Spanish Royals attended the Solemn ceremony commemorating the 40th anniversary of the approval of Spanish Constitution

On December 6, 2018, King Felipe VI, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía, former Queen Sofia and former King Juan Carlos of Spain attended the Solemn ceremony held at Congress of Deputies on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the approval of the Spanish Constitution. The Spanish Constitution was prepared and came into effect in 1978 as a result of a public accord and a referendum, and is still in effect in Spain. It is one of the most modern constitutions of the world. Every year, December 6 is celebrated as Constitution Festival in Spain.
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia
Queen Letizia wore Carolina Herrera red dress and clutch, Magrit pumps. Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofía and Queen Sofia

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  1. Leonor and Sofia look amazing in their cloaks but I wonder when this matchy-matchy dressing with the girls will end? I have a twin sister and I *hated* when our parents did that. It's cute with young girls but they're nearly teenagers now - let them each have their own style.

    1. Anonymous6/12/18 20:57

      Agree completely

    2. I agree. My little sister and I aren't twins. We have a 1 year diference in age but my mom always dressed us with the same clothes and everyone thought we were twins. I understand you because I also hated it when we were younger.
      Leonor and Sofia are beautiful girls but I prefer when they aren't dressed so similar.

    3. Anonymous7/12/18 01:04

      I see a theme with the plaids, the cloaks and the socks (as in how the combination would be worn in Balmoral for instance). No Mom would trust girls at this age to choose outfits that may well end up in history books. Royal children have to project a more sober image on these solemn occasions. Soon enough they will put their own personal stamp on their clothing.

    4. Fully agree with Anon 4.04! This is sheer wisdom.

    5. I am perfectly fine with Letizia choosing their outfits, just the outfits don't need to be the same for each girl. Maxima does a great job with this - she dressed her girls very similarly when they were younger but eventually embraced their own unique personalities in what they wear while still making sure they are appropriately dress for each occasion.

    6. Anonymous8/12/18 05:17

      The girls are 11 and 13 years old not full fledged teenagers. Even teenagers need guidance on what to wear for such occasions (the Zapatero girls in America?). At this stage it looks like clothes for an 11 year old are too short for Sofia, and clothes for teenagers are too large for Leonor's small frame . How do we know that they did not have a say because their dresses and grandma's look bespoke. As sweet and well mannered as they look, they do not give the vibe that they are complacent. The Dutch princesses wore identical outfits until they were the same age as these girls...and with capes and ballerinas on Kingsday too. Of course all of the other Royal mothers are better at child raising than Letizia who will not let the individuality of the preteens shine through on an important days when their father needs no distractions as he connects with the nation, and the family strives to keep a low profile. Amazing that total strangers are adamant about how to dress clearly prepubescent girls when their personalities are still evolving.

    7. The girls are perfectly dressed and the Dutch model is not at all an example when we saw Alexia makeup as a door with! 12 years! ... They are girls of 11 and 13 and it is difficult to dress them for very serious official acts, but I think that for now, they are going great.

  2. Anonymous6/12/18 14:51

    Beautiful dress that Letizia is, again, wearing, lovely complements but for me the best this time is, her hair, perfect for me!
    Sofia, in my opinion is wearing a beautiful color it's a perfect dress to her, I'll just change her handbag and toke the pedant leaving just the pearls on her necklace.
    Filipe very handsome and elegant men, I just like more when he wear a tie combine with Letizia dress. :)

  3. Strange the infantas didn’t wear tights as opposed to the odd socks matching shoes.

  4. Anonymous6/12/18 15:19

    ¡Viva España!

  5. Although we have seen this dress on several occasions it always hits the mark, and I think is thoughtful to repeat as not to distract too much from the event. Perfectly fitted on top with the pretty tear opening, slightly flared to flatter the figure, red of course because it's the Spanish color. The hair is fabulous, polished and well executed. Lovely earrings that used to belong to Sofia, and speaking of which, she also looks fantastic, love the wine colored velvet dress. with the very trendy sleeves, and this time she is more measured with the jewels :-) . As usual I won't comment on children's fashion, but both girls look as pretty and sweet as usual. Let's not forget the king.. yummy!!!!!

  6. This red dress is one of the best Letizia has. I am every time happy to see it again, it is so becoming to her.

  7. Anonymous6/12/18 16:20

    They are all dressed nicely. Love the capes on Princess Leonor & Infanta Sofia. I hope that the next time we'll see the girls, they are wearing outfits/dresses that are totally different from each other. Nothing wrong in dressing them in matching outfits, but I just think that they are always matching everytime they are in official engagaments.

  8. Anonymous6/12/18 17:04

    ¡Viva España and our Constitution!!

  9. Anonymous6/12/18 17:38

    ...und da gibt es wieder diese Auftritte, wie heute, in denen Letizia wahrhaft königlich und wunderschön daherkommt.
    Königin Sofia und die beiden Töchter sowieso. Hier strahlen sie alle mit der Sonne.

  10. Anonymous6/12/18 17:38

    Both queens look great! Queen Letizia in the red and Queen Sophia in the burgundy velvet, very nice. The girls do look pretty and I like the fact that their dresses have similarity but are not totally matching since the colors, check patterns, and dress details on the front are different.

