Empress Masako attended the Japan Red Cross Society annual meeting at the Meiji Jingu Hall

On May 22, 2019, Empress Masako of Japan attended the Japan Red Cross Society annual meeting, her first solo official duty, held at the Meiji Jingu Kaikan in Tokyo. The event at the Meiji Jingu hall in Shibuya Ward was also attended by Crown Princess Kiko, honorary vice-president of the society, and other members of the imperial family.
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado
Crown Princess Kiko, Princess Hanako of Hitachi, Princess Nobuko of Mikasa, and Princess Hisako of Takamado

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  1. Anonymous22/5/19 15:39

    She looks very nice :-)

  2. Anonymous22/5/19 16:13

    I love, love, love Masako unlike her sister-in-law, who is just waiting for her time to come…
    I hope this emperor has got the power to change the laws about female succession.

    1. Anonymous22/5/19 19:38

      You’re right!

    2. I agree and the sister-in-law can not hide her disdain

    3. I thought I was the only one who felt that way!!!!!

    4. Anonymous23/5/19 00:34

      I thought I was the only one who feels that way! Maybe it's unfair as I don't speak Japanese but I don't like Kiko or Fumihito at all. They are so smug because they managed to have the male heir and just biding their time to sit on the throne. They have never been supportive to the new Emperor or Empress or their daughter.

    5. Anonymous23/5/19 05:06

      I agree with you

    6. no sympathy for the sister in law neither but let's be careful to judge only on pictures; they can give wrong impressions.

    7. I would agree but I don’t feel like this is just a judgement from one picture.

  3. Anonymous22/5/19 17:18

    pencils skirts only!!

  4. Anonymous22/5/19 17:55

    Revoilà la belle Masako.
    Quelle élégance et classe.
    Je suis contente de la voir seule.
    Cela démontre qu elle se rétablisse.
    Je ne lui souhaite que du bonheur.

    1. Tout à fait d'accord avec vous !

    2. Anonymous23/5/19 13:47

      Moi aussi, j'espère qu'ils vont la laisser tranquille maintenant qu'elle est impératrice.

  5. I’m always in awe at the immaculate tailoring of the clothes of the Japanese royal family.
    Very nice outfit!

  6. Anonymous22/5/19 18:52

    Sie ist natürlich bezaubernd und die Klamotte fast schon gewagt chanellig. Ansonsten amüsiert mich der Doris Day Stil des japanischen Hofes immer sehr. Die Epoche (auch die 50er à la Hepburn) war sehr stilsicher, aber auch voller Regeln. Ich kann also verstehen, dass dem japanischen Hof so etwas gefällt.

  7. Anonymous22/5/19 19:01

    Lovely to see her, hope she is well.

  8. Elegante und bezaubernde Kaiserin Masako - schön auch dass es ihr wieder gut geht !!

    1. Anonymous22/5/19 21:50

      Absolut, finde ich auch.

  9. Anonymous22/5/19 20:06

    What lovely white suit.The new Empress of Japan looks relaxed,what beautiful smile.She will be just fine as long as the IHA let her do it her way.

  10. Anonymous22/5/19 20:29

    Empress Masaco looks great.

  11. Anonymous22/5/19 21:15

    Masako has best shoes of all the ladies.

  12. Anonymous22/5/19 23:38

    She looks very sharp indeed. Very nice.

  13. Anonymous22/5/19 23:53

    Anon 6:13 I fully agree with you.

  14. While the jaunty little bowler-type hats are cute on Masako, I'd like to see her try a few different styles -- nothing outlandish! just a bit more elegant. She does always look very well-dressed ans attractive, regardless.

    1. Anonymous23/5/19 15:09

      I agree. But give her some time. It's a good idea not to make too many changes to the Imperial tradition too quickly and I'm sure she understands this. As she settles into the new role - and if given the chance - I'm sure that her own personal style will slowly blossom. This sharp white suit (that collar!) is already a great beginning.

  15. Anonymous23/5/19 12:17

    La familia real está anclada en los años sesenta.

  16. Vivement que là loi de succession change.


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