Crown Princess Mary visited Kræftværket at Rigshospitalet

On the evening of December 11, 2018, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark visited Kræftværket at Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. Kræftværket is a meeting place for young people with cancer in the age between 15-29 being treated at the Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital which has existed since 2015 where it was founded. The primary objective of Kræftværket is to provide youth-friendly support, care, and treatment practices. As Kræftværket provides services to both pediatric and adult departments, a network between patients who would otherwise not interact has been created. Crown Princess Mary is Patron of the Danish Cancer Society
Kræftværket is a meeting place for young people with cancer in the age between 15-29 being treated at the Rigshospitalet hospital
Kræftværket is a meeting place for young people with cancer in the age between 15-29 being treated at the Rigshospitalet hospital
Kræftværket is a meeting place for young people with cancer in the age between 15-29 being treated at the Rigshospitalet hospital
Kræftværket is a meeting place for young people with cancer in the age between 15-29 being treated at the Rigshospitalet hospital

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  1. These visits and support mean so much to those there. Mary looks so nice and natural.

  2. CP Mary is very natural & warm

  3. Mary is in her Element. She loves to be around people.


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