Princely Family of Monaco attended the opening of One Monte-Carlo

On February 22, Prince Albert II and Princess Charlene, their twins Prince Jacques and Princess Gabriella of Monaco, and Pierre Casiraghi attended the inauguration of the new Luxury complex the "One Monte-Carlo" in Monaco. Construction began in 2008, with a budget of €250 million. The project, located next to the Place du Casino in the heart of Monte Carlo, is made up of homes, offices, shops and restaurants.
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket
Prince Albert, Prince Jacques, Princess Gabriella and Pierre Casiraghi. Princess Charlene is wearing Akris jacket

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  1. Anonymous22/2/19 21:29

    Leider mag ich die Kleidung der Kinder Ć¼berhaupt nicht - sie sind angezogen wie kleine Modepuppen. Und auch die Sonnenbrillen sind m.M.n. etwas drĆ¼ber... Charlenes Frisur und auch die von Gabriella sind sehr schƶn. ich finde, FĆ¼rstin Charlene stehen die Haare in dieser LƤnge besser als das ganz kurze Haar. Es macht sie weicher.

  2. Anonymous22/2/19 21:50

    What a nice surprise to see the family together. I do like Pss. Charlenes jacket not so much the shoes and skinny pants. But the pride and joy are does two little ones,so well behaved and dressed to the hilt.Not at all camera shy. They know what they have to do.Just lovely.

  3. These children are just gorgeous. normally I don't like (unnecessary) sunglasses on anyone, adult or child, but they just look too cute in these outfits. Lovely.

    1. yes the importance of ptoyrcting the eyes of children is often underestimated, and it is essential for them.

  4. Cute but a little over the top

  5. Cannot get over how beautifully behaved these children are. And utterly adorable and well dressed. Charlene and Albert are doing a wonderful job preparing them for a public life.

    1. I fully agree over their behaviour. They can take them anywhere.
      They are well dressed yes, perhaps spoiling a bit their young age dressing style. However I appreciate the gesture about the floral skirt of Gabriella, yes of course, but not too often please.

  6. I adore Princess Charlene's jacket -- I want it, in the grey and several other colors too while I'm at it :-)

  7. Nice family outing on a lovely sunny day. Charlene looks relaxed and I like the outfit.

    The twins are cute, their closeness is adorable. Love how Gabriella got flowers and she is very interested in her post. The photo of her with her shades and little pout is cute - she looks older than four.

    And that's my problem really - however cute I find them I just find the way they are dressed, to be a bit snobby about it, nouveau riche. They're children still in kindergarten and they're members of a ruling family, even if it is "only little, brash Monaco". I just don't like the mini adult, cheap looking tackiness of it all. Give me Charlotte Cambridge's smocked identikit dresses or the Spanish girls tween dresses any day over this.

    1. Anonymous23/2/19 08:50

      Fully agree with everything you said! I don’t understand this trend of dressing kids in adult style, let them be kids! Gabriella looks like a teenager already, and not in a good offence intended, just an honest observation

    2. Agree!

    3. Totally agree. I find it very inappropriate to expose your very young children like this. Look at Gabriela, she is dressed likes she is 20 years old. For what reason? To please the public? At this age children should be protected!

    4. While I can see your point of view, I am cautious about judging children's clothing by British royal family standards. Even in Britain, Catherine is criticized for her "staid, overly old fashioned" choices for her children. Monaco is very different from Britain. These children are not British. Also, the Spanish royal family is another separate entity.
      Overall, Jacques and Gabriella look happy, confident and connected with their parents and every event they attend. Part of this may be that they are happy in their clothing and perhaps have a choice in what they wear.

    5. I agree with Franny. It's too much, and very celebrity, not royal. Dior's leather jacket for a little girl?

    6. I know they aren't British or Spanish or anything other than MonƩgasque. I'm just saying I would rather that style than this "adultised" Hollywood look. And Princess Caroline's children also wore "old-fashioned" traditional looks for public events although they were perfectly contemporary in their everyday looks. Even Stephanie's children when small were quite conventionally dressed. The Casiraghis have continued to go for the classic Victorian baby look as well for National Day, even Tatiana with her bohemian style.

      I know it's all personal taste and I understand that people find the British children and the Spanish children's clothes a bit fusty or babyish at times. But I do think these clothes are a bit much. Whilst the twins may well have an opinion I really doubt they asked to be dressed in Dior or that Gabriella has already decided that black is her colour.

      As for the sunglasses I don't believe they are anything to do with protecting their eyes. They've just been to a South African summer with no sign of a pair of shades in sight. They appear at an event on an admittedly mild and sunny winter's day wearing sunglasses. It was a style choice for me.

      Anyway, like I said in my original comment I like these children, they're comfortable with who they are and there is clearly an excellent relationship between them and with their parents. It's just their clothes for this event that I'm not keen on.

