Princess Madeleine, Princess Leonore and Nicolas visited Romero Britto's workshop

On May 22, 2019, Princess Madeleine of Sweden, with her children Princess Leonore and Prince Nicolas visited painter Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami. Romero Britto is a Brazilian artist, painter and sculptor. He currently lives in Miami,FL. Romero Britto was appointed as a Trustee of Prince's Trust International in May 2015. The Prince's Trust is a charity in the UK founded in 1976 by The Prince of Wales to help vulnerable young people get their lives on track.
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami
Romero Britto's workshop at Wynwood Walls & Art District in Miami

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous22/5/19 21:34

    She really should give up her and her children's title.

    1. Anonymous22/5/19 23:53

      Why on earth would you suggest that?!!!!

    2. Anonymous23/5/19 02:30

      Totally agree.

    3. Anonymous23/5/19 04:53

      Any reason why?
      She is the daughter of Swedish king and her kids are the granchildren of the king. She hasn't done anything bad.
      It feels like Anonym is envious she/he don't have the title 😤

    4. Anonymous23/5/19 06:15

      Sorry but who are you to insist someone should give up her or his title??
      Madeleine has done nothing wrong nor has she attainted the Swedish royal family!

    5. Anonymous23/5/19 09:45

      And would you be saying this if it was Prince Carl Philip, or is it just Madeleine?

    6. I agree with Anonymous 11:34 and I really don't understand why she (if Anonymous is female) should not say what she thinks. Madeleine obviously wants the title and the privilegue, but not the duty. She was not even at the kings birthday recently.
      As for Anonymous 6:53 - it is so boring to say that whoever critizises someone else is "envious". That is the reaction of a girl in elementary school, defending her best friend.

    7. Anonymous23/5/19 11:49

      Hahaha anonymous 6:53 that's absolutely ridiculous. I'm certainly not jealous of Madeleine.
      I think she should give up her title because she only wants to be a princess when it suits her.
      She'd rather live anywhere in the world except Sweden, and only goes back home for the glamorous tiara events like the Nobel ceremonies.
      I'm not sure how old Leonore is but Swedish law states that if her children want to remain in the law of succession, they have to go to school in Sweden.
      So, it'll be interesting to see if she moves back (doubtful she will).
      Of course, I'll be attacked because of my opinions but oh well. That's how I feel.
      She always says how she wants a normal life for her and her children, so if that's the case - give up your titles.

    8. It's not insisting, it's just an opinion,that anonymus wrote. Why do you like to fight so much?.. Everyone is allowed to have an opinion, maybe it's ok, maybe wrong. How do you know you're the one who's wright?
      Madeleine did move from Sweden and attends events more and more rarely, lives like every other common citizen, has rich husband and still needs swedish money.. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it. You thing being royal is like you're a god..

    9. Agree. Madeleine isn’t really a working Swedish princess.

    10. Anonymous23/5/19 15:51

      Madeleine has never said she has left Sweden permanently. Many people live abroad because of their studies or job. For now she concentrate on her children, her husband has job in FL, why its bad?
      I'm sure The King gave his permission for Madeleine to live abroad. If he's ok with current situation, then what's the problem?
      Some of you think she should give up your title. Fine. Other comments here show others would hate to see it happen. Personally I think Swedish royal family without Madeleine would be empty...

    11. What I don't understand is why she has to give up her title just because she doesn't work full-time for the royal house. The title in itself doesn't cost anyone anything, neither does it hurt or take anything away from someone else either. She would only get "pay" for the times she represents. So why is it a problem that she has a royal title? Her aunt Princess Birgitta has lived abroad her whole adult life and kept both HRH and princess title. The English royal house has a lot of HRH and people with titles and it doesn't seem to bother people. So I'm confused as to why this is the case with Madeleine. But I guess to each their own. It's not for us to decide anyway. Difference of opinions makes for an interesting world at least! :)

    12. Anonymous23/5/19 16:07

      This is very overbearing to say and if you think Princess Madleine would read this, it is clear it is heartless as well.
      She must feel thrown out of her family and her past should sonething like earesed?
      Get a live.

    13. You can laugh about me as well, though I´m not Anon 6:53. I want structures where you do not have to devalue each other, just a thought.

    14. Anonymous23/5/19 18:44

      Sorry but this sounds plain silly.
      Do you also expect e.g Crown Prince of Denmark to give up his title because he rarely ever works, or do you only pick on Madeleine (ask yourself why only pick on Pss M, she's not the future queen?)?
      She's not getting money from her title. Privileges? No more than other offsprings of rich people.
      Its also false she only attends the glamorous tiara events. I didn't see her at Nobels in 2018, if you did, please post pics! And no wonder she wont atttend if she gets blamed when she does attend.
      The reasons that were mentioned above are no reasons to give up the title! And when you start the row, then don't blame others when they react. Others didn't agree with you. I don't get it - If you dont like her why click on her threads and comment on her?

    15. Dominique23/5/19 21:05

      For goodness sake, some of you need to calm down. Anonymous expressed their opinion, and you all pounced like a pack of wild hyenas!
      For some time there has been this emerging group of commenters who instantly get easily offended. It's ridiculous. Say you don't like/agree with something - you're instantly called "mean" "nasty" "rude" etc. It's like you're putting royals up on this pedestal that makes them immune from criticism.
      Anonymous didn't say anything offensive at all about Madeleine but was accused of being jealous, overbearing, and not having a life. Come on!

      Saying how you feel about a certain situation is not devaluing someone (sonnenkringel).

      It's really sad that this blog has gotten so sensitive that just the slightest disagreement gets blown out of proportion.

