Crown Princess Mary gave a special interview to Modemagasinet IN

Crown Princess Mary of Denmark gave a special 17-page interview to May edition of Modemagasinet IN. There is a series of new photos in the magazine. The photos were taken by Danish photographer Franne Voig. In the interview made by IN magazine, The Crown Princess invites fashion industry to thinking and acting green and sustainably. The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16. Danish Crown Princess Mary is the patron of the Global Fashion Agenda. A non-profit organisation, Global Fashion Agenda has organised and hosted Copenhagen Fashion Summit, the world’s leading business event on sustainability in fashion, since 2009.
The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16
The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16
The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16
The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16
The interview was made on the occasion of Copenhagen Fashion Summit 2019 which will take place on May 15-16

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  1. Anonymous3/5/19 11:19

    Princess Mary is one of the royals with best taste in clothes.

    1. Anonymous3/5/19 12:57

      i agree .

    2. Completely agree! And her clothes don’t wear her!

    3. Agree completely. She looks fantastic in these photos

    4. Totally agree. She is so beautiful and her choice in fashion is impeccable!

  2. Anonymous3/5/19 11:26

    Fantastic pics, especially the first and the last one.

  3. Anonymous3/5/19 11:31

    Tja, Prinzessinnen möchte halt auch Superstars sein...;-)
    Nichtsdestotrotz sind das wunderschöne Aufnahmen von ihr.

    1. Nicht alle - denken Sie an Victoria! Ich vermute, hier spielt Marys frĂĽherer beruflicher Hintergrund mit rein, war sie nicht PR-Spezialistin? Als solche weiĂź sie natĂĽrlich, wie man sich in Szene setzt.
      Wie auch immer, sie ist eine sehr schöne Frau und die Bilder zeigen das ja auch.

    2. Anonymous3/5/19 16:02

      @Coralie - das haben Sie sehr schön formuliert - genau so ist das.

    3. Danke fĂĽr Ihre netten Worte, Anonymous!

  4. Nice pics, but a bit too much superstar IMO

    1. Anonymous3/5/19 21:11

      @MaryT - I agree; acting more celebrity than the wife of the heir. And, zooming in on the second photo, you can see where they tried to erase the wrinkles around her eyes. She looks like a flawless 20-year-old in that photo. Seriously? Why are these women so afraid of wrinkles and gray hair - both can be quite attractive.

    2. Anonymous4/5/19 10:19

      @ Anon. 11:11PM Wrinkles and gray hair can never be attractive ,that is why botox and hair color exist.

    3. Agree Anon 11:11pm - wearing your natural age can be extremely attractive, more so than the plastic shiny artificial look of over botoxed and over filled faces topped by a clearly fake hair colour.

    4. Someone going to tell Queen Silvia to nix the hair dye? I doubt it!

      Also magazines photoshop irregardless of their subjects opinions.

    5. Anonymous6/5/19 22:15

      @It's me! - Queen Silvia isn't fooling anybody. She's 75 and never has a gray hair showing, must be hard work. I wonder how she would look with natural gray hair.

      Photoshopping, sure; then when you meet the people in person you see what they really look like - so what's the point.

  5. Anonymous3/5/19 14:42

    The first image is very similar to an image of the late Princess of Wales taken by Mario Testino!

    1. Anonymous3/5/19 16:48

      Agree and the late Princess looked better imho. Too much superstar, although all in all she looks good. Third pic is the best.

  6. Anonymous3/5/19 16:34

    Mary looks fantastic.

  7. These are beautiful pictures. I would not call a tasteful photo shoot "superstar". These ladies are not one dimentional. All women, royal or not, have many sides to them.

  8. She's a young modern woman and she looks beautiful and chic in those photographs. Bravo Mary.

  9. Ze is toch een superstar! Jong, mooi, bekend, modieus, die fotos moeten niet stijver zijn.

  10. Anonymous3/5/19 18:08

    She looks so very good. Love her relax person.

  11. Anonymous3/5/19 18:08

    She looks so very good. Love her relax person.

  12. Anonymous3/5/19 18:34

    She's beautiful and has a great taste in clothes. She works hard and really has made a difference in the royal family. But being a super star and a celebrity are not her roles...the photos are very nice, yes, but not fitting her position as a future queen. She talks about the environment and does admit that she spends too much on clothes and points out that we all need to recycle and reuse much more...this is the positive in this story.

  13. Too superstar indeed. And photoshopped. Not appropriate.

    1. Anonymous4/5/19 10:09

      All this kind pictures in fashion magazines are photoshopped. It's not the personal decision Mary or any other could make. Btw, she looks beautiful.

  14. Lovely lady, wife, mother, Royal. Seems to me to be a good role model. Amazingly fit n right with fashion. Danes getting ahead with Green n clean food.

  15. Wonderful photos! I think Crown Princess Mary is an amazing representative of Denmark. She is beautiful, fashionable, lovely family, cares deeply about many important causes. She seems to work very hard and from what I read is a nice person as well. I discovered her when looking at fashion on Pinterest and it led me to wanting to know more about her and then Frederick and then everything about Denmark. Barely knew where it was before. Now I want to visit Copenhagen. Your country is very lucky to have such a lovely couple as an example to the world.

  16. Anonymous6/5/19 05:58

    The cross over between celebrity and royalty does not work;the mistake comes that they then try to step over the mark.Now if Kate or any other Royal did this....I like the skirt she is wearing;but the last picture is a bit too;unroyal


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