Queen Maxima visited 'Sensire and Naast' in Varsseveld

On April 2, 2019, Queen Maxima of The Netherlands made a working visit to home care organizations Sensire and Next in Varsseveld. Via COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patients are remotely monitored by the hospital and the home care organization Sensire. Since 2017, chronic lung patients in the east of the Netherlands receive treatment at home. At this moment ca 100 patients are participating in the process. Nearly 600.000 people in the Netherlands suffer from COPD.(The Queen wore an outfit by Natan.)
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient
Queen Maxima wore Natan skirt, Natan short coat and Natan skirt. COPD InBeeld, chronic lung patient

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  1. Interesting earrings anyway.

  2. Anonymous3/4/19 18:44

    Not a very positive look for Maxima, this outfit looked better in 2015. Was it a windy day?

    1. I like her but does she carry a brush or a comb? My!

  3. A very good visit. Surprised that so many NL people suffer so much lung problem. Would not have realised that. Wonder why/what from.

    1. Anonymous4/4/19 16:37

      There is a simple answer to that: COPD is almost always caused by smoking.

  4. Anonymous3/4/19 19:40

    She used to have nice (decently styled) hair. What made her vhange I wonder.

    1. Royalty fan

      We can just go through many photo's of the past, where her hair was so neatly styled in "chignon's," she was actually the envy, of many women, with her thick, crowning glory. Anon 9:40, yes, what made her change?

  5. Anonymous3/4/19 20:32

    I like this dress and coat on Maxima, but her hair is a royal mess.

    1. You make me laugh Anon. Agree with you and yes a royal mess.

  6. Anonymous3/4/19 20:48

    Lovely Queen Maxima has many bad hair days in a year! ;-)

  7. Ik weet dat ik het niet mag zeggen, maar ik doe het toch.
    Een bijeengeraapt zootje, dat is het.
    De rok zit voor geen meter, en de haren worden hierboven treffend een royal mess genoemd.
    Een nationale ramp!

    1. Anonymous4/4/19 10:16

      Ha Ha, mee eens. Vooral gezien het feit dat zij ongelimiteerde hulp en middelen heeft.

  8. Replies
    1. Klopt. Ze heeft er geen zin meer in.
      Prima toch. Wegwezen.

    2. Anonymous4/4/19 14:18

      Ha ha, mijn idee!

    3. I think you are saying you agree? That she just seems not to care now when she goes out?


    4. Anonymous5/4/19 07:38

      Indeed, Dutch.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Anonymous4/4/19 02:57

    She is so lovely and warm and always looks interested in what she does. Her hair looks unhealthy and who knows, might have something to do with genetics or something.

  11. Anonymous4/4/19 10:31

    Mal peinada, el conjunto raro,sin elegancia, poco favorecedor,
    no me gusta nada como se viste ultimamente,

  12. Anonymous4/4/19 15:55

    Bezaubernde Maxima! Ich fühle mit ihr, denn ich habe genau ihr Haar. Fein und wenig und störrisch. Es dauerte bei mir ewig, etwas daraus zu machen. Ich habe mich dann zuerst zu einem kinnlangen Bob und schließlich zu einer frechen Pixiefrisur entschieden. Aber ich muss ja auch keine Tiaras einflechten. Zum Outfit: sie sollte die Stunde nutzen und von den Pencilskirts zu den weiteren und längeren Alternativen ausweichen. Godetröcke wären genau das richtige, oder Wraps und A-Linie. Aber: sparen soll sie ja auch...Ist nicht einfach, es allen recht zu machen.

  13. Anonymous4/4/19 19:06

    Ya estamos acostumbrados a verla mal peinada, el pelo grasiento necesitando mechas o tinte, pero siempre me sorprende no de manera agradable que vaya asi. No entiendo como asiste a un acto asi.

  14. I think Maxima is lovely. I just don't understand why she would go out looking as though she just got out of bed.


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