Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed participants of Stand Speak Rise Up! Forum

Yesterday, on March 22, 2019, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts and came to Luxembourg to participate in Stand Speak Rise Up! international conference that will take place in Luxembourg on March 26-27. In addition, the day before yesterday, Grand Duchess Maria Teresa of Luxembourg attended a flash mob supporting her foundation Stand Speak Rise Up! at Luxembourg Grant Thornton Center. Stand Speak Rise Up! international conference, which is an initiative of Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, will bring together leaders from the national and international community and from non governmental organizations, public, private, legal and academic sectors.
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts
Grand Duchess Maria Teresa welcomed 50 women who survived in civil wars and conflicts

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  1. Ik denk het wel, maar zie ze niet zo graag.

  2. Anonymous23/3/19 14:24

    OmG... I do like the Grand Duchess very much but this hairdo is looking as if it isn't finished yet - curler out and not coiffed. Not her best hairstyle, sorry. But her smile is warmhearted like usual.

    1. Anonymous24/3/19 15:21

      Totally agree with you.

  3. Anonymous23/3/19 16:47

    GDss Maria Teresa always nice super smile.A little of a wild hairdo, but i like it.

  4. Not sure about the hairstyle but her smile is so lovely and she looks at least 10 years younger than her age.

  5. TRes jolie coiffure pour la Grande Duchesse.

  6. This "frosted" hair color is just awful. Her hairdresser must have talked her into it. Dated and unflattering.

  7. Anonymous24/3/19 14:38

    Hwr face is so beautifuI...

  8. Anonymous26/3/19 13:23

    I think it is official now that she has lost a lot of weight and she is looking really good!


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