Queen Silvia and Madeleine attended Childhood Foundation's seminar

On October 03, 2018, Queen Silvia and Princess Madeleine of Sweden attended "Out of the Shadows: Shining Light on Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation" seminar held by The World Childhood Foundation at UN Headquarters in New York. Goverment leaders, academicians and representatives of non-governmental organizations and private sector attended the seminar. The seminar aimed to stop child sexual abuse and violence against children by establishing global partnerships.
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor black boucle tweed fit and combo work office dress, Chloe Scalloped pumps, Balenciaga envelope clutch
Princess Madeleine wore Rebecca Taylor Black Boucle Tweed Fit and Combo Work Office Dress
Rebecca Taylor Black Boucle Tweed Fit and Combo Work Office Dress
Princess Madeleine carried Balenciaga Classic Envelope Clutch BagPrincess Madeleine wore Chloe Scalloped Ankle Strap d'Orsay Pump
                     Balenciaga Envelope Clutch Bag                                  Chloe d'Orsay Pumps

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  1. Anonymous4/10/18 12:57

    Both of them look very pretty and you can feel their closeness from the pictures. Love how Quen Silvia leans on her daughter's shoulder.

  2. Anonymous4/10/18 13:05

    Both ladies look very good here. I esp like Silvia's arm on Madeleine's shoulder in the first pic, such a cute, normal mom thing that many of us do to our grown children.

  3. What lovely to see Madeleine after long time.She has three children but she still looks as girl.Maybe the reasons are femine outfit and brighter hair.She is again blonde !

  4. Koningin Sylvia moet haar kapsel wat beter ordenen en beetje korter laten knipppen, dat zie je ook bij haar volgende bezoek .

  5. Both ladies look very well. And I love Madeleine's shoes! So pretty!

  6. Both ladies look great each in her style. I hope Madie is again happy in the US, the right surrounding does not seem to be so easy to find for that couple.

  7. This hair color is very becoming to Madeline.

  8. Anonymous4/10/18 19:06

    Great to see Madeleine again. She looks so beautiful and I love her dress and shoes. Lovely to see mother and daughter working together.

  9. Anonymous4/10/18 19:39

    Both Ladies have their own classic look. Very nice indeed.

  10. Anonymous4/10/18 21:33

    They both look great, but Madeleine's dress is maybe a bit too cute for the occasion. Again, I think for this type of event, a sober business outfit is in order.

  11. The three royal ladies, the Queen, the Crown Princess and Princess Madeleine are fantastic representatives for Sweden, they all have grace, knowledge about matters at hand, are well spoken and well educated in all matters concerning whatever matter they are involved in. Not just window dressing.

  12. I don't like Madeleines dress. The colour (what colour?) washes her out (if you know what I mean - not sure if this is correct english...)

  13. Anonymous5/10/18 10:52

    Madeleine and Silvia seem always so close and loving, its great they share mutual love for WCF. Its sad Madeleine and her family are so far away, I'm sure Silvia misses her a lot. Hope they will soon return back to Sweden and then they stay for good. Miss seeing Madeleine around more often!

  14. Anonymous7/10/18 13:31

    I think Madeleine doesn't work and appers only when it suits her


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