Queen Letizia attended the opening of 'Sorolla: Spanish Master of Light' exhibition

On March 13, 2019, Queen Letizia of Spain attended the opening of 'Sorolla: Spanish Master of Light' exhibition held at the National Gallery in London. Prince Charles accompanied Queen Letizia during the opening ceremony. Described by Claude Monet as 'The Master of Light', Joaquín Sorolla is one of Spain's best-loved painters. His most typical works are characterized by a dexterous representation of the people and landscape under the bright sunlight of his native land and sunlit water.
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles
Queen Letizia wore a floral print dress by Carolina Herrera. Prince Charles

(We will not publish anonymous comments that were posted without stating a name or nickname)

  1. So beautiful!! Classy and elegant..

  2. What a fantastic dress, perfect silhouette and length, I wonder if it's a CH? This is not your little house in the prairie floral, but a sophisticated outfit. I would have preferred to see shoes of a more interesting color, like winter green, or rusts orange, but she played safe, and that's alright:-) I generally like unstructured and messy updos, but I do not like the loose tendril escaping the otherwise perfect ponytail, it looks unfinished. All in all she looks her usual chic self.

    1. Anonymous14/3/19 10:14

      She had flown directly from Madrid, maybe the plane is not a good place to mantain a hairdo

  3. Anonymous13/3/19 23:04

    Letizia made herself a dress with one of Zarzuela's sofas. The suit does not favor iher, although the color is beautiful. Messy hairstyle and too much makeup. A pity...I expected more from this event.

    1. Anonymous14/3/19 07:18

      I agree

    2. Anonymous14/3/19 09:38

      The Zarzuela sofas are cream so I do not understand the joke..

    3. Ya me gustaría a mi y a miles de personas llevar ese vestido y que nos quedara tan estupendo como a la reina

    4. Una reina nunca llega tarde; una reina llega la última. De todos modos la culpa fué de la policia metropolitana de Londres que hizo que la reina diera vueltas en su coche porque no había llegado Carlos
      A queen is never late; a queen arrives last. Anyway, the fault was the metropolitan police in London that caused the queen to drive around in her car because Carlos had not arrived.

  4. This dress looks a bit girly.

  5. Anonymous14/3/19 01:13

    Desafortunado outfit.
    Y llegó tarde. El prìncipe Charles tuvo que atender a los invitados.

    1. Anonymous14/3/19 09:39

      El tráfico era horrible desde el aeropuerto..

    2. ¿La reina de España pilota el avión?
      ¿La Reina de España conduce el automóvil por las calles de Londres?
      Charles está en su casa, él es el anfitrión y quien debe atender a los invitados si hay un imprevisto.
      Los anónimos tienen pocas neuronas y mucha bilis...

    3. Anonymous15/3/19 00:05

      Useless comment

  6. El largo del Vestido de Herrera bien,pero lo demás el vestido no la favorece,el cabello...
    Y llega 1/2 tarde !!!
    Estllega 1/2 tarde y no está impecable!!-

    1. Anonymous14/3/19 07:21

      El ùnico acto en diez días.

    2. Anonymous14/3/19 09:41

      El tráfico era horrible, voló esa misma mañana desde Madrid.
      Las demás reinas sólo tienen un acto a la semana, las veís por aquí?

    3. 15 minutos en el tráfico de Londres....no exageres...

    4. ¿Media tarde? ¿Estllega? Aprende a escribir, Teresa, que das vergüenza ajena.

    5. Anonymous14/3/19 12:01

      ¿No LA favorece?
      No LE favorece....a ella, complemento indirecto.

    6. Angie, I think is best not to feed the trolls, I think they are starting to penetrate this blog. I used to visit some sites in Spanish publications that eventually had to eliminate the comment section due to the fact that instead of talking about fashion , they readers would just spread rumors, use vulgarity, and expose their political agendas, it would be a pity if this civilized forum would become a trash site with all the "anonymous" participants.

