Spanish Royal Family attended the presentation of San Isidro's 2019 Bullfights Fair

On March 22, 2019, Spain's former King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar attended the presentation act of the bullfighters that will take part in San Isidro's 2019 Bullfights Fair in Las Ventas bullring, Madrid. Infanta Elena received an award for her love of bullfighting. The festivities of San Isidro are held every year in Madrid around 15 May, the day of San Isidro. San Isidro bullfighting festival is held in Las Ventas bullring.
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar
King Juan Carlos, Infanta Elena, Victoria Federica de Marichalar and Felipe Juan Froilan de Marichalar

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. Anonymous23/3/19 12:38

    Oh, ich hätte Elenas Kinder fast nicht erkannt-besonders Victoria.
    Schön auch, König Juan Carlos zu sehen. Gesundheitlich musste er ja in den letzten Jahren viel einstecken.

  2. Un éborgné et un borgne .

  3. Anonymous23/3/19 14:30

    Seems like Juan Carlos fell over and hit his left side of his face... Nice to see the Victoria Federica and her brother. She s a good looking young lady but I don t like her outfit, sorry.

    1. Se debe a que le han quitado una leve mancha en la cara, lo que ha dado lugar a un derrame.

    2. Apparently he's had minor surgery on his skin.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Victoria Federica devient une jolie jeune fille ; toutefois, son élégance laisse à désirer !!! 15.50

  5. Zarzuela ha confirmado que se debe a una pequeña operación a la que se ha sometido recientemente.

  6. wow, Elenas Kids growing fast, they look so adult.. How old are they now?
    It's nice to see Juan Carlos very happy and smiling while greeting his grandchildren.

    I like Elenas trousers but not the jacket and the shoes.
    Victoria is a very beautiful young lady and I really like her outfit much.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 10:17

      Anna B , Felipe Frolian was born July 1998 and Victoria F was born September 2000

  7. Anonymous23/3/19 16:27

    The young lady (VF) has potential. Her makeup is perfect. A shorter blazer and sling back pumps with a low heel, and the outfit would be transformed. Love the hairdo with the bubbles previously worn by Tia Letizia, that made some royalists reach for the smelling salts.

  8. Anonymous23/3/19 16:44

    Nice to see the former King with some of his family. I must say Infanta Victoria is a beautiful young Lady,so is her brother very grown up. Infanta Elena looked nice today.

  9. Anonymous23/3/19 17:13

    Looks like Juan Carlos fought with a bull himself.....time to finish this beastly and disgusting sport, once and for all! Eva

    1. Anonymous23/3/19 20:22

      It is not a Sport, it is culture. Nobody is sporting at all. If you do not understand, be quiet. Millions of people attend it.
      Nobody protests about the death penalty in USA.

    2. Anonymous23/3/19 20:52

      And death pebalty in USA. Toros is culture and art.

    3. Anonymous at 11.22PM: DO YOU BELIEVE WHAT YO WRITE?

    4. Absolutely. And no, I don't find the 'cultural differences' argument acceptable. If your culture includes something which is disgustngly cruel, it needs to change.

    5. @anonymus:
      I don't understand so please explain it to me 'cause I don't want to be quiet. If millions of people attend it doesn't obviously mean it is good-million of people were nazis either. What is art in it? Or the death of galgos are art as well? And how can you compare death penalty to bullfight? I am honestly happy the real royal family and queen Sofia didn't attend...

    6. Anonymous24/3/19 12:27

      Dealth penalty is not cruel, it is criminal...It is very worse to torture people in public.
      And the fox hunting?? In Canada, Australia and USA is legal...with galgos, also.
      There are bull fights in France is legal...

    7. Anonymous24/3/19 20:20

      If anyone is cruel to an animal and just kills it due to "fun" or "culture", I am ashamed to be a member of the human race. Due to the obvious cruelty against animals of many of the Spanish people, cats and dogs i.g., I stopped and avoid making holidays in this country. Claudia Fischer, Bielefeld

    8. Anon 11:22 Of course the death penalth is protested in the US. The inmates on death row are rarely put to death. The governor of California just ended the death penalth by executive order. You should do a little research before making such bold statements.

      Regarding bullfighting, just because something has been done for hundreds of years does not mean it should be considered part of the culture and protected. Women have been less-than for hundreds and hundreds of years. Women haven't even had the right to vote that long. When something is wrong, it should be changed and become part of history.