  11. Anonymous6/12/18 18:07

    What a nice occasion for the RF to appear together. Everyone looks wonderful. The knee highs for the girl are not very nice. I think a nude pantyhose would have looked better, but then I am not dressing them.

    1. Anonymous6/12/18 20:56

      No, please no nude pantys for young girls, blue or burgundy would be more stylish

    2. Anon 11:56 is correct. Pantyhose are not in style, most especially for young people. Older women, of course. I would have preferred to see them in colored tights. The socks are very "little girl".

    3. Anonymous7/12/18 12:21

      Disagree about the colored tights.The look in the Christmas pic was awful. Too juvenile, especially for the princess.The bit of skin above the socks lightens the dark of the plaid, and those socks are also being worn with boots by this age group. It's an awkward age that will last about another year. Everyone has been there.

    4. Anonymous7/12/18 17:11

      Those tights are worn by the most rich children in Spain. No boots at all, no allowed at schools or other important places.

    5. Anonymous7/12/18 17:31

      What Christmas pic? No Christmas in Spain yet at all. We Celebrate from 24th until 6th if January, Epiphany, not yet.

    6. Anonymous7/12/18 19:23

      I had to wear those socks until I was 16 years old and finished Bachillerato at school. High class tradition.

    7. Anonymous7/1/19 23:03

      Los calcetines están bien y nadie se asustará verlos en niñas porque los vemos a diario. Porque SON NIÑAS AÚN. Todavía son muy pequeñas así que pueden vestir como quieran y además son tan lindas que todo lo que lleven estará bien

  12. Anonymous6/12/18 18:09

    One well dressed, classy and yes, very attractive family.

  13. Viva el Rey Juan Carlos que devolvió los poderes al pueblo!! Es su mérito ❤👏👏👏La reina Sofía impecable y hermosa de bordeau, las niñas parecen salir del colegio uniformadas

    1. Anonymous6/12/18 19:55

      ¡Pero qué dices!! El castellano noces tu idioma materno y te lanzas a decir esto, ¿ por qué no te callas?, frase de Don Juan Carlos
      ¿No eras de la Argentina?

    2. Anonymous6/12/18 20:37

      bordeau? OMG, hahaha

    3. Anonymous6/12/18 20:49

      I agree.

    4. Anonymous7/12/18 11:44

      I think we can all give our opinions or point of view. We all know who you are Anonymous 10:55pm

    5. Anonymous7/12/18 17:09

      No opiniones politicas de otros paises, Anon 2:44, que sabes tú de la opinion de los españoles sobre Juan Carlos hoy en dia, que incluso ha tenido q abdicar. No tienes ni idea de quien soy, tú eres Teresa...

    6. Toda la familia esta bien vestida para el dia. Favor! En el ano 1982, yo estudie en Madrid con un profesor de la ciencia politica quien fue uno de los autores de la nueva constitucion. No seas mala, Anon 10:55, el profesor invitaria a Teresa 2424 en una manera buena a estudiar el desarollo de la nueva constitucion y la historia de Espana del siglo XX. Espana tuvo un dictador, y despues de la muerte de Franco, transiciono a la monarquia constitucional. Franco sobrepaso el padre de Juan Carlos al recapacitar la familia. Disculpa las teclas y la falta del accentos.

    7. Anonymous7/12/18 20:42

      Chris, España no es una monarquía constitucional, es una monarquía parlamentaria, no es lo mismo.

    8. Si, gracias. Yo empece a pensar en los recuerdos que el profesor nos regalo y me escapo la terminologia.

    9. Anonymous7/1/19 23:04

      Los eméritos son historia. Y ahí están perfectos. Los españoles queremos a Felipe VI no a Juan Carlos.

  14. My granddaughters wear knee high socks at their Catholic school. So the young princesses are probably use to wearing them also to school and other events.

  15. they all look good, beautiful girls.

    Letizias red dress is fantastic, wow! And I like her hair, this style is very lovely

  16. Disculpen así se dice en mi país bordeaux, no quiero herir sensibilidad ni sentimientos,entre otros estudie politica internacional y trato de estar actualizada ;no deseo molestar a nadie..cada persona del blogs merece el mayor de mis respectos

  17. I think they all look good. I am most taken with Sophia's burgundy velvet. I don't always love what she wears, and she looks amazing here. Letizia, as usual, nailed it. Red is always a great color on her. The girl's capes are really cute, but they are too matchy-matchy. It is well past time that they let their individual styles shine through. The knee-high socks are too young for them as well. I can fully understand wanting to keep the girls from growing up too quickly, but I do think they can let go just a little now.

    1. Anonymous7/12/18 19:25

      I had to wear those socks until I turned 16 and finished the school. It is a high class tradition.

    2. Anonymous7/1/19 23:06

      !The are only 11 and 13!

  18. Letizia looks wonderful! And so do Sofia and the girls!

  19. Like Letizia, but love Sofia. She looks beautiful in this burgundy velvet dress. The necklace adds just enough sparkle to the whole look. Gorgeous!

  20. Anonymous7/12/18 14:56

    Estupendas las cuatro mujeres reales.


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