Princess Madeleine shared a new photo of her children for Easter

On April 19, Swedish Princess Madeleine wished a happy easter to everyone by sharing this picture on instagram account. Princess Madeleine wrote on her Instagram, 'Happy Easter from our Bunnies.'
A new photo of Princess Leonore, Prince Nicolas and Princess Adrienne

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  1. Nice picture. But terrible that Madeleine uses real bunnies ! Shame on her!

    1. Anonymous20/4/19 17:10

      And why is that so terrible.Many people have some pets.

    2. Anonymous20/4/19 17:10

      And why is that so terrible.Many people have some pets.

    3. Why is it so terrible? Bunnies are pets..

    4. Anonymous20/4/19 18:10

      Couldn't agree more. That's all I'll say on the subject because this is a fashion blog, but it's certainly not all I think on the subject.

    5. Anonymous20/4/19 18:38

      What's wrong with the real bunnies???

    6. The picture is adorable. We don't know whose bunnies they are. I don't know that it is a "Shame on her!" moment. The bunnies are not stressed at all. I have a pet bunny, so I am sensitive to this. The bunnies would not be in the baskets if they did not want to be there.

    7. Anonymous20/4/19 20:24

      Way too often bunnies end up being abandoned, that's what's wrong with people having bunnies. People get tired of bunnies as pets because they're not cats or dogs, which are far more suitable as pets for humans.

    8. Anonymous20/4/19 21:44

      How do you know it is terrible? They could be a friend's bunnies, petting zoo, rabbit sanctuary...… What an ignorant thing to say.

    9. Absolutely agree with you Charlot. I'm happy that you brought this up.

    10. Anonymous21/4/19 04:28

      While it may be true that bunnies get abandoned, no one here knows the details of this situation. It is unwise and yes, Anon 1:44 it is quite ignorant to judge someone not knowing the facts.

    11. Anonymous21/4/19 08:43

      @Charlot: i don't get your comment. Are you shaming all people who keep real rabbits, cats, dogs etc as pets?
      Bunnies look content to be in the basket. If they were distressed, they would jump off. I think its good children see-interract with animals.

    12. Anon 12:24 As I said above, I have a pet bunny. She is not less suitable as a pet. It depends on what type of pet you want to have. Some people have reptiles as pets. It's not for you to say what is suitable for any one family. Anon 1:44 is absolutely correct. The bunnies could be from any of the places mentioned. And you are correct that people abandon bunnies. They also abandon cats and dogs. Assuming the worst is what so many people do. How unfortunate.

    13. Anonymous21/4/19 14:00

      Charlot, are you any better when you shame someone based on only one photo? There are many people who have pets...cats, dogs, rabbits, birds, horses etc ... and they take pics of them or pose with them. Its not forbidden!! And not all pet owners abandon their pets!!

    14. Those are not real rabbits, just toys. How is it possible to get a this kind of conversation about toys?

    15. Using animals in a "cute" way is very wrong.Bunnies are not toys and should not be for Entertainment att all.The parents could have only let them had candy in there baskets,but I guess they have nothing respect for animals rights.

    16. Anonymous24/4/19 08:31

      @Mina: don't you know that candy (sugar) ruin your child's teeth?!
      But hey, lets only worry about animal rights!

  2. Anonymous20/4/19 13:46

    They’re so cute!
    Happy Warm Florida Easter.

  3. Anonymous20/4/19 16:50

    Perhaps the bunnies are their pets...?

  4. Anonymous20/4/19 16:56

    Adorable children . Happy Easter to princess Madeleine and her beautiful family.

  5. Anonymous20/4/19 17:14

    Victoria & Carl Philip are dark-hair and resemble each other; Madeleine is lighter and looks different. Leonore & Nicolas are light and resemble each other; Adrienne is dark and looks different. Just a comment, it's what happens, nothing wrong with it.

    I like the little rabbits. It looks like Nicolas is more careful with his than Leonore is.

    1. Anonymous20/4/19 20:26

      Nicholas is the spitting image of his father

  6. Anonymous20/4/19 18:24

    Lovely surprise, to see all three together. Very cute kids.

  7. What a lovely picture for Easter - cute children.

    Can't see the problem with the rabbits - they're obviously somebody's pets and haven't just been trapped from the wild to be exploited in a family photo. I think some people just sit around waiting for the next thing to get indignant about...

