Spanish Queen Sofia celebrates her 80th birthday today

Today is November 2 and Spanish Queen Sofia celebrates her 80th birthday. Emeritus Queen Sofia performed duty as the Queen of Spain between the years of 1975 and 2014 during the reign of her husband King Juan Carlos. Queen Sofía is the first child of King Paul of Greece and Frederica of Hanover. This evening, an 80th birthday celebration concert will be held in honour of Queen Sofia at Reina Sofia School of Music in Madrid. Happy 80th birthday to you, Queen Sofia of Spain.
Queen Sofía is the first child of King Paul of Greece and Frederica of Hanover. 80th birthday celebration concert. Queen Letizia, Princess Leonor

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  1. She had no easy live. One thing is for sure: she always lived by the motto "Duty first"! May she have a wonderful birthday today.

    1. Born princess of Greece,she became Queen of Spain and I am sure she was perfect for this position.
      Daughter,mother,sister of Kings!
      Her life with Juan Carlos was not happy,but she has a fantastic son!

      She is very natural and sweet lady,I know that because her sister princess Irene is the Godmother of my niece,so we have met them privately.They are both adorable!
      Happy Birthday to Her Majesty Queen Sofia,I wish her all the best!

    2. Actually I think she and Juan Carlos did marry of love. Red somewhere a story how Sofia showed some judo movments to Juan Carlos when they met and got him down.

  2. Happy Birthday to Queen Sofia.

    Actually, today is November 2 Hellen Electra.

  3. Sofia van Griekenland, koningin van Spanje: één van de allerlaatsten...…..

  4. She and Queen Sonja of Norway seem incredibly youthful at their age, and I think that their dedication to the important role they fulfill has helped to keep them vital and engaged with life. Happy Birthday, emeritus Queen Sofia!

  5. Anonymous2/11/18 15:45

    A milestone Birthday today for Q Sofia of Spain. Happy 80st to a very lovely Lady.

  6. Anonymous2/11/18 17:44

    What a great woman,queen and mother.No wards can describe her.Happy birthday Queen Sofia.

  7. Anonymous2/11/18 18:12

    All the best for this special day 🎁

  8. MUY FELIZ CUMPLEAÑOS SU MAJESTAD REINA SOFIA, por muchos más plenos:recogiendo lo que Ud. sembró: el amor de su familia, y el gran amor y honra de su pueblo

  9. Coincido totalmente con Anónimo 8:44

  10. Happy anniversery to the lovely Spanish former Queen. She looks, as always, beautiful. Allways correctly dressed for the occation.
    And for her performance, she seems to be a wonderful grandmother. Kind and mild : <3


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