King Felipe and Queen Letizia presented 2019 Caixa Scholarships

On May 28, 2019, King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain presented Caixa scholarships to 120 students with a ceremony held at CaixaForum cultural center in Madrid. With the help of that scholarship, the students will receive education at most prestigious academic centers of the world. (Queen Letizia wore a new waistcoat by Zara.)
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore Zara waistcoat with inverted lapel collar. La Caixa Scholarships presentation. La Caixa foundation
Queen Letizia wore ZARA waistcoat with inverted lapel collar
ZARA Waistcoat With Inverted Lapel Collar

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  1. Anonymous28/5/19 17:14

    The jacket and shirt look great, especially with her toned arms. I would have preferred a skinny pant since the jacket is oversized.

    1. Anonymous28/5/19 19:14

      Skinny pants in almost summer in Madrid are unconfortable, nobody wears them.

    2. Anonymous28/5/19 19:28


    3. Anonymous28/5/19 19:28

      Skinny troursers are not worn to work here, not very proffesional look.

    4. Anonymous29/5/19 00:47

      She will wear skinny pants next week and and everyone will agree with that choice

    5. Anonymous29/5/19 05:40

      Sí, los lleva muchas veces.
      Pero casi mejor que los pantalones pesqueros, le quedan fatal.
      No es buena idea, chaquetona larga y gruesa con pantalón corto y muy fino.
      También hay zapatos muy altos con un tacón fino pero un poquitín más grueso. Quedarían más elegantes. Sieeempre con zapato puntiagudo y tacón de aguja. Con estos pantalones cortos y anchos además quedan fatal.

    6. Anonymous29/5/19 08:07

      I have never seen Letizia in "skinny" jeans, only in her private life.

    7. Anonymous29/5/19 11:53

      Anon lo dices tú!! En mi oficina todas llevamos los zapatos con tacón fino, los anchos son para zapatos bajos, se ve que no trabajais en oficinas.

    8. Anonymous29/5/19 16:00

      Anon 7:40...chaquetona?? Será chaleco, no tienes ni vocabulario. Pesqueros?? Es una falda-pantalón. No sé cómo vais en tu "pueblo"..

  2. I love Queen Letiza. Even with a few flaws, she still looks great

  3. Ouille Ouille Ouille! Les chaussures ! J’en ai mal aux pieds !

  4. Anonymous28/5/19 19:18

    The trousers are from 2017 and by Zara too, they cost 49 Euros.

  5. Anonymous28/5/19 19:31

    Everything is perfect except the pants . I would preferred a longer pants since the jacket is very long .

  6. Once again I don't love culottes, but somehow she makes them work. Very fresh, contemporary and low cost outfit.
    Letizia looks great as usual!!! And BTW, if you are going to use self tanning products ( is well known that she doesn't sunbathe) this is the way to go, slightly toasty, a little shimmery and away from orange.

    1. Anonymous28/5/19 21:03

      It is what back in the day was called, "falda-pantalón", I do not know in English..

    2. Cherry, you make me smile, “slightly toasty.” I must try it out.☺️

    3. 'Haha' @Cherry Blossom, 'slightly toasted' 😅 I Would love to know which brand of self tanning product that is, because I don't sunbathe either, but these products can be tricky, even the expensive ones.

    4. Beth, I think they probably spray her with sugar cane base product. For us mere mortals, I will tell you that my favorites are Vita Liberata Mousse and Mine Tan violet foam, it takes a little practice but I have found my groove, I stopped sun tanning years ago, but I like myself with a little color in the summer months.

    5. Thank you, Cherry Blossom, I will check these out.

  7. I think this is a miss for Queen Letizia, the pants are nice but with another jacket or blouse.

    1. Anonymous28/5/19 20:58

      In Spain we call them "falda-pantalón", "skirt-trousers" it was a skirt...

    2. Anonymous29/5/19 00:48

      Thanks Angie for all your comments

    3. Anonymous29/5/19 00:50

      J’aime sa tenue, elle est très jolie mais je ne comprends pas pour quoi elle a l’air si sévère dans les photos

    4. Anónimo 2:48, van 3 veces ya que metes la pata hasta la rodilla. Este es el 1er comentario que escribo en este Hilo. Lo tuyo empieza ya a ser grave y ciertamente, muy aburrido. ¿No te cansas de hacer el canelo? OUFFF

  8. Anonymous28/5/19 20:45

    Does anyone know what her workout routine is? Seriously, whatever exercise she has figured out for herself is brilliant, ditto Mary. They always look so lean, lithe, healthy and strong

    1. Anonymous28/5/19 21:00

      As far as I know she practises Iyengar yoga and dance.

    2. Letizia is the proof that Yoga and Dance make a good posture. And with good posture every clothes look so much better. She is really strong and well trained, she holds herself perfectly upright, spine straight, belly in, chest out, shoulders back, chin slightly down, which is so much better when photographed. Victoria for instance, who also has a very good, well trained figure, mostly makes the fault to throw her head back and raise the chin, which is not very photogenic.

      Being a Yoga teacher myself I can say with Iyengar Yoga alone you would not get such toned upper arms. She does quite certainly some kind of moderate weight lifting. And very important, I think she sticks to a healthy diet, high proteine, low carb and healthy fats, she seems to have a very low body fat index, but still healthy, because her skin looks tight and glowing.
      I would assume that she works with a personal trainer and also a nutritionist. Her body proportions are very balanced. This is why she looks good even in low price High Street brands. And I am also sure she works with a good seamstress to have little details adjusted like waist, bust, trouser length. That makes all the difference. And I just do not understand why many of the royals ladies don't make this little effort.