    9. Anonymous25/3/19 08:19

      @Claudia...I am against the bullfights, however that thing about holidays...
      We are to the back teeth of the drunk, jumping balconies British, so you can go elsewhere...Tourism in Spain is only 11% GPD, so you can carry your arrogance to France for example where there are bullfights too, Mexico, etc..I am Basque, I have never seen British tourist in my life.
      Cats?? Dogs?? Many people have cats and dogs at home, you are very ignorance.
      You only go to the South, and the cheapest parts..., you do not know the country.
      Ane, Bilbao

    10. Anonymous25/3/19 08:28

      In Catalonia bullfights are banned, however they want to ban the German and British tourism because they can't get along with those people who dirts the streets.
      Avoid Tunez, Morrocoo, etc...also when men can have three women, all Africa, Asia...stay at home!! Europe could avoid Germany because of other things and wars I am not going to say here, but your country has not been the best...with people...

    11. Anonymous25/3/19 08:34

      Germans are not the best example when they need to have their history hidden away..
      Lots of people avoid Germany...even nowadays..Generalizations are not good....There are people who think you are terrible nowadays.

      Almudena, Madrid.

    12. Anonymous25/3/19 19:25

      @Ane....sorry but I made my own experiences in your country. And I decided to not support people in countries like that anylonger. I know, it is a bit taring all Spaniards with one brush, but it*s my very own way to protest against animal cruelty in Spain. I witnessed a lot believe me. And all of your assumptions about me as for " your go to cheapest places etc etc." are completely wrong btw. Have a good life- and lets continue with fashion, CLaudia

    13. Anonymous25/3/19 20:41

      @ Claudia, spreading lies is very easy. You have never been in Spain. Your country is not the best in the world, Bielefel is Germany, when the persons all remenber how were treated, nothing to say about. Many people avoid it and hate it.
      You should avoud Africa, Asia, as well, women do not exist.
      Arrogance is the worst...
      Japan where whales are killed...and your own country, who has been the worst. Everybody has suffered it.

    14. Anonymous25/3/19 21:04

      Experiences?? After a week on a beach and you not even visit the towns and without speaking Castilian.
      We know when someone does not know Spain, how many vets there are, how many people who take care of dogs free....and how dogs take care children suffering cancer at hospitals.

      You have had no experience here.

    15. If something is part of your culture and is wrong then it should be changed. Cultural cruelty in Spain towards innocent animals is bad. You can compare it to other countries, but fox hunting, french bullfighting is cruel as well. Kids in kindergarten have reasons like this: if the other was bad I can be bad either. When the danish royal family cheered at Feroer island I had the same thoughts.
      I think only God has the right to take away lives BUT those people sentenced to death have done sg very bad. What is the sin of the bull that is killed?

  10. Victoria looks lovely - she's grown up into a nice looking young woman and she is developing her own sense of style.

    The Infanta Elena also looks good - I like the colour of her trousers in particular.

    1. Anonymous23/3/19 22:36

      Yes, Victoria is very pretty like that.

  11. What a lovely young woman Victoria Federica has grown into. Her bag and earrings are fun and young. Elena also looks very well in those colors.

  12. Anonymous23/3/19 18:46

    Bullfighting is a brutal and cruel sport. I am amazed and sad that Elena is supporting it, how ever much it may be part of her country's cultural history.

    1. Anonymous23/3/19 20:23

      There are bulfights in France also, it is legal.

    2. Anonymous23/3/19 20:28

      It is not a sport, it is an Art. Do you eat ckhickens which have gronwn up in jails?
      The toro the lidia has been a king, and not anyone can kill them...

    3. Not all traditions need to be continued.

    4. I agree with chardonn8r surely. Can be found in other countries as well, eg isle Feroe DK and the dolphins... I note above all that the royal family cannot completely ignore this actiivity, but the king & queen are not getting involved.

    5. Anonymous28/3/19 21:56

      Anonymous 9:46 PM here still, to Anonymous 11:23 PM and Anonymous 11:28 PM: I don't eat chickens, I have been a vegetarian since 1986. Having slaves was once legal, too, as is the beating of women or raping of wives in many countries still today. Thus, that something is legal does not mean that it is morally or ethically acceptable. But I hope and believe that the world gets wiser considering these things. Animals may not speak our language but to make an animal suffer is as cruel as making another human being suffer. Animals feel pain and fear as much as we do, that's the prerequisite of life. If you don't feel pain or fear, you will soon die.

