Spanish Royal family got together at 80th birthday of Queen Sofia

Emeritus Queen Sofia of Spain celebrates her 80th birthday today. On November 2, 2018, Spanish Royal Family celebrated 80th birthday of Queen Sofia, with a special lunch at Zarzuela Palace. King Juan Carlos, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia, Infanta Elena, Felipe de Marichalar, Victoria de Marichalar, Infanta Cristina, Juan, Pabln, Irene and Miguel Urdangarín attended the lunch.
King Juan Carlos, King Felipe, Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor, Infanta Sofia, Infanta Elena, Infanta Cristina, Juan, Pabln, Irene and Miguel

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  1. Anonymous2/11/18 18:56

    Royalty fan

    Oh, so nice to see Christina again, and her children! My, have they grown! And also Elena, with her children

  2. Anonymous2/11/18 19:44

    Probably very special for Sophia to have her children and grandchildren with her for her birthday. Like Letizia's dress!

  3. What a lovely family portrait!

    It's a little thing, but I am a bit surprised that the boys don't know how to wear a tie neatly.

    1. Few men seem to know how to wear a tie neatly these days, even when you look at today´s princes like Fredrik, Daniel etc. I have always thought it looks messy to have a non-symmetrical knot.
      These boys however are forgiven in my view, they are still young, and they hardly ever wear ties. They probably hardly even wear suits. The boy behind Felipe had me chuckle because of his highwater trousers and way too small jacket. He´s so clearly outgrown it, which confirms for me that suit-and-tie-wearing occasions are few and far between for him.

    2. Anonymous3/11/18 02:04

      Boys will be boys! Reminds me of the teens in my family at family weddings.

  4. Anonymous2/11/18 20:35

    How nice to see the whole family together, on the occasion of Q Sofias 80st Birthday.I hope everyone enjoyed the Celebrations.

  5. Anonymous2/11/18 20:37

    the dress looks too young for her (Letizia).

    1. Anonymous2/11/18 23:17

      Infanta Sofia looks best dressed to me.

    2. Anonymous2/11/18 23:24

      Is interesting how people have different taste, I love the dress but with a different leggins lol. I appreciate your coment☺️

    3. she looks more of a little girl than her daughters -

  6. Anonymous2/11/18 21:53

    Beautiful !

  7. It's wonderful to see all (or almost)the family together to celebrate the birthday of Queen Sophia! I think Queen Sophia must be very happy! She likes to have all the Family around her! And all the grand children are so grown up!

  8. Για τη Βασίλισσα Σοφία:
    Ευτυχισμένα γενέθλια, ο Θεός πάντα σας δίνει υγεία και ζείτε πολλά ακόμα χρόνια!
    Panos Emirzian.

  9. I think they look all good here. About Leonore and Sofia, kids grow so much their own way, these two are still totally children and we should let them be so.

  10. Anonymous3/11/18 15:02

    I love that Leonor and Sophia were wearing the same dresses they wore for National Day. It's just like any mom would say, "We just bought that dress for you and it's clean, so wear it again!"

  11. Anonymous4/11/18 13:14

    I hope this was a nice reunion for all of them, I am sure Queen Sophia was very happy.

  12. Anonymous5/11/18 21:37

    Happy birthday to Sophia! I wish she had worn a dress with more color and better fit. Letizia's dress is pretty, classic, and understated.


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