Queen Maxima attended the opening of 'Future of Health Coverage' conference

On May 9, 2019, Dutch Queen Maxima attended the opening of "Future of Health Coverage" conference held at the Royal Tropical Institute in Amsterdam. The conference is organized by Financial Times in collaboration with The Joep Lange Institute and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Queen Maxima gave a speech at the opening of "Future of Health Coverage" international conference.
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print polka dot paneled silk dress, pink diamond earrings
Queen Maxima wore Giambattista Valli print Polka dot Paneled Silk Gown
Giambattista Valli print Polka-dot Paneled Silk Gown

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  1. That's just sad. The dress...semi transparent, ill fitting, and of course, the ugly uncombed hair. Total disaster!

  2. Anonymous9/5/19 23:36

    I do not like this dress, to much different material.I am not wearing it, so Maxima looks OK in it.

  3. We didn’t like this dress the first time out and it hasn’t improved. Her hair looks pretty good, better than usual, and she is lovely as aways in my eyes.

    1. To me the dress is ok. I am just not impressed by it but it fits her quite well. I agree the hair is "better", if we can say so. The hair problem is not about combed or not! It is about the thinning cut, which SHE seems to like, while here most comments are negative. I would not like to have it for myself, I admit, but it is common casual hair styling, and has nothing to do with poor care.

    2. At last somebody who says leave Maxima alone - she must like her hair the way it is - it is her choice - not suit everybody but she is happy with it the way it is. Why do people have to be so negative about a hard working woman who represents her country well

  4. Anonymous10/5/19 02:24

    Such an odd dress!

  5. Anonymous10/5/19 05:11

    Yes, this is quite the odd dress, but at least it is not bright yellow. She looks like she tried to make more of an effort with her hair.

  6. Anonymous10/5/19 05:50

    Such a hard working Queen! Lovely lady

  7. I like the full length version of this dress better. I think that would look great on her.

  8. Anonymous10/5/19 11:44

    Love the dress and her hair. Such a beautiful Queen!

    1. Anonymous10/5/19 13:47

      Totally agree. Absolutely fabulous .

  9. Anonymous10/5/19 13:52

    Love the dress, the hair and the accessories . Queen Maxima looks gorgeous .

  10. The Queen looks fresh and fabulous!

  11. Anonymous10/5/19 19:50

    I also love the dress and think she looks great in it, both now and the first time she wore it. Well done, Max!

  12. Love the Queen. Do NOT love the dress. It’s awful.


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