Stephanie and Guillaume attended 'Hands of Masters 2018' award ceremony

On December 14, 2018, Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume and Hereditary Grand Duchess Stephanie attended Hands of Masters 2018 (De Mains De Maîtres) award ceremony. At Hands of Masters Bienal which is held for the second time this year, awards were presented by Stephanie to the artisans who were deemed worthy of an award by the jury. At "Hands of Masters" exhibition, works of Luxembourgian artisans are exhibited, and it is aimed to use the income generated at "Hands of Masters" exhibition for supporting the artisans who want to improve their art. That initiative was started by Grand Duchess Stephanie and Hereditary Grand Duke Guillaume.
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer
Princess Stephanie and Prince Guillaume attend Hands of Masters awards. Stephanie Pink One Button Cotton Blazer

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  1. A week or two ago several of us had been rather enthousiastic about their style both of them, but I think we are back at "business as usual". Stephany looks a bit sad in my view.

  2. She looks so much happier living in the UK with her husband. Great colour of the jacket, the trousers are not so bad either.

  3. It would look so much better if the jacket was the right size or unbuttoned. Otherwise it's a lovely outfit .

    1. Exactly what I was thinking. She would not have had the pulling if the jacket was unbuttoned, and it would have given her a long black line to visually slim her right down the middle. I do like the color, however.

  4. Why does Guillaume not ask his father where he gets his elegant, modern, stylish, well-fitting suits?

    1. Guillaume does not have the same morphology, it makes it difficult to go for ready made suits. So he should accept to go for tailored suits.

    2. They have a totally different bodyshape.

    3. Well remarked, Beth at 4.58 PM. And not to forget; a good, expensive fabric and colour for Stephanie's jacket, but... She seems to be not interested in what is going on, just frustrated.

  5. Pink is a wonderful color on Stephanie. Style-wise, I think great tailoring is what she needs, and fabrics that don't cling. This lovely young woman could look fabulous, day in and day out, with the right kind of help.

  6. Such an attractive young woman desperately in need of a stylist.

  7. Et Guillaume ? De quoi a-t-il besoin ? Il a ,l’air d’avoir 50 ans .

  8. Stephanie looks nice but I think Jacket a little tight. And husband looks better with a beard.

  9. Oh no Stephanie, is your age 80 or what? Serie how ill fitting clothes can you find. That necline of jacket is SO horrible.

  10. Ça y est elle renoue avec le pantalon flare, trop long , la veste qui la boudine ... je ne la comprendrai jamais

  11. Stephanie posee un hermosísima piel, me gusta el peinado,un muy dulce sonrisa, el color pink la favorece mucho con pantalón negro recto

  12. Does anyone else think she might be expecting? Her face is much fuller and she appears to have gained weight.... Agree that the vivid pink color is nice on her.

    1. She does look fuller in the face. That would be happy news. I suspect the pressure for an heir is massive. Or maybe she is enjoying all the food for the holidays like the rest of us LOL
      I myself am feeling fuller too ☺

    2. Hard to tell what's in that flute she's holding. If it's sparkling water.... then it might be good news indeed, lol. Happy for them no matter what. They are a sweet couple and I wish for them only the best.

  13. She is a real beauty and her favourite trousers and tight jackets can not change this fact.

  14. Gasp the black trousers are back. The jacket is too short. I do not like the hair. Oh Stephanie...sigh

  15. Auf dem Bild mit dem Sektglas sieht sie aus wie ein präraffaelitische Madonna. Ich mag diese Stephanie ja. Sie ist so natürlich, und hübsch ist sie auch. Und ohne ein Gefühl für Mode. Vielleicht hat sie einfach auch keine Lust darauf. Die Farbe der Jacke jedenfalls ist OK - und Schwarz geht ja immer.

  16. Jacket may be a bit snug, but Stephanie looks very nice.

  17. It would have been refreshing if people could stop this negativity. Try to be a good person. Stephanie looks great in pink. FULL stop!

    1. Anonymous 10:50 It is a fashion blog. Therefore we discuss No negativity about her personally. We generally all dislike the too big black pants and have said so for many years here. The jacket is too short and too tight. We are looking at those things here on....a fashion blog. It would not be a fashion blog if we gushed about it all without a fashion blog.

      She has always looked good in pink. We have also said that for many years here.

      We all like her. We just are not so keen on her clothes very often.

      We are all also good people here. Discussing fashion and what we like and do not like does NOT make any of us "bad" people.

      Be well

  18. She actually looks tired to me. This outfit is not flattering although the pink looks lovely on her. The jacket seems a bit tight. I would think she was expecting but i think she has a glass of champagne in one of the pictures and that seems to be a no no for the pregnant ladies. But it could be sparkling water or juice.


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