Spanish Royal Family attended the Easter Mass at Palma Cathedral

On April 21, 2019, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia of Spain attended the Easter Mass at Cathedral of Palma de Mallorca in Palma, Spain. Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti.
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti. Crown Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore a new floral print dress by Massimo Dutti
Massimo Dutti floral print dress

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  1. Anonymous21/4/19 18:42

    All ladies look wonderful and fresh .

    1. and well behaved this Easter 😀

    2. Winnie... ha ha ha!

    3. what a difference a new Easter makes. Everyone looks happy~

  2. All ladies are exceptional beauties.

  3. The ladies look great, and of course the King is easy on the eye too.

  4. Anonymous21/4/19 20:22

    Very well dressed family. Both Sofias look stellar. The queen and leomore look regal.

  5. I love how their outfits all coordinate with each other. I like all of them.

  6. The girls are very pretty, spécialy la Infata Sofia !

  7. Anonymous21/4/19 22:22

    Von den beiden Schwestern mag ich, rein objektiv, Leonor am liebsten. Sie strahlt immer so eine Herzlichkeit aus.
    Alle sehen sehr schick aus. Schade, dass in Spanien die Kopfbedeckung nicht so üblich ist wie in Großbritannien. Letitzias Outfit würde dadurch noch ein Stück weit eleganter, royaler wirken.

    1. Anonymous22/4/19 06:54

      Korrektur: ich meine Sofia, nicht Leonor.

    2. Anonymous23/4/19 14:08

      It is a Catholic event, so austerity, hats would be ridiculous...

  8. Anonymous21/4/19 22:28

    Estan muy guapos todos !

  9. At last the girls are allowed to dress as individuals. They are so different in looks, each with their own kind of beauty. I like how Queen Letizia had the sense to have her dress shorter and not be drowned in it - as Duchess Sophie usually does. Queen Sofia and Queen Sonia have the loveliest wardrobes of suits which are original, interesting and very flattering.

  10. The family looks wonderful. My favorite is Sofia. She is dressed very stylishly, and age appropriately for a girl her age. Her top is really cute--I love the detail. The flats the girls are wearing make more sense with pants than the dress Leonor is wearing.

    It seems that some guideline were set this year so there would not be a repeat of last year's incident. Leonor is not near her grandmother, and the former queen is hands off. So much better for all concerned.

  11. Anonymous22/4/19 18:44

    Everybody is well dressed. I do like Letizia's dress, I think this is the first time in a while she wears a dress to Easter services.Q Sofia looks stunning. Pss Leonor looks grown up, the top of Infanta Sofia look is very nice,but the pants I think a bit too casual,OMO.

    1. Anonymous23/4/19 09:57

      In fact everybody wears pants in Spain to mass, it is a casual event, the odd thing are the dresses.

  12. La reina Sofia elegantisima
    Las chicas en adolescencia Leonor y Sofia en preadolescencia un pequeño cambio se ha notado :pero Leonor sigue aniñada

    1. Anonymous23/4/19 09:55

      aniñada? Cómo son las niñas de 13 años en tu país? En España son así....

  13. De Koningin, geboren Prinses van Griekenland, draagt zelden, dus alleen als het moet (huwelijk, begrafenis, staatsbezoek) een hoed.

    1. Anonymous23/4/19 09:58

      Sofía has never worn a hat, it is not tipycal in Spain, back in the day she used to wear the " mantilla" española.

  14. Anonymous23/4/19 14:11

    It is a private event, they are neither acting as the Head of State or representing the people as State and Church are not joined anymore in Spain.
    Many people is agnostic and religion can be chosen.


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