Japan's new Emperor and Empress greeted the people from the Imperial Palace

On May 4, 2019, Japan's new Emperor Naruhito and new Empress Masako greeted the people from the veranda of the Imperial Palace by making a total of six appearances on the veranda, every hour from around 10 am Japan time. Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako, Princess Tomohito and other members of the Imperial Family accompanied the Emperor and the Empress. Emperor Naruhito addressed the people for the first time since his ascension to the Chrysanthemum Throne. As of May 1, the Reiwa era started in Japan, and people across the country celebrated the historic event in all manner of ways.
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito
Emperor Naruhito, Empress Masako, Crown Prince Akishino, Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Mako, Princess Kako and Princess Tomohito

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  1. Yumiko Kokuryu4/5/19 11:37

    On the occasion of Emperor Naruhito's accession to the throne on May 1, 2019, May prosperity of Japan and Imperial Family of Japan continue to reign.

  2. Royalty fan

    Does anybody know who the lady in the orange outfit is? Thanks

    1. Anonymous4/5/19 14:01

      Princess Tomohito of Mikasa

    2. Anonymous6/5/19 13:45

      She is a widow of Prince Tomohito of Mikasa and her elder brother Taro Aso is a politician serving as the current Finance Minister.

    3. Royalty fan

      Thank you, Anon 4:01, thank you to the 2nd informant also

  3. Princess in pink is my favourite, her dress more modern. I wish they would did have to coordinate so much with the unused gloves, fans, pearls pearls, same posture, holding their hands the same way (likes soldiers). Makes them look so rehearsed, its unrealistic. 👯😕

    1. Welcome to Japan! I think they look beautiful and very elegant.

  4. de moeder van die drie prinsessen , denk ik, volgens de stamboom.

  5. The tailoring and detail of Princess Kiko's dress are just gorgeous. Gotta give her my "best dressed", but they all are stunningly attired. The ladies' pastel hues make this balcony appearance a spring bouquet.

  6. Anonymous4/5/19 14:47

    The two young ladies in the pink and yellow dresses have the exact same hair style/cut.

    1. Yes, luckily one has her pony fringes on the one side and one on the other!
      (Nobody freak out, please, that was a joke.)

    2. Anonymous5/5/19 11:07

      They're wearing the exact same jewelry too.
      It's so sad and odd that they're not allowed to have their own individual style.

  7. Anonymous4/5/19 19:43

    does princess aiko attended her fathers coronation??? whose the girl in pink?

    1. No, she did not attend any of the official ceremonies. Only adults do. The young lady wearing the pink gown is Princess Kako of Akishino, the younger daughter of the crown princely couple. Also the second in line to the throne, Prince Hisahito of Akishino did not attend, as he is only twelve years old now.

  8. Anonymous4/5/19 21:07

    The new Empress Masako looks stunning. A beautiful dress it shines like her face today.May she be happy, so she'll be able to do her job. All the ladies look great.

  9. The young Akishino Princesses look als she were dressed in armor. It's a pity we don't get to see Princess Takamado better; that lady always manages to smooth the protocolary rigidity mantaining the required formality.

  10. Anonymous6/5/19 15:40

    All the dresses are bespoken and made from exquisite material. So rare these days. And, because I love the 60ies style it is fine with me.


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