    1. How is it obvious that they are someones pets? It is obvious that these are baby buns and only exploited for easter fun.

    2. Exactly, what’s the fuss about!🐰

    3. Well, Iris they're white - if they were in the wild at the moment, given the absence of snow in Florida, they wouldn't last 5 minutes.

      If they had a picture with a dog would you be exclaiming about exploitation? Seriously, if they were trying to get away and weren't used to being handled it would be clear in the photos.

      Maybe they were going to make a nice rabbit pie with them afterwards.

      Like I said, any chance to get indignant...

    4. Anonymous21/4/19 17:12

      Well said Franny.
      Have a blessed Easter everyone 🐣🐰🐤

  8. Anonymous21/4/19 06:33

    I've been reading about pet rabbits the last few days. I think it is dangerous for the rabbits to be held in baskets like that. They could try to jump out and get hurt. It would be better to have toy bunnies for a photo shoot. Also, rabbits don't like to be held and could be stressed by small children. I love Madeline though!!! I think many people make this mistake because they are misinformed about rabbits and how they should be cared for.

    1. I've also done a bit of reading and it does say they don't like being handled but I did find a few articles saying it's all about how you do it and getting them used to it etc. I had rabbits as a child from they were small and I have to say I don't remember picking them up too much - but they did used to come up to me and sort of snuggle.

      The problem it seems here is the height - it seems they don't like being high up. But like you said, we had to read up to know this so I just find it a bit frustrating that some people assume that the rabbits pictured are knowingly being exploited by the Princess. Anyway, too much energy being spent on this - Happy Easter!

    2. It would be nice if we cared about people around us as much as we care for animals..

      You are worried about bunnies in baskets, what about kids? Do they have appropriate sun protection, are they happy..?

      It's just a photo, but discussion in endless..

  9. What are you all talking about? Anyone can see that those rabbits are toy rabbits. Not real ones.

    1. Sorry, but they're definitely real.

  10. Because bunnies are kept in cages. I am against all animals kept in cages, small places, circus etc etc. Of course I don’t know anything about those bunnies, but white bunnies for an Easterpicture says enough. People should think first, before using animals for their fun pictures! I have a straydog and 4 straycats. I am a big animallover, and it is that reason that I don’t like animals kept in cages!

    1. Fair enough - but these particular rabbits wouldn't last in the wild I don't think given their colour etc. Not sure what the answer is really other than some kind of captivity.

    2. Anonymous22/4/19 07:12

      Charlot, so do you keep all your (stray)animals away from children, never take any pictures of them??
      Its not children's fault that adults abandon their animals and not everyone does it! These bunnies look well cared for and that is the most important. Look how Leonore sit still and carefully holds the basket. They did not give basket to Adrienne as she is still too small.

    3. Children should always be taught from a young age how to handle animals and to respect them. Why can't we assume the best in this situation? As for the comment about cages, my bunny has a cage, but can hop about the house. She goes back to her cage on her own because it is her private little space. She was also a rescue, found under one of our cars. Her cage is not unlike a leash, used for safety. Rabbits eat things they shouldn't and must be watched. She is kept indoors for her safety as well.

    4. Anonymous23/4/19 10:21

      Rabbits are great pet for children -- soft, cuddly and sweet. When children are being photographed with real bunnies/rabbits, then what is the harm? We see lots of kids/dogs, or kids/cats photos, no one complains why they use REAL dog or cat. Easter and bunnies...perfect and no reason to shame anyone!

  11. Anonymous21/4/19 20:33

    Leonore resembles Victoria imho.

  12. Anonymous22/4/19 03:31

    wow that whole bunny thing well as we are in drought;the rabbits ;the native wild kind are enjoying eating my lawn and digging holes,that's fine .I think I have a few Kangaroos passing through my property.The children look pretty cut;and their mum is mindful of peoples comment's. Happy Easter

  13. From time to time there is a big explosion on this blog and more I read less I know what's the big fuss about. Wish you peaceful and joyful Easter!

    1. Not sure it's an explosion - just a discussion with forthright views. Anyway, hope you had a lovely Easter.

  14. Anonymous22/4/19 18:54

    Lovely Easter pictures. These are good looking kids. I think Leonore and Nicolas look more like their Mother while Adrienne is more like Chris.


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