The Duchess of Cambridge visited Bletchley Park for a D-Day exhibition

On May 14, The Duchess of Cambridge visited Bletchley Park to tour a special D-Day exhibition in the newly restored Teleprinter Building, marking the 75th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Bletchley Park was British government's cryptological establishment used during the World War II. After touring the exhibition, The Duchess met with the restoration team and received information about the restoration that was carried out on the building. The Duchess also met with schoolchildren who have been learning about the codebreakers through the Bletchley Park Trust.
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton Alessandra Rich pleated polka dot silk midi dress, Annoushka pearl and Kiki diamond hoop earrings
Kate Middleton wore Alessandra Rich Pleated polka dot silk crepe de chine midi dress
Alessandra Rich Pleated polka-dot Silk Crepe de Chine Midi Dress
Kate Middleton wears Annoushka Pearl and Kiki Diamond Hoop EarringsKate Middleton carried Smythson Panama Clutch
Annoushka Pearl and Kiki Hoop Earrings - Smythson Panama Clutch

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Love the dress's floatiness and basic style -- however, having seen a number of photos taken on the apparently windy day, I make no apologies for saying that it needs another button to avoid exposing the wearer's upper thigh. There is sometimes a fine line between dressing "young" and being fashion-forward, and looking undignified. (Emotions tend to flare when that fine line is discussed.)

    1. Anonymous15/5/19 01:47

      Jane Chantal, grow up. Nothing wrong with a woman showing her upper thigh. We have legs. Enough with the patriarchal thoughts on what women should and shouldn't wear and what should and shouldn't be exposed. It's 2019 not 1311.

    2. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

    3. Why don't you grow up yourself, and realize that most people find feminists annoying, for good reason.

    4. Anonymous 3:47 way to go with proving Jane Chantal right about emotions flaring.

      Speaking as someone with fond memories of 1311 manners were much better - people were able to express their opinions and accept other people thought differently without being rude.

    5. I can't say I have a problem with her leg showing. I thought it was refreshing to see a little leg with such a "buttoned up" look. I think the dress is too long and a touch matronly. It has a beautiful fit to be sure, but that doesn't matter when it is her typical look. Seeing a dress like this every once in a while might be nice, but not most of the time. I find it aging.

    6. Anonymous15/5/19 09:51

      @Anon.3:47, agree with you. Why not to show nice legs!

    7. Well said anonymous 3:47! Some people on this blog seem to have serious issues with a woman was the audacity to show her figure.
      Whether it's tight pants, short skirts/dresses or exposed thighs.

      And Isa I dont know what planet you've been living on but most people dont find feminists annoying.

      If it weren't for feminists, women wouldn't have half the rights they do now. Or have you not been paying attention to recent issues like Times Up, or the Me Too movement.
      The only people who find feminists annoying are the people who think women should "know their place".

    8. Anonymous15/5/19 12:45

      it's not only about showing some leg or not. If you see the video from the visit, before leaving the building she meets a little boy who has a posy of lowers for her, she kneels down to take the flowers and speak to the boy and you will see how the dress flew up on both sides, she struggled to keep it down and hardly managed to tuck it under her legs somehow - that was a proper Merilyn Monroe moment, similar to the one she experienced in the India tour when laying a wreath at a war monument.... This is of course an accident, but come on, she should know better, especially as it is not the first time this happens, one would think that she would have learnt the simple lesson 8 years into royal life (and you don't even need to be a royal to know that!): floaty dresses + windy conditions = disaster waiting to happen... Not impressed

    9. I agree with Anon 2:45 PM. It's not the first time something like this happened. And of course it's not like you could see her underwear or something, but especially as a royal, with people always watching and judging, you have to be careful.
      I do not like the way some people express themselves. That's why I also agree with Franny. And I agree with Jane Chantal too, but almost didn't dare to say because people can be very judging and almost hostile sometimes.
      It's ALLOWED for EVERYONE to have an OWN opinion.
      Sorry dear people, but I had to say this. Thank you :-)

    10. I have a question to Isa: "Most people find feminists annoying, and for good reason"? Are you kidding? No votes for women, no right to earn your own money - is that the world you want to live in??

    11. Anonymous15/5/19 22:34

      I think anonymous could have expressed her views slightly less rudely, that would have been nice.
      I am sure Jane Chantal has no problem with pop stars running about in what basically amounts to skimpy underwear. In this case, however this is a queen-to-be in a formal setting. Showing knees seems appropriate to me, showing most of your leg...not so much. Rules concerning appropriate dressing in a formal setting do not only apply to women, anyway - you wouldn't expect Wills to wear shorts and a T-shirt for such an ocasion, would you, not even in summer. So this is not about double standards, but rules that apply to both sexes.

    12. I totally agree with you Anon 12:34 AM. Well said!

  2. Anonymous14/5/19 17:09

    Auch wenn das Kleid ein bisschen streng wirkt: mir gefällt es.