    7. I agree with Cherry Blossom. Why is there an argument about traffic? Let's move on.

    8. Lo sé, Cherry, pero es difícil para mí tragar la basura. Mira ese Anon 10:21, su gran aportación es acusar a Letizia de perezosa e inútil, cuando sabe perfectamente que:
      - España está en campaña electoral (elecciones generales el 28 de abril)
      - Los políticos, ministros, etc, no pueden asistir a inauguraciones, congresos, actos de Educación, Cultura, Sanidad, Industria... porque se consideran electorales.
      - Los Reyes asisten siempre a todos los eventos acompañados por el ministro/político correspondiente.
      - Felipe y Letizia no pueden ser vistos con políticos en época electoral porque deben mantenerse neutrales.
      La Agenda pobre no es culpa de ellos, posiblemente se verán también afectadas Visitas de Estado y de Cooperación. Todo eso lo sabe la Anon 10:21, pero no lo dice, sólo suelta su malicia y si alguien se lo cree, ya ha cumplido su tarea.
      Sé que tienes razón, pero no puedo callarme. El que calla, otorga, quizá conoces el antiguo dicho español...

    9. Sorry about the typos on my previous comment I meant to say "their" readers not THEY.. this phone agh!!
      Angie, I am glad to read your very informative comment, YES with the electoral campaign going on , the Royal House agenda will be very limited in the next few weeks, as not to give the appearance that they favor one party over the others, so it will be our loss not to see them that often. There are rivers of ink going on about Letizia being late to this event, and it just shows a complete ignorance about the logistics, and because she couldn't be there earlier than scheduled ( obviously) a hiccup with traffic threw them a curve ball, by reading some of the comments one would think that has committed a crime. Not to mention the insidious statements about the " flirting" , I guess women can't win, if we are warm and welcoming, we flirt, if we are serious and reserved, we are cold, distant and petulant.. oy voy!!!

    10. A queen is never late; a queen arrives last. Anyway, the fault was the metropolitan police in London that caused the queen to drive around in her car because Carlos had not arrived.

  7. El vestido precioso y sofisticado. El peinado no está muy logrado, sin duda ha tenido dias mejores.
    Teniendo en cuenta que venía en avión desde Madrid es difícil pensar que llegó tarde por algún motivo que dependiera de ella.

  8. The option for the hair it's not my favorite this time, but I like the dress, the shoes and makeup, however I would like to see the this dress with some simple belt just to break a little bit all the strong pattern of flowers.

  9. Anonymous14/3/19 10:17

    This pictures do not do her right. I have seen others where the dress and the colours are beautiful. Her earrings are to die for. Very elegant look. (Ask Prince Charles....lololol)

    1. Yes, he looked besotted by her, haha

  10. The dress is very nice, and fits her perfectly. Hairdo maybe adapted to the circumstances but suits her as well. Different from Letizia's usual look but nice.

  11. Anonymous14/3/19 13:42

    Hair and dress are amzing; no words to add! I love this young Kings and Queens

  12. Anonymous14/3/19 13:43

    Muy guapa y elegante, el peinado me gusta, es moderno no estirado en plan reinona.
    Lo de llegar tarde puede pasarle a cualquiera , no veo el problema por 20 minutos.
    No saquemos las cosas de quicio.

  13. Dingue, elle a la place qu'il brigue depuis tellement longtemps . Mais lui il va devoir encore attendre avant d'être roi.

  14. I like everything here, nice dress, hair and make-up.

  15. I would've liked the dress but the pattern is very bold and busy. The skirt looks very big on her, it is almost swallowing her slim frame. The colours are wonderful on her though and also like the hair and modest shoes.

  16. I am worried about the hands of Pr Charles, they do not look good. I think hands are important for the general appearance of a person. (So don't look for any political allusion in my comment).