    16. Madeleine and Chris have been targeted and treated very badly and unfairly by the Swedish press. No wonder they have left for a while. The very idea that she should give up her title illustrates that she is targeted when so many other Royal family members who live abroad are not. Felix and Claire of Luxembourg have lived in France and Switzerland for years. The entire Greek royal family has lived in England for long periods of time. Cristina of Spain still has her title in spite of a true financial crime her husband was convicted of.

    17. Anonymous24/5/19 04:56

      People just asked why she should give up her title.
      Obviosly they were puzzled by that comment.
      I think Madeleine hasn't done anything bad, nor she gets appanage or has stuff who cost money.
      Why does it matter if she has the title or not?
      She's Bernadotte, her children as well. Its like some of you expect to erase her past and through her out. Very odd.

    18. This thread has some really sweet pictures of mother and her children painting together but first comment was ... "she should give up her title"...

      This sounded like an off-topic comment, so people just asked why. How its attacking like "a pack of wild hyenas"?

      Many other royal houses have a lot of HRHs and HHS who are not working royals but it doesn't seem to bother anyone and no one calls them "lazy" (how someone can call mother of 3 "lazy" is baffling :D ) or expect them to give up their titles. Nor it was problem when prince Carl Philip married former reality star and someone who posed naked, and this choice raised lots of questions about her suitability, but the King accepted her into the family and gave her the title.

      The title in itself doesn't cost anyone anything, it DO NOT grant them automatic income!

      So what is the problem with Madeleine and her title?

      Royal titles are either inherited or granted by the King or the Queen. Madeleine was born a King's daughter, her children his grandchildren, its not like she can swipe away her past.

    19. Anonymous24/5/19 09:40

      As a child of a Swedish monarch, Pss Madeleine is entitled to the designation of princess with the style of Her Royal Highness (just as her older siblings). She can not change the history of being born to a King.

      IF she gave up her title, it would be like denying her roots and backround. Would you do something like this to your parents?

      Quite honestly I fail to see how things would be better if she were titless? Its not like her title gives her income or cost something to anyone. She has no office, no stuff, no bodyguards, no palace to live, like Victoria and her parrents do.

      If the problem is that she works so little, then I would also like to see her working more, and I'd be happy if she returned to Sweden. The Swedish royal family is not the same without her. But for now she takes care of her little children and is where her husband is.

    20. Anonymous24/5/19 09:54

      Yes Dominique, I completely agree with every single word you've written!

    21. Madeleine WOLLTE vor der Hochzeit ihre Titel und auch ihre Repräsentationspflichten ablegen, um sich voll auf ihren Mann und die (damals noch zukünftigen) Kinder konzentrieren zu können - woraufhin der König ihr die Einwilligung zur Hochzeit vcrweigerte.... Sie ist von jeher sein Lieblingskind, das rächt sich jetzt.

      So, wie sie jetzt lebt, ist es ein Kompromiss, den sie eingehen musste, um nicht völlig von der Familie verstossen zu werden, aber ich denke, nach dem Tod des Königs wird sie sich komplett ins Privatleben zurückziehen.
      Auf ihre Apanage hat sie schon 2012 verzichtet !

    22. Anonymous25/5/19 11:32

      How about we leave off abusing any of them unless they do something bad?

  2. Anonymous22/5/19 22:12

    What a nice idea to have an individuel painting for each child. So sweet, that they didn't forget Adrienne. These paintings will bring precious memories of a special time in their lives when they are older.

  3. Anonymous22/5/19 23:50

    Each of her children have their own painting. Nice work kids. Madeleine looks happy,nice shirt.

  4. Anonymous23/5/19 05:15

    Madeleine is a good ambassador in the US. Prince Charles can also be very proud of how he has helped vulnerable young people of both rich and poor backgrounds. Rich does not mean happy;drugs and mental health issues are within all walks of life.

  5. Anonymous23/5/19 06:17

    Adorable pictures. Thanks for sharing!
    Nicolas seem to be spitting image of his father. Leonore looks so cute with her blond hair. Madeleine looks stylish even while painting. Its great to see her content and happy in her new role of motherhood. But I miss seeing her more. Swedish Royal family is not the same without her.

  6. Anonymous23/5/19 08:28

    Great to see Leonore so engaged when coloring the picture. They all seemed to have lots of fun. Loved their outifts.

  7. Anonymous23/5/19 13:12

    Leonore looks so much like her paternal grandmother!

  8. Princess Madeleine is the daughter of the King, and as such has a royal title. Not being first or second on the line of succession, she is devoting time to her family. She still attends annual Swedish events, and works with her mother's organization to fight abuse of children.

    1. Anonymous23/5/19 18:02

      Agree with you PB Coleman .

  9. Beautiful children, I think they always look very happy to live in Florida. But she's still a princess and does attend some functions if asked.

  10. Beautiful children, I think they always look very happy to live in Florida. But she's still a princess and does attend some functions if asked.

  11. I am wondering how many Swedish people have contributed to this topic??

    1. Good question. And I wonder whether the board moderator might consider requiring some kind of name for each poster, other than "Anonymous"? It doesn't have to be a real name but something that would allow some kind of order in the slew of unidentified posts.

    2. Depending on your computer set up, it is sometime impossible to post as anything other than Anonymous or Unknown. I had this problem previously and have no idea how I managed to fix it--or it fixed itself in the magic way that computers do.

  12. Anonymous25/5/19 16:16

    Wonderful pictures.
    The family will never move to Sweden and they don't need to live in Sweden.
    Swedish schools and education are also available in the USA.
    The title princess is M born with and has nothing to do with finances.
    When and if she represents Sweden compensation Is paid. All Swedish "readers" know these rules and there is nothing to wonder about.


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