen que la prenda parezca de serie = más barata.
      Y para las del dobladillo, Letizia tiene muy mala costurera en su cada, y ella que lo permite.
      Siempre lleva las prendas arregladas, y generalmente las destroza...hay más fotos...

    3. Anonymous15/6/19 09:49

      ¿costurera en su casa, que le arruina la ropa? ¿Una conspiración? Ja, ja.. Se te va la olla y te dedicas a contar todas estas trolas, aquí no te va a creer nadie.

    4. " Je ne se qua" dice y se queda tan pancha... :))) me troncho con la "trilingüe".
      No hay botones blancos, son azul claro nacarados. Intenta otra cosa.
      A Letizia le sienta bien todo tipo de faldas: plisadas, tableadas, de vuelo, pero las de corte lápiz son las que más ponen en valor su estupenda figura. Adoro esos zapatos.

  6. Anonymous14/6/19 19:15

    Letizia looks just amazing.

  7. @6:24, the buttons aren't white, just a reflection from the flash. She has worn this blouse before and the buttons are blue.

  8. Anonymous14/6/19 21:23

    Estupenda y discreta. Estos trolls andan por todos los sitios metiendo cizaña contra Leticia. Algunos foros tuvieron que cerrar por su culpa.

    1. Anonymous15/6/19 00:58

      The outfit is simple and classic for this event. This lady does pencil skirts with aplomb. There is a black leather one she owns that is a head turner. @6:24 a hint of sewing knowledge or just looking at shirts in retail stores will show that it is possible to colour buttons to match a shirt. In this case, the buttons are blue probably with a pearlized back which show as white with the flashes. She must have given very little to chew on this week so we are reduced to hems and buttons. Fail!

  9. Anonymous15/6/19 00:01

    Great look on Letizia. I believe Pss Sofia of Sweden and CP Mary of Denmark have the same skirt. Everyone looked good wearing it.

  10. Queen Letizia's trademark simple elegance - perfect on her.


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