Queen Elizabeth opens the new Headquarters of Schroders

On November 7, 2018, Queen Elizabeth II visited Schroders plc Headquarters in London. The multinational asset management company was founded 214 years ago – and today The Queen opened its new headquarters near The Barbican. During the visit, The Queen met several members of staff. Schroders plc is a British multinational asset management company, founded in 1804.
  1. Anonymous7/11/18 17:59

    She is in a league of her very own. Glad to see to look so good. GSTQ

  2. Such beautiful colors on the Queen and the lady (lady in waiting?) who is holding the bouquet. Both ladies look tremendously elegant. The velvet trim on QE's ensemble (can't tell if it's black or navy), with matching accessories, is a very striking and effective accent.

  3. Anonymous7/11/18 20:08

    You go girl!! LOL. I mean, what can I say? :)

  4. Anonymous7/11/18 20:20

    The Queen looks lovely.

  5. Anonymous7/11/18 23:38

    Elegant as always. Beautiful Lady.

  6. Brightens my day just to see her lovely bright outfits and even lovelier smile.

  7. What a sweet smile even in her blue eyes...


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