    1. Mir ebenso!

    2. This says nothinh to do with feminism . its common sense. Sadly Kate has a record of showiyng certain body partes that she shouldnt. A extra botton would have been good in this case.

    3. Very well said, Raquel! Couldn't agree more. Nice to see your comment!

  3. Anonymous14/5/19 18:05

    Elegant dress for this visit to the Bletchley Park. I think she pointed at one of her relatives names. These ladies had a very important job. Nice to remember them, sine D-Day celebrations are just around the corner.

    1. Agree -- it is wonderful that this event has highlighted the heroic contribution of these women.

  4. Anonymous14/5/19 18:30

    While this dress is a recipe for disaster for most, Kate’s athletic figure and simple, uncluttered styling and the overall perfect fit makes the whole look work.

  5. Un vestido clasico muy al estilo de la duquesa, sin robarle protagonismo al evento y a las damas que le acompañan en la siguiente foto. Excelente idea de incluir a las mujeres que hicieron historia y con su trabajo contribuyeron al fin de la guerra.

  6. Every dress fits her, yes; however this one is not my favorite one.

    1. Anonymous15/5/19 19:36

      I agree with you. The Dress is too high on the neck, far too long for her figure. And oh the button down style on a dress this long! Not a good look, and as for the fly-away skirt, others habe said it already!
      Diana wore a similar dress in the eighties, and it looked more flattering and younger then this.

  7. Anonymous14/5/19 20:21

    She is back to this postwar-style. I'm not fan of it. She could do so much better.

    1. Anonymous15/5/19 08:30

      I agree with you.

    2. Anonymous16/5/19 00:34

      I do not like it either, especially this high neck and the length and the colour and everything about the dress.

  8. It's a lovely retro dress which suits the Duchess beautifully. Think she forgot the old trick of weights for a floaty dress on a windy day. :-) Great shoes as well.

  9. Coincido con "Mary T":este vestido no es mi favorito

  10. She really looks dated here, too 80's. She needs to modernise the dress with better accessories since the way it is styled now is not good at all.

  11. Anonymous15/5/19 02:28

    Perfectly dressed for this event!

    1. In fact, it is. It clearly has the WW II vibe with a modern touch. So, I think, she'd put some consideration behind that pick of outfit, as she mostly does. The dress matches the occasion as well as the location and all the history behind it. I also love how they were shown the famous Enigma coding/decoding machine. Classic.

  12. I like the dress - material, retro vibe and excellent tailoring - but find it a tad long on the Duchess. Not because I'm against longer dresses but I find she looks a bit like a stick of spaghetti. Sorry - struggling to find a better way to say it. She's very tall and slim and athletic and I don't think it does her justice.

    She still looks good and hair is fabulous.

  13. Anonymous15/5/19 07:41

    She always makes everything dated and old. Modern hairstyle, shoes or jewellery would have balanced with the dress. But no, Kate is wearing pearls, classic nubuck shoes and barbie hair. It's meh for me.

  14. I don’t like this dress, too old fashioned. It looks like something Diana would have worn in the early 80’s before she developed her own style. Way too “Mumsy” for me!

  15. I think it is a classicalal and nice dress which utterly fits with Kate' sense of elegance and match perfectly with the event she attends.

  16. The dress is the same she wore on the official photograph for Prince Charles's birthday.
    Fun fact: Yesterday I stumbled upon some pictures of the last Grand Duchesses of Russia, the daughters of tsar Nicolas 2. They wore almost exact the same dress! Dotted, with buttons, a white collar and white cuffs. Very rare!
    But back to the present: I like the colour, it's beautiful on her and also the flowing skirt. But indeed, windy and a quite high slit are often not working nicely together ;-)
    And I have always loved her classic, retro/ vintage and romantic style and that's why it suits her so much.

    1. The Duchess has indeed her own style which suits her incredibly, as Rosalyn just said "And I have always loved her classic, retro/ vintage and romantic style and that's why it suits her so much". She does not need to re-invent anything regarding styling.

    2. Ahw thank you MaryT, that is very kind of you. Nice that you agree about her style! I'm a huge fan of Kate!

  17. Einfach bezaubernd - Herzogin Catherine eine Augenweide !!

  18. Eine Augenweide Herzogin Catherine !!

  19. No quiero ofender pero este modelo sin cuello lo llevaba mi abuela a punta del este,cómo le molestaba el sol era manga larga.. quise mucho a mi nona;--ergo no me agrada en una persona joven

  20. I don't think feminist are annoying, for a number of reasons that won't even fit on this space. Some people are annoying regardless of their beliefs. Period. What I truly find annoying is all of you anonymous participants, your angle it's just so evident... you can write your opinion and then agree with yourself over and over, does that validate your point, does it make you feel better? At a minimum you can add a name to the bottom of your comment, you know it could be totally made up, we aren't going to google you:-) SMH!!


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