Swedish Crown Princess family wished everyone a happy Easter

Swedish Crown Princess family was in Öland at the weekend to celebrate the Easter. On the occasion of the Easter, Crown Princess Victoria took photos of Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar during the Easter weekend walk, and shared on the official Instagram account of the Royal Family, and wished everyone a happy Easter.
Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar. Swedish Crown Princess family was in Öland at Easter
Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar. Swedish Crown Princess family was in Öland at Easter
Crown Princess Victoria, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar. Swedish Crown Princess family was in Öland at Easter
  1. This two cutipies are making me smile, very beautiful kids.

  2. Anonymous21/4/19 21:34

    All very nice, and Oscar is smiling!

  3. Absolutely wonderful pictures of those two! Estelle is charming anyway and the photo of Oscar - too cute!

  4. Anonymous21/4/19 22:16

    Ach, was sind die beiden herzallerliebst.

  5. Anonymous22/4/19 18:29

    Protected by big sister. Oscar has so changed and he is smiling. Very nice pics.

  6. Anonymous22/4/19 19:59

    At first, I thought the top photo was of Victoria and Oscar, then I saw the braids with the yellow knots.


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