King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima's state visit to the UK

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima of The Netherlands are making a state visit to United Kingdom on October 23-24 as the guests of Queen Elizabeth II. Dutch King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are greeted by Prince Charles, Prince of Wales and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall at The Dutch Ambassadors Residence in London. Afterwards, the Royal Couple were welcomed by Queen Elizabeth II with a state ceremony held at Horse Guards Parade in London. The last State Visit from the Netherlands was by Queen Beatrix and Prince Claus in 1982. The first day of the visit will close with a state banquet at Buckingham Palace.
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
Queen Elizabeth II, Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall. state banquet at Buckingham Palace. Maxima wore a new jacket by Claes Iversen
  1. I think Maxima fits very well in her roll . She is just amazing.

    1. So true. I love her style. Especially her today's hairdo. She fits her role very well.

    2. O was thinking exactly the same. She was born a Queen.
      I LOVE this two beautiful ladies.

  2. Nice textural contrast on the coat. Wish she had worn a brimmed hat. Camilla looks fabulous.

    1. Camilla looks very bad. The dark ensemble devours her. She looks mugh older than her years, as does Charles, who looks quite paunchy in these photos. QEII looks beautiful and very lively.

  3. The Queen and King look fantastic!

  4. The queen looks fantastic, as always <3
    Maxima and Camilla also look fab.
    Saw other pics, with Camillas curtsy to Maxima and Highlight: Maxima kissing the queen!

    I'm really excited for the pics of the banquet, hope, Kate & William will attend, too

    (omg, I wish I could wear my hair the way, Maxima has in this pics..)

    1. The queen? There are two queens in these pictures.

    2. Oh yes, looking forward to the state banquet.

  5. Beautiful! Her hair is like a big flower (England’s Rose?) very nice twist on her usual hairstyle.
    I love the dresscoat and hairband, both an obvious nod to the Classic British style but with a modern interpretation! I’m very curious if she’ll bring out the full Stuart tiara tonight

  6. everyone looks great! Love Maxima's outfit, quite subdued for her usual. Look at how nice she and her Majesty are greeting each other - they both seem so happy to see the other one. Such a happy occasion. I am sure Britain will benefit - in particular as the need for bi-lateral agreements and strong relationships is stronger than ever (given Brexit's almost failure).

    Can't wait to see the State Banquet outfits. Does everyone else remember Letizia's navy dress from a couple of years ago? It's still possibly my favourite white tie outfit.


    1. actually, it was the Guildhall banquet that Letizia wore that dress to - I stand corrected. Here's a link to the Telegraph picture (btw, I didn't like her choice of earrings, but that dress is still one of my favourites.


  7. Both Queens are looking chic. Q Elizabeth can wear any color and she looks grand. Q Maxima's outfit sort of blend in,she should have woren a strong color to stick out. Dss Camilla is her elegant self today again.

  8. They all look fantastic. The colour of Maxima's outfit is a little bland but he hat and hair are just amazing. Like Her Majesty's purple best of the lot (even though she is 91!)

    1. She is 92!

    2. Actually she's 92... And a half! :)

    3. OOPs, sorry. I did know that. Mixed her up with my mother's age! :-(

  9. Being Dutch, I'm very proud of charming Maxima and WA as a team!
    The published photo nr4 here says it all: WA is the king and Maxima plays the more modest role with grace!

  10. Ooh, very unfortunate side photos of Maxima with the huge mistake of that huge belt that hits her boobs. Poor fit on top as usual; the darts are higher than where her boobs are. JMO.

  11. Ils sont bien grands les néerlandais ! Charles est rarement ainsi dépassé ! La reine Elisabeth n'en parlons pas !

  12. The Stuart will be out tonight!!!

  13. Both Queen Elizabeth and Queen Maxima look wonderful. They share a bond and it's evidenced by the closeness with which they greeted each other. I think Maxima chose to dress down just a bit. Her ensemble isn't bland just a tad dressed down.

  14. This look is so nice! Suits her well.

  15. Maxima is just Amazing! Very well dressed and very well in her role as a queen!

  16. Love, love Maxima's outfit today!! so evocative of the times when women dressed so sofisticated and feminine. Good choice of color as not to upstage Queen Elizabeth, great hair piece and fantastic hair. I generally don't like Camilla's style, but she is all right today.

  17. Very elegant and appropriate from Maxima today. I love the collar on her dress, the colour is flattering and fabric looks beautiful. There is obviously a warmth and fondness between the two Royal Houses, everybody looks very friendly.

  18. Wow, both queens fantastic, for maxima this is a surprise. Can someone tell me why the queen and Camilla took their hats off? I believe is a no-no, but of course they know better, just wandering

  19. Everyone looks great! The Queen is obviously enjoying the visit. Camilla looks sharp in the navy w/white trim. She has mastered understated elegance. At least one of Maxima's outfits will make more of a statement at some point during the visit; that we already know.

  20. It’s very fitting that William and Maxima greet Charles and Camilla in the room with the portraits of William and Mary. Mary was an English princess who married her Dutch first cousin, William of Orange.? Together they became co-rulers of England. Max wore the Stuart tiara this evening which dates back to William and Mary. Lots of symbolism all around.

  21. Me gusta Máxima, Camilla:muy elegantes

  22. I wonder how it feels for Charles meeting such a "young" King?

    They all look very smart, both ladies and gents. I would have loved to hear what the person is telling the Queens and King about.

  23. Nice photos! I love QM outfit.... cool head piece, colours, as said .. textures, lovely.

  24. Ooops ! A rare miss for Camilla , too short , too black , too glittery !


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