Princess Sofia attended Project Playground event at Norrsken House

Yesterday evening, on December 14, 2018, Swedish Princess Sofia attended a charity event held for the benefit of Project Playground at Stockholm Norrsken House. At the event, Princess Sofia wore a new outfit (skirt and sweater) by Hugo Boss.
Princess Sofia wore Hugo Boss Fallie merino wool sweater and Midesa A-line skirt for Project Playground charity event
Princess Sofia wore Hugo Boss Fallie merino wool sweater and Midesa A-line skirt
HUGO BOSS Fallie Sweater and Midesa Skirt

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  1. heel mooi outfit. Maar die haren altijd naast haar oren, zie ik niet graag, mag eens een ander kapsel hebben.

  2. Love it - colours, style and contrast.

    She has lovely hair - personally, I wish she would wear back rather than at the front.

    But anyway, I think this is a wonderful appearance.

    1. Pour les cheveux, je suis de votre avis.

      Effectivement, le contraste des couleurs est joli.

  3. I actually really like the skirt and top—not just the way Sofia is wearing it. It looks like she just woke up, realized she had to take a photo, and threw the first thing she could find on. (Mind, the model is styled the same 'sloppy' way, so maybe that's the ~look.)

  4. Sofia in new and expensive dress for a charity event. Not often we see her like CP Victoria, who reusing her clothes at several occasions. But nice dress!

    1. Agree with you 100%. Your comment would never be published in Sv Damtidning, a Swedish so called Royal magazine as any kind of critics against Sofia is off limits, even if they are true.

    2. Not everyday u read someone saying the truth.

      Lisa agree!

    3. Totally agree with you three.

    4. I agree with the comment about price for the outfit and reuse. Somehow we could say she has only a limited number of engagements. She did not quit from her clothing and hair style over several past years. We can expect almost everything from her.

    5. Actually she has recycled also her sister-in-laws clothes, Victoria´s. Am I the only one who remembers what kind of critique she got about how CP does not seem to have enough money to buy his wife clothes.

    6. I totally agree with you Blondiini. How many times before this or last year has Victoria recycled her clothes or her mother's clothes, or Madeleine? Never ever! Actually Sofia does not have a pile of clothes but some of you want always make a number of her new ones. She looks very lovely and naturale here and the other in the picture are not strangers to her. I coul'd wear her outfit, very beautiful combination of colours. In "Svensk Damtidning" can we read many nasty comments about Sofia's outfits and prices, Lisa Nilsson.

    7. Quite wrong! Just days ago victoria reused Her mothers nobel dress. And i've seen her do it in the past year. Mostly coats. Madeleine clearly doesnt, and So doesnt Sofia.
      Sofia has a wardrobe just as big like victoria or madeleine. She has been 'builting a wardrobe' for over 3 years! To say she buys because she needs is incredibly false. Svensdam tidning made publictl that theu would not accept any negative comments about Sofia. I've seen them eliminate many comments about prices even on facebook. Many continue to complain there comments arent accepted at all.

    8. Sofia has been in the royal family officially since 2015. She has been pregnant twice. I do not see how in the world she would have a wardrobe as big as Victoria or Madeline. Most of her maternity clothes wouldn’t fit her now. She can’t wear her mother’s clothes. That certainly wouldn’t work. She has borrowed some maternity dresses from Victoria I believe. Her wardrobe for official engagements is paid for by her father in law. Whatever any of the royal children do or buy for engagements is at at the discretion of the king. From what I understand. And I am
      Sure they buy clothes on their own also. I really don’t think any of the children are hurting for money. I know she has repeated some evening dresses. But there is no way she has a closet like her sisters in law. That is crazy.

    9. Sofia wore this skirt awhile a back and it was posted on this blog. So it is not so new.

    10. Well I could have sworn I have seen her in this skirt here before. But now I cannot find it. So I take back my previous comment about it.

    11. Actually she did wear a color blocked skirt like this somewhere. With a different looking top. It very well could be this one but I can't find it now. May have been an event or meeting at the palace that wasn't covered on here. But I don't think you are wrong.

