Crown Prince Fumihito and Crown Princess Kiko visit to Poland

This year, Poland and Japan celebrate 100th anniversary of start of their diplomatic relations. On the occasion of that anniversary, Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko are making an official visit to Poland. The Crown Prince Couple visited Warsaw today. Predsident Andrzej Duda and his wife Agata Duda welcomed the Crown Couple with a state ceremony held at Warsaw Presidential Palace. The couple's tour is the first overseas trip by members of the Japanese imperial family since the May 1 ascension of Emperor Naruhito, the elder brother of the crown prince.
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko
Predsident of Poland, Andrzej Duda and his wife, Agata Duda welcomed Crown Prince Fumihito and his wife Crown Princess Kiko

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  1. Anonymous28/6/19 17:10

    It’s nice to see the Prince and his wife on an international visit. Princess Kiko looks lovely in this colour, and the suit has a beautiful drape to it. I love the photo of her smiling with Mrs. Duda, who is a very stylish lady in her own right. Clearly they all speak English well as there are no interpreters in sight. (V.M.)

  2. Anonymous28/6/19 17:21

    Pss Kiko wears a lovely off white suit, really no surprise, a classic look. I also like the dress of the First lady of Poland, nice color great look.

  3. Anonymous28/6/19 17:33

    Polish First Lady looks so beautiful. Very stylish woman.

  4. Anonymous28/6/19 17:53

    Ihr Sohn wird der nächste Kaiser, nicht wahr? Und nicht Prinzessin Aiko.

    1. Anonymous28/6/19 18:50


    2. In Japan gilt noch immer die männliche Thronfolge. Da Fumihito (oder auch Prinz Akishino genannt) der Kronprinz ist, bedeutet das natürlich, dass er zunächst seinem Bruder auf den Thron nachfolgen würde. Nach ihm ist dann sein Sohn Hisahito dran. Aiko spielt in der Thronfolge daher keine Rolle.

    3. Anonymous29/6/19 05:27

      Danke für die Antworten.

  5. Anonymous28/6/19 19:56

    What a shame that the daughter of the actual emperor can't succeed him. I hope he will have the time and courage to change these Middle Age laws.

    1. Anonymous28/6/19 22:51

      Maybe she's glad about it...

    2. I think that Emperor Naruhito and Empress Masako will wisely teach their daughter that she does not have to be the Empress of Japan to have a happy and fulfilling life. At any rate,I hope so.

  6. Princess and First Lady matches perfectly their colours of outfits.Mrs. Duda as always is so stylish and elegant.

  7. Love, love, LOVE the color of Mrs Duda's outfit! Crown Princess Kiko looks amazing as well.


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