Belgian Royal Ramily attended Christmas Concert at Royal Palace

On December 19, 2018, King Filippe, Queen Mathilde, Crown Princess Elisabeth, Prince Gabriel, Prince Emmanuel, Princess Eleonore, King Albert, Prince Lorenz and Princess Astrid attended the traditional Christmas Concert at the Royal Palace in Brussels. The King and Queen organise this concert each year around Christmas to thank their staff everyone who was involved in coordinating their activities throughout the year.
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
Crown Princess Elisabeth wore a long dress by ba&sh. Queen Mathilde wore a jupsuit by Natan. Princess Eleonore, Princess Astrid
  1. The Queen looks spectacular! The waistline and belt add visual interest and that type of neckline is very flattering to her. Princess Elizabeth is overwhelmed by that dress and it is not for a young woman. The King's sister looks very good, I like the collar and the length on her dress and the print is festive.

  2. Queens Mathlide and Maxima wearing nearly the same jumpsuit today

    1. Not the first time this has happened

    2. I thought so too. It has happened a few times during the years ;-) Do not like the jumpsuit but the belt adds sparkle to the event. I also think Elisabeth looks very grown-up, but I do not like her dress.

    3. Natan is a Brussels fashion designer, long term designer for the Belgian royal family. If I were Mathilde, I would not be happy that Maxima was also wearing "my" designer.

    4. Natan isn't Mathilde's personal property. The Dutch royals and the Luxembourg have also used his designs for a long time.

  3. All of the Royal Ladies adult and children look very nice. The best look for me is Elisabeth and the Queen. I even like ADss Astrid dress today.

  4. What a lovely family, and everyone is dressed impecably.

  5. Such a lovely family. They all seem very kind and comfortable in their own shoes. Happy Holidays everyone!


  6. Crown Princess Elisabeth dress design makes me dizzy .

  7. Now, is it, or is it not the same jumpsuit as the one we saw on Maxima yesterday?

    1. Its the same color scheme, but in different fabrics. Mathilde is wearing velvet trousers, with a cumberbund. Maxima's belt was more of an oversize bow and her slacks looked like they were wool.

    2. Everyone looks great. Elisabeth's dress is nice. That may have been a tricky fabric to work with; the waist looks tucked and the lower tiers gathered. It has a boatneck and long cuffs on the sleeves. Which element would you change? I like the print of Astrid's dress.

    3. Natan is a Brussels fashion designer, long term designer for the Belgian royal family. If I were Mathilde, I would not be happy that Maxima was also wearing "my" designer.

  8. Que hermosa familia!!, Impecables !! Matilde:Elisabeth y Astrid muy elegantes

  9. Where is Paola? She apparently had a stroke in September. I do not like Elisabeth's dress, it's too old for her, or she's too young for it, whatever way one looks at it, it's not becoming. Not crazy about Astrid's dress either.

  10. Heute hat sie wieder "die macht mich jünger" Frisur. Damit sieht sie immer toll aus. Der Jumpsuit ist schön. Nur sitzt er nicht. Das Oberteil hätte etwas länger sein können und die Hose auch. Es sind nur Nuancen, die ein Designer berücksichtigen müsste. Die anderen sehen alle sehr festlich und froh gestimmt aus.

  11. I don't really understand why Elisabeth went for a long dress? for a day event... I think it would give her a younger style if it were a normal length dress.

  12. Eduard Vermeulen, designer of Natan said in a interview in a Belgian news paper, that Maxima and Mathilde are only wearing the same blouse. Mathilde is wearing Armani pants, Maxima is wearing Natan pants. The designer gave Mathilde advice on this outfit, but not Maxima.

  13. robe similaire à celle de la princesse Elisabeth, portée ce dimanche par Natasha Saint Pierre dans Vivement Dimanche chez Michel Drucker mais du bleu la place du gris et décolleté en V au lieu de raz du cou ; beaucoup plus seyant je trouve


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