Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa hosted the first garden party of 2019

On June 18, 2019, Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa hosted the first garden party of 2019 at Berg Castle. Leaders of unions, professional chambers, representatives of charities, army commanders, Grand Ducal police commanders and senior officers of varius ministries attended the garden party. (Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera.)
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa wore a green lace top and a green wide-leg lace trouser by Carolina Herrera. Carolina Herrera Evase lace top
Duchess Maria Teresa wore Carolina Herrera Evase lace top and wide leg lace trousers
Carolina Herrera Evase Lace Top and Wide-leg Lace Trousers

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  1. This outfit is just horrible. One of the worst she has ever had.

    1. Anonymous19/6/19 19:57

      It looks pretty tacky on the model as well, it really is bad. Too much green; the blue-green of her outfit doesn't go with the yellowish-green of the grass and other foliage. The only good thing is that it's probably comfortable.

  2. Anonymous19/6/19 16:06

    While the Grand Duchess has a radiant smile and her hair looks very nice, the green lace blends in with the vegetation all around her. The pants seem too long (as compared to those worn by the model) and remind me of the bellbottoms of the 60s and 70s. IMO, this not one of her better looks.

  3. I'm not crazy about this outfit but her husband is very handsome and his tie matches perfectly!

    1. Yes, Grand Duke Henri always looks wonderful!

  4. As usual these days, she is very beautiful in color, hair and make-up. I do love the look of the top but with her petite size, I think the pants would've looked better with plain silky fabric, not totally lace as the top is. The shorter culotte-length on the model would have made her look chopped off. I remember photos of her a few short years ago when she looked so matronly and this is quite a transformation.

    1. Totally agree! Silk pants with matching shoes! She ruined the look with the light colored shoes.

  5. I’m not a fan of so much lace but the Duchess looks amazing!!!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Anonymous19/6/19 18:15

    Not a great outfit for MT. This is just not her.

  8. Anonymous19/6/19 18:24

    La tenue est belle.
    J aime beaucoup la couleur.
    Cependant,Je trouve pas qu elle ne convient à la morphologie de la grande duchesse.

  9. Absolutely horrific - just no! Although I like everything above the neck.

  10. I like Maria Teresa very much, but this outfit looks as if she went to a fencydress-ball with the dresscode "Come as a vegetable".
    Something else: another royal garden-party and nobody of us was invited? Ladies, we must do something!

  11. Anonymous19/6/19 20:26

    This is one of those outfits in which you really have to be long and lean to get away with. Even on the model it's not the best. I think the Grand Duchess should have separated the pieces. If she'd worn the top with some slimming long black trousers it would have been perfect for the occasion and setting. JMO.

  12. Anonymous19/6/19 20:26

    Agree with the other comments, a total outfit of all lace is just too much. The color and style of the top is quite nice and would have been so much better with a solid color for the pants.

  13. Anonymous19/6/19 20:37

    Her outfit is not bad and I like that the Grand Duke tie is also green. They look comfortable and relaxed with there guests and that's great.

  14. I think the top is quite beautiful; it's just the lace pants that look wrong -- and the shoes need to be the same dark green as Maria Teresa's earrings.

  15. Anonymous20/6/19 06:15

    Maria Teresa is so beautiful and so regal that everything looks good on her.

  16. Anonymous20/6/19 09:57

    I am very jealous of her beautiful garden, but not so much of her … fancy pyjamas!

    1. Yes, the garden is absolutely gorgeous; so is Berg Castle. A dream place.


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