Princess Charlene opened Grace Kelly exhibition at the Galaxy Macau

On May 15, 2019, Princess Charlene of Monaco opened the "Grace Kelly From Hollywood to Monaco" exhibition at the Galaxy Macau Exhibition Hall in Macau, China. The exhibition showcases many of Kelly’s achievements. Film posters feature as a core section. More than a dozen posters of her films are displayed in the gallery, plus replicas of film ads on aged Hong Kong newspaper. The exhibition, located at the Crystal Lobby of Galaxy Macau, is open to the public for free until August 28.
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore Tom Ford long sleeve crocodile print sheath dress. Panoramic city scenery of Dubai bag
Princess Charlene wore TOM FORD Long Sleeve Crocodile Print Sheath Dress
TOM FORD Long Sleeve Crocodile Print Sheath Dress
Princess Carlene carried Louis Vuitton capucines bb capucines handbags
Louis Vuitton BB Capucines Handbag

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Princess Charlene looks stunning. Love the handbag.

    1. Stunning yes, flashy certainly as well, not a bit too much? I don't like the handbag. She seems to have by now the most dashing style among young royals. I agree she is the right person to open this exhibition.

    2. Anonymous17/5/19 14:46


  2. An attractive look for a clubbing night or winter evening out. Hair and makeup look great but I think the outfit does not fit the occasion.

    1. Agree with you, Southernbelle

    2. Anonymous17/5/19 15:22

      I also agree

    3. Agree. Love the hair and the bag but the dress is not the best I have seen on her.

  3. Elegant, classic Charlene. She befits the role of daughter-in-law of Grace Kelly.

  4. Charlene does look beautiful. I love the dress. The bodice does not look good in the mid-section, however. Perhaps a shaper would have helped. What a special exhibition! Princess Grace is so loved. Charlene is a wonderful choice to open the exhibition.

  5. i like the handbag and her new hair style.
    lovely dress, would have been better in another color than the obvious

  6. Anonymous17/5/19 07:04

    Wow what amazing dress and the handbag is top of the point.

  7. Anonymous17/5/19 08:45

    Charlene is lovely, this hairstyle softens her face. Love everything except the platform shoes that I find unnecessary.

  8. Superb. Congratulations Charlene. Plus belle que jamais.

  9. Anonymous17/5/19 09:41

    Jolie robe portée par ma princesse préférée.
    Quant au sac:il est tout simplement magnifique.

  10. Anonymous17/5/19 10:52

    Diese Ausstellung wĂĽrde ich auch gerne sehen. Die Tasche ist toll. Das gesamte Outfit auch.

  11. I think like Viginia Dogwood, Princess Charlenne, looks gorgeous.

  12. Anonymous17/5/19 12:27

    The dress may seem a bit wintery, but it is winter temperatures on the Riviera these days!! Freezing cold!!

    1. She is in China..

    2. Anonymous17/5/19 20:30

      Macau is not exactly on the Riviera!!!

  13. Anonymous17/5/19 13:13

    I think Princess Charlene runs rings around the other royal ladies in the fashion stakes with this ensemble. Superb.

  14. What would Grace say to this outfit of her daughter in law?

  15. Beautiful hair and makeup! I love that she chose the softer look of a pink lipstick rather than bright red.

  16. Anonymous17/5/19 17:18

    Great dress nice hairstyle and handbag.

  17. I am on the fence with this dress, maybe because it's a little reptilian, or maybe because it doees not well on the waist area. Love the purse.

  18. Anonymous17/5/19 18:45

    Hmm, the dress looks a bit reptilian to me. Love the handbag though.

  19. Beautiful look of Charlene, she seems very comfortable. I enjoy that.

    1. Anonymous17/5/19 22:33

      Agree with you Sonnenkringel.

  20. Don't love the textured futuristic vibe of the material for this dress. Also, personally, would like to see her in some colour.

    Still, it looks good on her, she can definitely wear the dress. I like the longer hair and thing the handbag is great and good fun. I like the pop of red of the rose on her wrist.

  21. Anonymous17/5/19 23:07

    Apparently I'm one of the very few who don't like this outfit. The reptilian, stiff and shiny material causes nasty wrinkles at the waist area.
    It has nothing to do with Charlene - wouldn't like this dress on anybody.

  22. Anonymous at 1.07 AM: And that's it. You are right.

  23. Anonymous18/5/19 15:28

    A modern yet elegant look ... she is superb.


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