    3. Anonymous29/5/19 11:59

      Beth, I practise hatha yoga twice a week and I have those arms. My teacher insists to strong them to practises asanas as sirsasana, kakasana, etc..

    4. Anonymous29/5/19 12:28

      Letizia has really good posture and toned body. No wonder that most outfits look wonderful on her.
      If you are looking for a good excersise, then I definitely recommend yoga. I've been practising yoga for several years and its amazing how yoga poses will not only help in slimming down, but also help in strengthening my arms, legs, core and make me a lot more flexible. I hate bulging muscles and prefer sleek and toned muscles.

    5. Anonymous29/5/19 13:36

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    6. Anonymous29/5/19 13:40

      Well said. To add to this, you notice that she is more 'girly' as in her attention to little details that make an outfit more feminine, and she always well groomed. The heels (which are only worn when working) always make a statement.

    7. Anonymous29/5/19 17:56

      Anon 3:36, por lo pronto Juan Carlos se ha jubilado y su estado de salud es bastante maloy, que ayuda? Me parto!! Sofia vive entre Londres y Grecia desde hace 25 años...Así q permíteme q me ria otra vez...

      ¿Qué royal sale 4 veces por semana, como Letizia? Me vuelvo a reir tienes ni idea..y además tienen un sueldo público.

      Por lo pronto eres un Troll!!

      Felipe tiene hasta dos actos diarios, podŕías entrar en la web de Casa Real en lugar de decir bobadas....Así va el pais!! Algunas no deberiais ni votar..por ignorancia...

    8. Anonymous29/5/19 17:58

      Anon 3:36, faja?? Qué ordinaria!! Así habláis en los pueblos??
      Pásate por la ciudad, no son fajas, y todas las llevamos...

    9. Anonymous29/5/19 18:08

      Sorry,but Anon 3:36 is insulting Letizia, I would not permitted it...
      It is a TROLL...

    10. Anonymous29/5/19 18:26

      Doña Sofía?? Desde Londres?? Pues es q cobra más q Letizia aún y no ha pegado ni golpe nuncs.

    11. Anonymous29/5/19 19:35

      Yo no veo a la emérita para nada y aqui se cubren todos los royals..

  9. Anonymous28/5/19 21:03

    I like the vest and the pants but not together.To me it just is not speaking to me. OMO.

  10. A rare miss for me from Letizia. Each piece is nice individually but I dont like the combination - in terms of materials and styles.

  11. Anonymous29/5/19 13:37

    Her so well hydrated skin (her arms, face, décolleté) fantastically complements the outfit here.


  12. I am thinking about something for a while: I miss any sing of interaction between the King and Queen. Of course they are working not cuddling, but they weren't out to restaurant or cinema for a long time now... I hope they are not in marriage crisis because I really like both of them!

    1. Ummm just because they are not showing affection towards each other doesn't mean they are in a marriage crisis. Y'all complain the same thing towards William and Catherine when they keep things professional in public. Letizia and Felipe are out there doing their jobs for their country same thing goes for William and Catherine. Some couples choose to be affectionate in private and thats totally fine.

    2. Anonymous29/5/19 23:06

      Who says they are not at restaurants and cinema?? How can you know it? By the way, my husband and I prefer to be at home, in our livingroom. Going out is for younger people. They are 51 and 46 already. Also they have a big house to invite people.

      Affection in public is ridiculous and embarrasing for the rest. Those couples doing the monkey, it is as I would kiss my husband at his office, there I am not his wife.

    3. Anonymous29/5/19 23:09

      In Spain they would be ridiculed if they were showing affect in public, and people would think it is an act, just the contrary.

      He is the King, not George Cluny.

    4. Anonymous29/5/19 23:15

      Have you seen the videos and can understand Spanish? So it is impossible watching one photo unless you were an expert, non verbal comunication translator.
      What a nonsense!!

      They are proffessionals not silly tenagers!!

    5. On 'getty images' you can see pictures where she is taking her husband's arm as usual with a smile. I also agree very much on the benefits of yoga for good posture.

  13. Anonymous @3:36 ( it would be great to know your name, one gets lost with all of you) it's OK to disagree and dislike Letizia's body and fashion sense, but yo say that she wears a "girdle" ...? I am not privy to her taste on undergarments, but I have eyes and some knowledge of the female body, and frankly she would be the last person to need such garments, obviously her BMI is on the very low side of the spectrum , also her posture may seem forced in your eyes but it looks disciplined on mine. The argument that she is better toned than other royals because she works less, is just another subjective opinion in order to offer negative critique, the fact that she uses her free time to exercise is not something that she should be condemned for. In regards to your assertion that The emeritus are helping so much and therefore she is not working as much as she should, it's once again a subjective and not very well informed comment. Queen Sofia had 10 acts this year and Juan Carlos 7 including funerals, all of them short and In Sofia's case a few of her favorites . In my humble opinion these acts are mostly are in the agenda as to not shun them, Juan Carlos has already announced his retirement, so he can now dedicate his time to his hobbies, bullfights, gastronomy in the best restaurants of the world, sea navigation and hunting.

    1. Anonymous29/5/19 19:50

      Cherry, these people do not understand English, I bet it is a troll who says the same in all blogs.

    2. Anonymous30/5/19 10:14

      Letizia practices what we are all told during the annual medical exam. Eat in moderation, exercise, and in general, take care of your person to enjoy a better quality of life as you age. @ Susana, the rest of that criticism is trending on 'that' site where english is not spoken.


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