Charlotte Casiraghi gave an interview to Vogue Mexico magazine

Charlotte Casiraghi, the daughter of Princess Caroline of Hanover, gave an interview to Vogue Mexico, which is the Latin American edition of Vogue magazine. The interview was about the fashion, style and philosophy. Charlotte Casiraghi took part in the photoshoot for the magazine. The photos were taken by photographer Chris Colls.
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline
The interview was about the fashion and style. wedding of Charlotte Casiraghi and Dimitri Rassam. Princess Caroline

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  1. Wow! What a beautiful woman! No wonder she was a Gucci model!

  2. Anonymous28/6/19 14:19

    Terrible photos. The second one is the only one that´s attractive. All the other photos make her look utterly cheap. Why??? Where´s her self-respect?
    But then again, maybe these picture are closer to the truth than I´m aware of. The days of old-school glamour, poise and timeless elegance are long gone. Now, high society is all about hippie chic, shady clubs and fashion victims at sleazy parties.
    - Vanessa

    1. Anonymous28/6/19 16:47

      What do you mean with old school glamour? I really would like to know! Is it the time of the Roaring Twenties or the New Look of CD? Or the sleazy parties there, of course - or shady clubs. I hope, you are not serial mum, I have a problem than:-))

    2. I agree. Only the 2nd side view portrait gives her justice and respect for her beauty, her Grimaldi heritage and profession. All the other photos especially the first one make her look like a cheap.... in Mexico!

    3. Anonymous28/6/19 21:30

      With "old school glamour" I don´t mean a certain decade or fashion phase. I mean that, in earlier times, people of a certain status would always keep up an image of classiness, which I think is totally absent in these photos. These images look cheap to me, the clothes are horrible, the venue dark and lifeless, and the expression of Charlotte is annoyed/sad/irritated/afraid. No grace, no confidence, no interest. I don´t know what this is meant to portray, but it´s not classiness, which I think is key to people of a certain "class" (=royalty) in order to remain relevant.
      I don´t know. Maybe this is just too art-y for me. Haha.
      - Vanessa

    4. Anonymous28/6/19 22:43

      Agree with you, Vanessa. For me these photos are even without expression.She looks like a puppet that is put into various settings. You don't get a glimpse of her personality or character. You are right - the only intention is to create an image of 'art-iness' and even this without success.

    5. Vanessa hits the nail. I agree/

    6. Indeed. Carlotte is very beautiful woman, but these pictures are just depressing and make her look somehow dirty. Sometimes edgy pics can be very atractive but here all look just very repulsive and scruffy.

  3. Charlotte est spectaculaire !

  4. Anonymous28/6/19 14:59

    She’s beautiful! But she she should just smile a smudge more.

    1. Ce sont des photos professionnelles,elle tient le rôle voulu par le photographe femme en perdition.

    2. Anonymous28/6/19 22:53

      Why? To please your vision of what a woman ought to do? No she needn't smile if she doesn't want to.

  5. Vraiment une très belle jeune femme !!!

  6. Anonymous28/6/19 16:41


  7. Genial, wie Charlotte die Eleganz von Damals und den Esprit und Geist von heute auf diesen Fotos vereint. Es ist eine tolle Fotostrecke - eben Vogue!

    1. Just disappointing! I agree with Vanessa at 4.19 P.M.! Esprit of our times? Than this shows simply depression and darkness. These pictures are not classy at all. And this woman is clearly beautiful. This is Vogue?

  8. Anonymous28/6/19 17:15

    Charlotte is a beautiful woman, very photogenic, and I think the photos are very striking and interesting. I don’t like the last one though, where the coat is swallowing her up lol. (V.M.)

  9. Anonymous28/6/19 17:23

    Stunning photos of Charlotte.

  10. Anonymous28/6/19 17:56

    Einige Fotos finde ich sehr schön, z.B das 2. und 6., aber der Rest...Nee, keine gute Fotostrecke. Sie sollte auch an ihrer Haltung arbeiten: die Schultern nach hinten.

    1. Anonymous28/6/19 20:55

      Ich finde auch, dass sie nicht hübsch rüberkommt. Raucht sie zu viel? Wo ist ihre Schönheit hin? DIe Fotos sehen schrecklich aus, ich würde den Fotografen verklagen ;-)
      Nur das Foto mit der Strähne über der Nase ist schön.

    2. Anonymous29/6/19 05:21

      Danke für die Antwort, Frieda.
      Ja, ich weiß auch nicht so genau, woran es liegt. Es gibt viele Frauen, die, wenn sie in ihren Dreißigern oder Vierzigern sind, einfach immer schöner werden. Bei Charlotte habe ich das Gefühl, dass es sich genau andersherum verhält. Leider.
      Und diese Fotostrecke spiegelt das seltsamerweise (oder auch so gewollt) wider. Manchmal habe ich das Gefühl, dass sie nicht die liebliche Schönheit sein will und sich deshalb oft so schrecklich stylt.

  11. In most of the photos, she doesn't even look like herself.

    1. Anonymous28/6/19 20:58

      That's the point...

    2. In the first one, she looks like she suffers from "the morning after"

  12. A beautiful woman. Apparently she‘s in peace with herself again.

  13. Anonymous28/6/19 18:13

    Charlotte has a beautiful face, but she is not elegant or graceful. Im sorry but there's no Grace Kelly's legacy here.

  14. Charlotte is a beautiful woman in horrible clothes here. And I agree with Annonymous 8:13 to a certain extent that she does not engage the camera or viewer. On the contrary, she seems closed off. But there is no doubt that she is beautiful.

    1. She often wears absolutely horrible fashion. In her mid 30s she picks stuff fit for a teenager, which slowly but surely qualifies as mutton dressed as lamb.