  17. Well, I think she looks fabulous. Love the dress - style and material, love the make up and jewellery and personally, I think her hair is fine (personal taste, I quite like a "messy" do).

    As for lateness, I hardly think it was her fault she was late. Don't know which airport she came into but can't think of one within half an hour of Central London taking into account traffic.

  18. Anonymous14/3/19 17:25

    Letizia look splendid, she wears art herself today, good choice.

  19. Muchas gracias por tu observación "Angie" : escribo con lapiz:en otro idioma, y no siempre la traducción es correcta

    1. Te faltan muchos hervores para intentar tomarme el pelo. ¿Te crees que no he leído las burdas mentiras que has escrito en el Foro belga? Trollaca.

    2. Anonymous15/3/19 23:18

      Angie is out of control, she is bullying every commenter, she should be moderated. We all love queen Letizia and her style

    3. Angie, cual es ese foro Belga? me gustaría visitarlo.

    4. Bueno, no es un Foro, es un Blog de temas generales sobre la Nobleza y la Realeza. Escriben en francés y la mayoría son personas normales, pero hay un pequeño grupo (usan varios Nicks pero repiten lo mismo) que parecen necesitar un psiquiatra, dadas las toneladas de odio que vierten. Se ríen de ellas en su cara, pero insisten :))
      No sé si le parecerá correcto a Mrs Electra. Si no le gusta, por favor, bórrelo.

  20. I think the Queen looks lovely! I also love the attention to detail on the back of the bodice! This is my first comment on this blog. I hope I’m not anonymous. I love following Royal fashion.

  21. And now we know thru a reputable publication, and the Spanish Royal House agrees, as to what was the real reason for the late arrival of the Queen. She arrived with plenty of time but when they were approaching the venue, the Metropolitan Police had them go around several times because of some miscommunication with Clarence House. Letizia graciously alluded to the traffic as not to make an issue.
    So Teresa2424, whenever you feel the need to judge and condemn, maybe you should inform yourself a little better.
    You are welcome!!

  22. Stunning queen Letizia

  23. Stunning queen Letizia A queen is never late; a queen arrives last. Anyway, the fault was the metropolitan police in London that caused the queen to drive around in her car because Carlos had not arrived.

  24. In Spain we are waiting for elections and with a complicated political situation. Other queens and kings have been missing for weeks while Letizia and Felipe are great workers, what are you telling me?

  25. Wonderful cut on Queen Letizia, she knows what suits her best. The colors bring joy and the earrings are an adorable eyecatcher.

  26. Lovely dress in beautiful colours. The Queen looks as elegant as always apart from the straggly ponytail which does her no favours

  27. Anonymous15/3/19 23:20

    Queen Letitia looks beautiful and appropriate for this event.The structured but feminine dress is suitable for a queen and emphasizes her slender frame without trying to be overtly sexy. The bold pattern refers to the occasion, an exhibition of paintings at a gallery. In terms of dress code her outfit matches those of the other attendees and looks especially good next to Prince Charles. The loose hair makes her look approachable and relaxed.

  28. Anonymous18/3/19 05:11

    Lo que sí es claro es que Charles no la recibe en la puerta.
    Ella entra con el director del museo, agarrada de su brazo, como si fuera a la Verbena de la Paloma.

    1. Anonymous19/3/19 08:43

      Dais una imagen de España al exterior de pobres paletas. El resto de foros hablando de Sorolla. Ahora estáis en el foro de las sudamericanas que dicen que hace frío en España....
      Nadie sabe lo que es una verbena fuera de España, corazón...

  29. Anonymous19/3/19 00:48

    @8:11 She descended the stairs on the arm of the current Minister of Culture of Spain, Mr. José Guirao. Wikipedia says Mr. Guirao is also an art expert. The director of the museum is the tall man directly behind her. He is seen addressing the crowd in a later picture. There is so much that is interesting about this exhibit when viewed with an open mind, including the fashion during the time of Mr. Sorolla, as well as his life story.


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