Crown Princess Victoria's Name Day Celebrations 2019

On March 12, 2019, Swedish Crown Princess Victoria's Name Day (Kronprinsessans namnsdag) was celebrated at the base-court of the Royal Palace in Stockholm. Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day celebrations. The celebrations began with a tribute concert by the Life Guards' Dragoon Music Corps, who performed the Swedish Armed Forces' Parade. Crown Princess Name Day is traditionally celebrated on March 12 every year.
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers
Prince Daniel, Princess Estelle and Prince Oscar attended Princess Victoria's Name Day. By Malina trousers

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  1. Anonymous12/3/19 22:13

    Again a other year has passed and we look at pic's of Victoria and her family, do to her Names Day. Victoria looked happy ,nice pants and coat. The best was Estelle and little Oscar, who still is a grumpy little man. Best Wishes to Victoria.

  2. I would love to see her with her hair loose!

  3. Estelle's smile lights up the photo for everyone!

  4. Anonymous13/3/19 07:57

    Lovely picture of a wonderful family 😍 I agree, Estelle is such a sunshine, she looks so happy. Oscar is an incredibly sweet boy. Unlike his sister, he does not like crowds and flashbulbs. Princess Madeleine did not like this as a child either.

  5. It just struck me after looking at the seventh photograph, how the whole family looks very much alike. They all very good looking.

  6. This dark red is beautiful for Victoria! And it is such a pleasure to see Estelle and Oscar grow up!

  7. In her style this is perfect. Nice colour

  8. Victoria and Estelle sharing smiles with the lovely lady in the white and lilac knit hat,a picture that radiates warm and good vibes.

  9. Le 14 juillet , c'est son anniversaire en grandes pompes et le 12 mars c'est sa fête .... C'est pas un peu trop ?

    1. Anonymous14/3/19 08:05

      En mars on célèbre la fête, en juillet l'anniversaire. Une fois dans la capitale suédoise et une fois sur Öland. Personnellement, je ne pense pas que l'on célèbre trop.

    2. Anonymous14/3/19 19:33


  10. Anonymous17/3/19 10:25

    La princesse héritière Victoria est la future reine suédoise.
    C’est mon avis. À l'occasion de l'anniversaire d'été à Öland, de nombreux touristes de près ou de loin ont la possibilité de participer aux célébrations. En mars, la fête des noms est célébrée dans le château de Stockholm, pourquoi pas?


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