      She still has not yet developed a style of her own - which is why she keeps copying others, e.g. Grace in that white strapless evening gown at her wedding reception. She even copied Grace's hairstyle - way too much for being a tribute to her gran.

  15. Anonymous28/6/19 19:17


  16. Anonymous28/6/19 20:09

    I’m sorry but these photos look very amateurish and cliché to me; as if they are a high school student’s project for final exams of a photography class. There are some elements of good photography here but they are hit or miss and sort of all over the place; again as if done by a beginner with some future potential. It’s been a long time since I last purchased a Vogue magazine and these photos are not making me want to rush out and get the latest copy. I don’t how the actual article/interview is; hopefully better and more in-depth than these photos?

  17. A beautiful woman, some striking if dark photographs - not my favourites of her.

    I see nothing cheap looking - I see high fashion which may not be to everyone's taste. I think she has plenty of self respect - and I see nothing in these images that suggests she hasn't. They are stylised fashion photography - it's a job, she gets paid to play a role for the photographer.

    As for the comment likening her to a prostitute... complete with a bit of shade thrown at Mexico...

    I don't know why it never ceases to amaze me how judgemental and unpleasant women can be about other women. If you don't like the clothes or the photos fine, but give the character assassination a break.

    1. Thank you for your level mindedness Franny!

    2. Franny, you are absolutely right!

    3. Anonymous28/6/19 22:56

      Last paragraph, absolutely agree. The sentiment of it should be like a warning at the top of the comments as a permanent fixture on this site and many others.

    4. Anonymous29/6/19 00:34

      These photos are no fashion photography primarily. These photos are part of an interview with Charlotte Casiraghi, and judging by the cover (I haven´t read the magazine), she´s talking about her life (royal and private) and the new rules that apply to today´s royalty. So, she is very much marketing herself, and to some extent even representing the royal family, not some fashion label, although fashion talk probably also played a role.

      I generally don´t like most fashion photography which tends to be exaggerated and often intentionally provocative, but I can accept that as art. It´s subject to trends, it´s rather superficial anyway, photos come and go as do designs and trends. A royal house though stands for something else, or at least it should: continuity and heritage, class and glamour, ideally unifying the people and acting as a moral authority. In that context, I cannot help but find these photos unfortunate.
      What we observe is royalty becoming more common and losing their elevated status and power (which is inevitable and probably a good thing), but also shifting from classy regalness to celebrity superficialness (which is not good). This is especially evident in Monaco, I think.

      I don´t think that any of the comments above are anywhere close to character assassination. No one has judged Charlotte here. We´ve all reacted to her photos, that´s all, no one has attacked her.
      - Vanessa

    5. Anonymous29/6/19 01:44

      I agree completely.

    6. Franny, I wholeheartedly agree with you, never ceases to amaze me how mean spirited some women can be, in a world where we can be everything, let's choose to be kind.
      These pictures are very artistic, and somewhat dark, not my cup of tea, but the parallels are even darker.

    7. Franny, I think you misunderstand the comments. Nobody is comparing her to prostitute just saying these images are bad and make her look bad. We are judging the photographer who has had this vision of pics.

      When Charlotte is really a very beautiful woman, as most of commentators here repeat, these pics are really depressing.

    8. Vanessa and Blondini - I understand that the photos and fashion are not to everyone's liking. I don't particularly like them myself. However, Chris Colls makes a pretty good living taking these kinds of photos so they appeal to somebody's aesthetic.

      They are fashion photos for a fashion magazine - the fact that they accompany an interview doesn't mean they aren't.

      If you re-read the comments she is definitely compared to a prostitute...

    9. And I think asking where her self-respect is a judgement of Charlotte's character not the photos.

  18. Anonymous28/6/19 22:45

    Oh dear.

  19. Anonymous28/6/19 23:05

    The second photo is quite good, but all the others are not my cup of coffee. Absolutely dot like this`kind passionate victim-look, by far too superficial for me.

  20. The resemblance to her Mother is almost scary. What a beauty she is ~

  21. Very bold photos, at least most of them. Art photos does not have to be beautiful and pretty, the life is not always beautiful. I love black and white photos and these are amazing.

  22. I'm on the fence on Charlotte. Sometimes she looks beautiful, but other times she comes off like she's trying too hard to be edgy and it doesn't suit her.

    1. I agree entirely with Marybeth. I would just add that Vogue is not my favorite magasine, too excentri for me.

  23. Anonymous29/6/19 13:39

    Charlotte is a very good-looking woman. But the cover photo is not flattering.

  24. Anonymous29/6/19 16:27

    She is amazingly beautiful. However, I find these photos to be dull and depressing. Maybe that was the intent because of the immigration situation involving Mexico and the United States. It would have been nice to see her in vibrant colors with a smile on that perfect face.

  25. Anonymous29/6/19 20:16

    OMG they're pictures!! "Dark" photoshoot?? What does that even mean?? She looks great, she's VERY CLASSY, she has respect for herself and she doesn't look cheap. I don't see you in Vogue or in a photoshoot so leave her alone. We've all seen models who don't smile so she's no different stop telling women to SMILE!!!

  26. She is such beauty and no doubt the most good looking royal ever.

  27. Anonymous30/6/19 21:40

    Wouaouh Charlotte. Absolutely stunning!

  28. Anonymous2/7/19 06:04

    I think Charlotte is absolutely gorgeous, but that is only portrayed in one photograph that I see here. Actually, if you had asked me "who is this" in 2 of the pictures, I would say that I had no idea, and I have been following this family since the days of Princess Grace. I think that Charlotte looks very much like her aunt Stephanie in a few of these pictures. I have to agree though with what someone else wrote = where is the beauty of her grandmother? It just isn't shown in these pictures.


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