  8. Anonymous22/2/19 23:09

    I think lether jackets (especially Gabriella's biker style) it's too "adult" for young children. But it's Monaco royal family. You can expect weirdest things :)

  9. OMG!!! These kids are adorable. Charlene's jacket is a classic, but not very flattering.

  10. Anonymous23/2/19 00:27

    Yes, a little, but the kids are adorable, and Gabriella is such a beauty.

  11. Anonymous23/2/19 00:29

    Wow, Charlene did a quick return from South Africa!

  12. Anonymous23/2/19 00:31

    VERY...... Monaco ?

  13. Sure the twins are nice kids and it seems are well behave but they are very seldom dressed nicely.The clothes are most of the time too large for them or not for their age.
    I would think seeing Charlene clothes she would dress her kids better.

  14. Anonymous23/2/19 01:09

    Absolut unpassend, Kinder wie Erwachsene auszustaffieren. Charlene ist bei diesem Anlass mal - selten genug - halbwegs normal gekleidet. Meist kommt sie ja daher, als wƤre sie von einem anderen Planeten. Nein, meine Sympathien gehen eindeutig zur Fam. Cambridge ... und das nicht nur kleidungsmƤƟig.

  15. I know I am going to be criticised for saying this, but I will anyway. Why do children have to be ‘chic’? Why can’t they simply wear comfortable clothes, instead of say RayBan sunglasses and a leather jacket? If it is too sunny, they should wear hats. I always love the look of the children of the Swedish and British royal families. Conservative and nice.

    1. Agree with you. Ce n'est pas la 1ere fois que ces enfants arborent des de telles tenues . Ce sont les seul du gotha Ć  ĆŖtre ainsi accoutrĆ©s. Et puis des lunettes pour protĆ©ger leurs yeux, ok mais est ce que les Ray Ban sont nĆ©cessaires ? Je n' apprecie pas ces 2 enfants gravures de mode

    2. Anonymous23/2/19 19:39

      I agree (com 8.29 and5.42)

  16. Little Gabriela will grow up to look very much like her famous grandmother.

    1. Anonymous23/2/19 13:24

      Indeed. In photo no. 6 from the top she already looks like mini- Grace Kelly, a beauty.

  17. Anonymous23/2/19 09:04

    They are children not dolls that we disguise.

  18. Anonymous23/2/19 10:01

    The children's outfits remind of the paintings of Goya in old Spain.At that time, everyboby wore the same thing, ; Now, we have aoooo lovely things adapted to children. A total no go for the way her mother dresses them like models on a runway.
    Sorry , no no no

  19. Anonymous23/2/19 11:00

    Kids are kids and these kids are lovely, but the way they are dressed is over the top and very nouveau riche (like said here before). Let kids be kids!

  20. Looks Like princess Grace there, little Gabriella

  21. Oui un peu trop bling bling pour les enfants CharlĆØne je l'adore Ć©galement alberA

  22. Anonymous23/2/19 13:17

    Princess Jacques and Gabriella look so cute! I like Gabriella's pictures appreciating the flowers and her hairstyle is cute!! These 2 little princes behave in a very apropriate way.

  23. ik vind het jammer dat de kinderen zo owelijk gekleed zijn , laat het toch kinderen zijn!!! .
    charlene ziet er als altijd prachtig uit .
    genoten van de mooie foto,s.

  24. The kids are a little bit overdressed but maybe intentionally šŸ¤·‍♀️

  25. Nothing wrong with Prince Jacques clothes. He looks cool and is well dressed. So much better than the ridiculous shorts prince George wears. So old fashion. The skirt from Gabrielle might be over the top but as long as she enjoys it it's ok for me.

  26. Very nice family. Not stuffy at all like many other royal families. The twins are gorgeous and I love their leather jackets.

  27. Gabriella cuddling the doggy is so very heartwarming ...

  28. I think Princess Charlene's jacket would have been more attractive with the emphasizing seam under the bust placed lower, around her waist. I like the collar, the matching buttons and the fabric are all great, just that seam which flares the silhouette in the wrong place. She seems to be a real 'hands-on mother' and is doing a great job preparing the twins for a public life. They are little troupers!

  29. One thing that you need to remember is that many children have an opinion about how they want to dress. and children do want to dress like other kids. I see Charlene dressing them in a mix of traditional and modern. In South Africa they were wearing play clothes. Today they look chic. They have worn the traditional costumes and their Christmas outfits were very much what young children their age would wear.

    In contrast, the Cambridge children are dressed in a very traditional, proper (if a bit boring) way. Rarely do we see them dressed like regular kids.

    I am sure all of the children will be fine. Jacques and Gabriella are beautifully behaved, and will someday represent Monaco in a way to make their parents proud.

    1. Good point about children's opinions on what they wear, Chardonn8r, and their desire to dress like other kids. I do think this is a factor in these children looking comfortable and confident. Also, this is Monaco, a rather economically rarefied environment. Children in designer wear are quite normal here, rather than an old fashioned smocked dress, which would look out of place.


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