    12. 3/4 years of buying clothes is a lot. Victoria and Madeleine don't keep every piece of clothing they ever owned. After a few years u can get the same "size closet".

  5. J’adore cette tenue la couleur lui va bien .....

  6. Love the color combination of the skirt,very nice contrast.It seems Hugo Boss is well liked by Royals.

  7. Great skirt, great hair. Don’t really like the sweater but hey if u have to bust out a less than attractive sweater, Christmas is almost here

  8. I love the outfit; however, it would look neater if Sophia would tuck the sweater in to give it a more fitted look.

    1. The sweater is tucked in, is it not?

    2. Yes it is.

    3. YEs, but it is not tucked very neatly. It has that slouchy look that is trendy in casual dress today, but this would look nicer if it were more neatly tucked.

    4. @Virginia Dogwood - I am sure the sweater was tucked in neatly. But then, alas, Sofia walked around, moved a little bit, sit even! It is good of her not to make a fuss and let the slouchy sweater rules over her life!

  9. I like the hair style and outfit but if it was me I wouldn’t pose so chummy with a total stranger. It’s ok with family and friends.

    1. Totally agree. That was my first thought.

    2. Totally agree. That was my first thought.

  10. She is often so drab and Victorian in her style (referring to being all covered up like in the Victorian era).

  11. I love this outfit! Blue is her color. She looks lovely. Maybe they had to squeeze together to take the pic. And it is project playground. Maybe she knows a few of them.

  12. Nice outfit. Why wear a center part just to be in style? It doesn't look good on most women, the two in the photo above are no exception. I can't wait till this style disappears.

  13. Yumiko Kokuryu16/12/18 00:11

    I am very impressed with commitments of Princess Sofie to creating a sustainable future by empowering children and youth through Project Playground.

  14. It's about fashion here, and I am not a fan of this outfit. Google the price and one can see, what could have done with that money for charity... Royalty or not.

    1. Agree

    2. How much does the outfit costs really? Any link?
      I dont think it costs So much but I can be wrong.

  15. Princess Sofia looks better than the model. Her choice is approbiate, she didn´t want to look overdressed IMO.

  16. I like this outfit. It has the perfect level of formality, and she styles it well. I cannot see any reason why she should not style herself in a more modern way, as long as she is not being offensive. I still go back to pictures of Princess Anne wearing mini skirts. She is a young princess, and she is doing what young princesses do. I think she would look younger with some length cut from her hair, but it is her choice. At least she wears it down.

  17. Princess Sofia looks very nice here. She looks so good in blue!! I have been reading the posts above and have a few thoughts. I don't think she has to pay for her clothes if it is for an official engagement. Right? I think they get reimbursed for that from somewhere. So I would guess if that is true, some of that is not coming out of Carl Philip's pocket. Maybe not for every engagement that she or Carl Philip do, but most I would say. And they actually may pay for Project Playground ones. But I am not sure. As to how many engagements she does per month or year or week, I would say from other things I have read that that is up to her father-in-law. Except maybe Project Playground. I only hesitate about that as that was something she was involved with before her marriage and was allowed to continue. Also, remember she has been pregnant for a good part of her marriage. Ha! Two babies back to back. She might not can wear those clothes anymore as they would be too big now. Some might can be adjusted but..... Just my thoughts.

  18. Raquel Alves, that was a funny answer. Victoria has perhaps recycled clothes max. last two years but she is 40 years old and has represented "kungahuset" for about 22 years. That is a little bit more than Sofia's officially 3 years. And I say it again, you can read many nasty comments about Sofia's clothes and their prices in Svensk Damtidning, I read it every day you see.

    1. Victoria in her 20s is not really going to use her mothers clothes she bought as queen in her 30s/ 40s.... but she has been doing it more and more. Victoria is the future queen and has worked as people would expect. Sofia is a minor royal, as well as madeleine. U cant say they should get the same clothes expenses etc...

  19. The Swedish Royals are one of the richest in Europe. They can certainly afford to buy new clothes for special royal events. Victoria has been wearing her mother's old clothes once in a while and they make her look matronly. I don't care for her prairie ruffled dresses either. She's a handsome woman that looks older than her age mainly because of her severe hairdo and poorly chosen outfits.


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