    6. Very well said anon 9:56! 👍

  13. Anonymous23/3/19 18:55

    Bullfights should have been banned long ago. It's a shame Juan Carlos and Elena are giving this bad example by enjoying the killing of the bulls. I don't care for Victoria's outfit. Elena looks happy .

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 12:45

      In Catalonia and Canary Islands they are banned. In Galicia peopke are trying to ban them also...
      Elena loves them..

  14. Anonymous23/3/19 20:17

    They are not Royal Family, only King's relatives. Letizia, Felipe and their daughters are the roral family in Spain.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 10:26

      I think they are still royals . Juan Carlos is the former king and the father of the currant king . Infanta Elena is the duchess of Lugo . Her children also nobels because their father is a son of a count and a countess.

  15. Anonymous23/3/19 20:25

    Not Spanish Royal Family. Royal family in Spain it is only Felipe and Letizia, the rest needs to work.Relatives of the King are considered only.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 01:08

      Lol, thank you ! Thank you !

  16. Anonymous23/3/19 20:39

    They are not Royal Family, only King's family since some years ago.

  17. Anonymous23/3/19 20:42

    Royal Family? That's wrong. King's relatives.

  18. Anonymous23/3/19 20:45

    Former King, Elena is not Royal Family

  19. Anonymous23/3/19 20:56

    Obviously Felipe and Letizia are not there. The Royal Family. This ones are a nobody nowadays.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 01:09

      Thank you, the same anonymous is repeating the same information over and over

    2. Former King and Former Queen do belong to the Royal Family with King Felipe, Queen Letizia and their daughters. No one else.

  20. It would be nice, if all the "Anonymous" would own some names or "nicknames".

    1. I fully agree, not difficult to find a nickname!

  21. Anonymous24/3/19 12:42

    Felipe, Letizia and their children do not atend bullfights. Former queen Sofía does not live in Spain, she lives in Greece or London. She used to attend but does not like them.
    In Catalonia and Canary Islands they are banned. Young people in general are not fond of them. Juan Carlos and Elena
    are...and Victoria is dating a torero.
    Probably because od that one or more 'anons' insist they are not Royal Family who do not support them.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 15:20

      Yes , agree with you anonymous 3:42

    2. Anonymous24/3/19 16:17

      While anon may 'insist too much', it is true. I believe it was one of the first rules laid out by the new King. The rest, not so much. Victoria is cute, as is everyone who is dazzled by someone else at 18. :)

  22. I like Victoria's outfit, very young and trendy, wish the jacket was a little more fitted. Elena looks like she always does, mismatched with pieces that on their own could be elegant, I dislike the green velvet with the (way too short) red pants , it screams Christmas tree. At least her hair looks better than usual, and she is not wearing a truckload of juvenile bracelets that are only OK with extremely informal outfits. Yes, the King and his older daughter support full fighting to its fullest, and the hunting safari pictures are still on most people's memories, it is well know that Letizia abhors this tradition. I personally can't stand it, but that's a discussion for another blog.
    Happy Sunday!!

  23. Anonymous25/3/19 11:47

    Good Morning
    Regarding the real kinship:
    - Since Philip ascended the throne and became king, it was established that the Royal Family are: King Philip, Queen Letizia, the "Princess of Asturias" Leonor, the Infanta Sofia (both daughters of the kings), the " King Emérito "Juan Carlos and the" Reina Emérita "Sofia (not “ex-kings”)
    - The rest of the relatives are called "Familia del Rey," and the sons and daughters of the Infantas Elena and Cristina, are neither infantes nor infantas (therefore, Victoria Federica is not infanta)
    Regarding bulls, it is a cultural tradition of a country, the fact that it is not understood does not mean that it is not culture, and I do not say that it is okay to torture animals, which is not. But more cruel it seems to me to kill babies inside the mothers (abortion) and that is also legal, and it is a barbarism. Although it is true, that is the subject of another blog.
    Regarding the clothes, both are very much in line with his style
    a greeting

    1. Anonymous25/3/19 20:17

      Thank you for the information about the kinship

    2. Anonymous 11:47, thank you for the information about the royal family. As for the rest of the whole discussion here - the original post mentions bullfighting and now we have death penalty in the US, nazis, abortion, barbarism…


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