Queen Elizabeth and Eugenie attended Royal Maundy service

On April 18, 2019, Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Eugenie of York attended the traditional Royal Maundy Service held at St George Chapel in Windsor in west of London. Maundy Thursday is the Christian holy day falling on the Thursday before Easter, which commemorates the Maundy & Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles. During the service, The Queen distributes gifts according to the number of years she has lived. (Princess Eugenie wore a floral print silk dress by Erdem.)
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Queen Elizabeth II accompanied by Princess Eugenie of York, attended the Royal Maundy Service. Erdem Bernette floral print silk dress
Princess Eugenie wore ERDEM Bernette floral print silk crepe de Chine dress
ERDEM Bernette Floral Print Silk Crepe de Chine Dress

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  1. The Queen is just lovely. I wish Eugenie's shoe color matched the gorgeous hat!

  2. Her majesty has such a wonderful, classic style; elegant, stylish and colorful.

  3. Anonymous18/4/19 16:46

    Not usually a fan of these Erdem dresses, but it is neat how the small yellow flowers compliment Queen Elizabeth's yellow. The nicest thing about this engagement is seeing grandmother and granddaughter together.

    1. True. It's lovely to see them together wearing these complementing outfits.

    2. I agree. How nice to see the beautiful princess representing with her grandmother Queen Elizabeth.

  4. Anonymous18/4/19 17:03

    Die Queen sieht hier absolut fantastisch aus. Passend zum bevorstehenden Osterfest.
    Schön, dass Eugenie ihre Großmutter zum Gottesdienst begleitet. Seit sie verheiratet ist, nimmt sie insgesamt deutlich mehr Termine für die Krone war, oder?

    1. Ja, den Eindruck habe ich auch. Und sie sieht hier reizend aus!

  5. Anonymous18/4/19 17:26

    The queen looks Spring personified. Eugenie looks lovely too. They seem like they have a lovely relationship. Good for them both.

  6. Anonymous18/4/19 17:26

    The queen looks Spring personified. Eugenie looks lovely too. They seem like they have a lovely relationship. Good for them both.

  7. Anonymous18/4/19 17:41

    Both of them look lovely and it's so nice to see them together - just the two of them.
    Looks like Eugenie might be up for more Royal duties and if that's the case, I couldn't be happier for her.

  8. Anonymous18/4/19 18:09

    What a lovely tradition every year,just before Easter. Love the Queens spring outfit and the playful feather arrangement. Pss Eugenie looks lovely too,her pillbox hat is a good match with the dress. Hope we see her more often with the Queen. Happy Easter everyone.

  9. Anonymous18/4/19 18:14

    Die Queen: top! Es passt zum Fest, Wetter und zu ihr. Eugenie: auch ganz nett, ein bisschen primelig. Ich würde mir wünschen, sie würde den 'Handtuchtest' machen, um die richtige Saumlänge für ihre Beinform zu finden. Knielang ist ein weites Feld.

  10. Anonymous18/4/19 19:13

    I think she is pregant! Making sure to hold the flower bouquet always in front of her belly...

    1. Anonymous19/4/19 11:02

      People on this speculate way too much about pregnancy. First Sofia (who doesn't look pregnant) and now Eugenie and she doesn't look pregnant either.

    2. The Queen also holds the flowers in front of her belly, I don't think she is pregnant either.

  11. The Queen looks amazing as usual. What on earth Eugenie.... just no.

  12. The Queen is perfection as usual. The yellow coat and hat are so springlike. Think Eugenie would look better in something less patterned but it's okay. Like her hat. It's lovely seeing the two of them out and about together.

  13. Eugenie looks lovely in her spring-floral dress! And her hat is a good complement. I love the way the small yellow sprigs in the fabric pick up the yellow of Her Majesty's outfit. They look so happy and unified--it's good to see.

  14. The Queen looks superb in her perfect Spring, sunshine-yellow coat and hat. Eugenie, on the other hand, is not served well in her ERDEM dress. It does not flatter her figure at all. Further, it is too busy a print and the neckline is old-fashioned and matronly -- certainly all wrong for a young woman. I do not understand the popularity of ERDEM at all. He is my least favorite contemporary designer.

  15. See 3rd photo.Who is the lady in blue? Can someone help. She is very well dressed

  16. Anonymous19/4/19 08:29

    Cuántos abrigos y sombreros tiene la reina?

  17. Very spring like - it is lovely weather here at the moment. Love how the small yellow flowers pick up on the Queen's coat and hat. Great to see Eugenie out with her grandmother.

  18. Princess Eugenie is looking radiant here. I think I get used to this dress, the more she wore it the more I like it. Queen Elisabeth is looking amazing, do love the pastell yellow tone and her happy smile.


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